Comments For Do Over
SJane (Signed) on Nov 29, 2008 08:36 pm (Vacation)
Ohohoh I think this may be the best vacation ever lol im so excited

mzmillion (Signed) on Nov 29, 2008 02:52 pm (Vacation)
omg omg omg, it was so sweet....girl you know you gotta update soon, please.

Shufflee (Signed) on Nov 29, 2008 12:38 pm (Vacation)

Author's Response: AMEN! lol

mscomplex (Signed) on Nov 29, 2008 12:15 pm (Vacation)
*dies* Can't WAIT for the next chapter. Great job! (:

Shronda (Anonymous) on Nov 29, 2008 11:56 am (Vacation)
OMG ii love iit love iit LOVE IIT!!!!!!!!!! Hurry and update..Im iin love wit this story its great love Justin & Sash!!!!!!

izzy (Anonymous) on Nov 29, 2008 11:53 am (Snow)
i don't like that justin is playing with her emoutions like that. He just needs to decide who he wants to be with and just do it already. I just want a happy ending for sash.

MissTasha (Signed) on Nov 29, 2008 11:50 am (Vacation)
She iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis his vacation. *sassy dance* Love it. Jess is on her way OUT. I approve. *sassy dance* Please update soon.

princess (Anonymous) on Nov 29, 2008 11:35 am (Vacation)
ooooh, he gone get in trouble.  Somebody needs to tell his momma.  THat is the thing about guys... when they make a decision they never stick to it.  He chose the other girl so he should stick to that, leave her alone, and let her get over him.  This is weaving an oh so tangled web that will only lead to a cacophony of heartbreak and anger.  Waiting for the catastrophe to occur.   More really really really soon please

Shufflee (Signed) on Nov 28, 2008 03:56 am (Goodbye)
No update????? :(

anomaly88 (Signed) on Nov 18, 2008 11:17 pm (Truth)


I'm speechless. Well, actually, I yelled a few profanities at the end job...

Keediluv (Signed) on Nov 12, 2008 10:43 am (Goodbye)
Girl I had a hectic few weeks and couldn't catch up until just now.  OMG!!  I'm just shocked (though I knew it was coming).  I guess poor Justin is tired of fighting against the cheating but what happens to our girl now?!  I feel so bad for her.  Please make sure she'll be okay because a person can only take so much!  Great update!

Tash2 (Signed) on Nov 10, 2008 11:05 pm (Goodbye)
Oh you are should be shot dead for making me cry like that and was so damn sad it saw so horrible and needs to be mended right the hell now cause my fucking heart is broken and it's yo fault!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Nov 10, 2008 09:26 pm (Goodbye)

:'( *sniffles* That was heart breaking. What a totally fucked up birthday Sash had to have. Justin is an imbecile. I mean, I cried because I felt his pain as well as Sash. I understand how messed up the situation is. I get what he said about Jess and he still loves her and they have history but dude! She cheated on you! Who is to say if she didn't lose the baby she would have told you? UGH!!!! What a douche.

I'm so freaking torn between the two of them LOL. I want him to stay, but get that he can't and it's just so fucking complicated that I want to punch them both. Justin for being dumb and Sash for having too much pride and not letting him know exactly how he killed her. Guh, but what can I say? That's drama for you. lol.

But seriously? I hope when he leaves he's so miserable that he can't even get back into his normal life. I hope he totally misses Sash to the point where he can't eat, sleep or think straight! Then, he needs to open up his stupid little mind and really sit his ass down and analyse his life and possible future with Jess and then Sash and really dig deep in his heart and see who would be better for him. I feel for them all. Poor bastards. They're really pissing me off. Sorry for ranting like that. That was just so damn depressing and sad. lol. Love it! Amazing as usual. Update soon! :)

Author's Response: don't you just hate drama and sadness??? i do want to punch them both. i still want to. wtf, right? i'm writing this thing and i don't understand either one of them, LOL and as far as the miserable thing goes....dun dun dunnnnnnnn! is that the sound they make in the movies before a dramatic little scene? idk, lol

Laura123 (Signed) on Nov 10, 2008 08:10 pm (Goodbye)

he's just stupid for getting back with jessica.

and this story better end with a happy ending. 

princess (Anonymous) on Nov 10, 2008 07:23 pm (Goodbye)
I think I hate you. AND Justin.  He is wrong for that shit. i swear.

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