alimera (Signed) on Jul 31, 2009 10:38 am (Everything Rides on Hope Now : Chapter Four)
Aww, that would kill me if I were in her position, seriously. I'd be the happiest person in the world with another being growing inside me, but if I didn't have my husband there to share it with me, I'd be a wreck. I hope she finds some comfort in the baby...update again soon!

champ (Signed) on Jul 19, 2009 11:01 pm (Everything Rides on Hope Now : Chapter Four)
keep the chapters coming.

Author's Response: I promise to keep them coming as fast as I can! LOL. Thank you sooo much for reviewing!

kacavendam (Anonymous) on Jul 18, 2009 03:56 am (Everything Rides on Hope Now : Chapter Four)
I like this story it is sad  but in a nice way if that is possible. I am just wondering is there jc anywhere in this story? Since it is writen that the characters are jc and justin.

Author's Response: It's possible! LOL. And yes JC is listed as a character for a reason...I just haven't gotten there yet. But he's going to be making his grand entrance soon, I promise. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to review! It really means a lot!!

katethegreat (Signed) on Apr 16, 2009 12:05 am (Unbearable : Chapter Two)

alright, first off... stomach flu my ass!

if you're cooking up what i think you're cooking up... i can't wait for it, even though it's gonna be sooooo damn sad.

anywho... another excellent chapter my dear.

i love the fact that she's kind of picking up the pieces and trying to move forward, cause lord knows that takes a lot of strength.

and seriously, how awesome is trace? i pretty much adore him in this.

Author's Response: I have no clue what you're talking about! LOL. rnrnYes, picking up the pieces is never easy, but must be done. I tried to make that come across as real as I possibly could. I pulled from my own expierence and others around me that have gone through something similar. I just thought it was time to pull her out of that depressed state and have something good happen to her for a change...whatever that may entail.rnrnTrace! He's pretty awesome! I have to agree! I'm glad you're liking his character! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing this. It means a lot to me!!

Teeny (Signed) on Apr 14, 2009 11:05 am (Unbearable : Chapter Two)
I love it, so I'm tellin' ya!  I admit when I read the first chapter I had my fingers crossed for a miraculous recovery (I get too emotionally involved with characters, I just can't help myself...) but I'm so glad Beth seems to be pulling herself out of the depression and I can't wait to see how she pieces her life together again.  So basically you have to update immediately =)

Author's Response: Thank you sooo much!! I have to admit myself...I went back and forth on making Justin pull through. But I decided to go this route, because the other way was just so cliche, I guess is the word I'm looking for. I chose to go this route because I really like where I'm going with this in my head. I am so glad that you're liking it!

katethegreat (Signed) on Mar 18, 2009 11:04 pm (Chapter Two : Beginning of the End (Pt. 2))

good god woman... what is with the tear-jerkers?!?!?! lol.

i'm loving this more and more, but holy crap... it's so damn depressing!

although... i did get a little shred of hope and thought maybe there was the small possibility he'd wake up. and i was definitely bummed when he didn't :(

anywho... more. now. lol

Author's Response: I know! I know. Depressing stuff, but it wouldn't leave me alone! I tried to think happy thoughts honestly! LOL. Me being the somewhat happy ending loving person that I am ALMOST made him wake up, but fingers obviously had other plans! Sorry! I'm soooo glad you're loving it! You have know idea how much it means to me! It's kinda close to my heart this story. Thanks for reviewing my stuff! I'm not as witty in my responses am I? LOL. I'll get better at this response thing!

alimera (Signed) on Mar 18, 2009 12:04 pm (Chapter Two : Beginning of the End (Pt. 2))
OMG. In tears, cannot write.

Author's Response: I'm sorry! *hands you tissue* Thanks for reading and reviewing! It really means a lot!

Wantan (Signed) on Mar 13, 2009 10:04 pm (Chapter One : Beginning of the End (Pt. 1))

oh... love it!... i mean... it's sad... but i love the story... =)

I'll be waiting an update

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're liking it!

katethegreat (Signed) on Feb 26, 2009 12:05 am (Chapter One : Beginning of the End (Pt. 1))

alright lady... you made me cry! lol.

i guess having been in a similar situation with my grandmother and having to make that same decision, it hit a little close to home.

anywho... you've got my full attention for this one chick! lol. and i love, love, love trace in this! that's definitely the kind of guy you want around during something like this.

alright, enough of my babbling... i'll go patiently wait for more! lol.

Author's Response: I'm sorry I made you cry!! Being in that situation is never easy especially when it's with someone you love. rnrnI'm so glad you're liking it!rnrnI should have more up soon. It's coming along very smoothly. I'm just waiting until I get enough written before I post anymore. Thank you sooo much for reading, and by the way I demand a re-write of that last chapter posted of Waking Up in Vegas!!! That was just...WRONG!

azchickadee (Signed) on Feb 25, 2009 08:26 pm (Chapter One : Beginning of the End (Pt. 1))

Oh my goodness!  *wipes the tears from her face*  Wow...I don't know if I'd be able to ever do that.  How is she going to get through this?  Thank goodness she has family and friends!

Can't wait to find out what happens :)

Author's Response: Me either! Although when you're in situations like that it's hard to see five minutes ahead much less how you're going to make it a few months from now or even a year. The story is coming along very smoothly, and I can't wait for everyone to read what's next! I promise I'll have more up soon!

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