Comments For Waking Up In Vegas
Hollie (Signed) on May 19, 2009 01:05 pm (Chapter 28: Acceptance)

Oh bullshit. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life. He was trying to help? By being a total jackass and destroying their reputations?


I'm putting odds on a certain person to be that second PA of hers, but for fear of giving away the game and/or unduly influencing the author I shall keep my guess to myself. I promise I'll cough up to it if I'm wrong *lol*

Author's Response:

haha he was indeed a jackass, but it does seem to have helped, even if only in small doses.

lol, you just may be right. i don't think the new PA will be much of a surprise to anyone, it just seemed like the natural course of action, atleast in my dysfunctional brain anyway. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing lady! i appreciate it more than ya know!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on May 19, 2009 10:45 am (Chapter 28: Acceptance)

I think its about time for Madison to kiss Justin good bye because she's keeping way to many things from him not to mention she just rehired the person who helped ruin his career. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. PMS

Author's Response:

haha, you just might be right! who knows! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it bunches!

nikoleoncld9 (Anonymous) on May 19, 2009 10:10 am (Chapter 28: Acceptance)
This day just keeps getting better and better. First I ruin the morning for a co-worker, then I throw another co-worker under the bus (metaphorically speaking of course) – sue me, I have cramps and my meds really haven’t kicked in yet. Give me a few moments and I should be less evil.

And then I get this little gift. I loved it. I have hated JC for the last, oh I don’t know how many chapters, but it’s good to see that what he was doing was actually trying to help them…even if he went about it the wrong way. Is it kind of wrong that when I was reading the “excerpts” from the book and when JC was talking about Johnny, I saw in my head a picture of Justin, Madison and JC linked arms (like Red Rover) – like a wall – standing up to Johnny. Maybe the meds have kicked in.

Either way, again, I told you, your updates always make me smile. :)

Author's Response:

LOL! cramps are for sure an excuse to wreak havoc on the world around you, and get away with it.

haha yes! i'm so, so, so glad that jc being not ALL bad translated the way i wanted to. sure he was stupid and went about things kind of screwy, but it worked.

lol, the red rover thing just had me cracking up!

aww... thank ya lady! i appreciate it bunches. it blows my mind that you guys actually enjoy all my crazy twisted ideas!

xKiKix (Anonymous) on May 19, 2009 09:54 am (Chapter 28: Acceptance)
i'm kinda relieved that jc didnt write bullshit about maddie and justin's life. thats good. but i feel sorry for justin because maddie will be spending less time with him soon. poor him. but still a great chapter!!

Author's Response:

haha yeah, i couldn't have jc being a bad guy... it just didn't seem right. lol.

and oh yes... justin's about to get hit with all kinds of stuff that will probably make him none too thrilled!

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate ya sticking with all my insanity!

MochaB (Signed) on May 10, 2009 05:47 pm (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)
JC...I just want to slap him. He is hung up on his own self. Talking about everything is about justin; well his whole reasons for doing this is based off of his own anger for what justin did. He was trying to save his client and knew what beth was doing all along?!? Ummm...what? That is stupid! The book may actually have good things to say. Maybe not. We don't know yet. But his reasoning behind it is crap if you ask me. Now come from how they treated to each other to him saying she's worth him giving up music and going through this crap is huge. Extremely sweet and definitely has love behind it. I hope they come out on top. *sigh* haha. Can't wait to read the rest of this truth. Update soon!! :o)

Author's Response:

lol right you are lady. jc's got his reasons for doing the things he's done, even if they are a little backwards.

and i'm so, so, so, so glad justin's "growth" is coming across so clearly. i wanted his turn around to be kind of subtle most of the way through, but i wanted it to really show when it mattered the most, so i'm totally psyched to hear it worked! haha.

anywho.... thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a TON!

Ally (Signed) on May 10, 2009 03:13 pm (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)

i knew JC had issues.  

*shakes head* 

but i wanna know what the book says. 

Author's Response:

haha, he does have some issues, that's for sure! lol.

all shall be revealed soon my dear, i promise! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing! i appreciate it bunches!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on May 07, 2009 12:06 am (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)
*cue the Rocky theme song*

Amazing! Gah, I was building myself up for some Timberlake/Chasez ass WHOOPin time didn't happen. Why? LOL. He's such a freaking douche bag for doing all that. I thought he had at least a lil bit of decency! Oh well...I CAN'T WAIT TO READ WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!

*continue Rocky Theme song*

*imagines Justin shirtless in one of those robe thingys with the hood n doing his fake jabs*

Author's Response:

lol... i just couldn't bring myself to write a jt/jc brawl... no matter how evil i make jc, i still love him, and wouldn't dream of mangaling that face... even if it is justin doing it. lol

haha oh my god... i'm LOVING the rocky reference, and you have offically given me the best mental picture ever! haha... i can totally see justin in the hood and pulling punches. gah... that's just too awesome. lol.

anywho... thank ya my dear. your reviews never fail to have me laughing my ass off, making everyone around me think i'm completely insane for finding my computer screen so amusing. lol.

mzmillion (Signed) on May 06, 2009 06:22 pm (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)
Loving it... I'm so jealous of you writers, I can't seem to work out how to write a long story...

Author's Response:

thank ya hun!

well.. it's not easy, i can tell ya that much. lol. but i'd be glad to help ya with anything if you'd like. my e-mail and aim is, so feel free to send me an e-mail or im some time, i'll help the best i can.

anywho... thanks for reading and reviewing lady! i appreciate it a ton!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on May 06, 2009 05:50 pm (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)
I can't beleive JC tried pulling that I was just trying to help crap. I love this and I'm glad Justin is standing up and finally taking control of his life. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. PMS.

Author's Response:

oh yeah... justin is definitely taking control, and it's about freakin time! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it!

champ (Signed) on May 06, 2009 02:50 pm (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)

Author's Response: thank ya hun! i appreciate it!

glowbug917 (Signed) on May 06, 2009 01:45 pm (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)

Okay, still kind of want to kick JC in the face, but his little comment about the fact that they should read the book before they jump to conclusions is still giving me hope that my theory isn't completely off-base and that perhaps he's more of a sheep in wolf's clothing at this point. I hope I hope I hope.

And sad day that it's almost over! Alright, alright, well, at least there are two others I can nag you about... ;) 

Author's Response:

hmmm... maybe... maybe not. haha. i've got two very different ideas for how this is gonna go, and i'm just not quite sure which way i want to take it.

lol... i haven't totally decided if i'm done with this just yet... i've only got three chapters left in my outline... buuttt... i've still got a crap load of ideas for these two, so we shall see. haha.

Hollie (Signed) on May 06, 2009 12:27 pm (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)
JC = nincompoop. I don't care what he wrote.

Author's Response: lol... nincompoop... i haven't heard that in forever!

MissTasha (Signed) on May 06, 2009 06:40 am (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)
I don't care what JC put in that book. The fact that it even exists is stinky enough. There's no way for him to sugar coat that shit. At all. And the fact that he won't even admit that he's done anything wrong makes me dislike even more. He just plain fails at life. Please update soon.

Author's Response:

lol.. good points, all my dear! haha... fails at life, i freaking love that! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i always look forward to your comments and i appreciate them a ton!

SJane (Signed) on May 06, 2009 03:07 am (Chapter 27: (Part Of) The Truth Comes Out)
Oh I can't wait to see what jc has put in the book like what shit he's going to put on everyone

Author's Response:

haha, i've got some stuff floating around in this crazy brain of mine... that's all i'm sayin! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing lady! i appreciate it a ton!

MochaB (Signed) on May 05, 2009 05:18 pm (Chapter 26: Calm Before The Storm)
haha. but i love the cheese!! i love the product cheese too, but this kind of cheese makes me melt. lol. i like the swoon worthy couple moments, and justin and his word choice for declaring his love made me do just that. so basically jc probably did it cause he actually does/did like maddie just like justin suspected? ugh, i don't know. all i know is that he's a prick and beth is a bia. haha. and the title of this update has me worried about what's going to happen in the next update or so. eeeek! haha. update soon!! :o)

Author's Response:

lol... i gotta admit, i'm pretty partial to the cheese myself. lol.

haha hmm... i dunno... jace is doing some pretty oddball stuff, so we'll see! haha.

oh yeah, there'll be all kinds of fun stuff in the next couple chapters, and they're coming, i promise! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear, i appreciate it tons!

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