Author's Response: lol thank you! i appreciate it a ton!
Author's Response: lol totally! i agree with ya 110 percent!
Author's Response: lol. i am such an unbelieveable nerd, but i felt it was necessary. i actually saw a clip of the before he cheats music video one time, and it had a disclaimer at the end, so that's sort of where that came from. lol.
this girl is nutty! holy shit...i went back and forth between cracking the hell up and going "seriously, institutionalize the woman!"
i'm giving myself away here but i don't care. this totally reminded me of the episode of gilmore girls when lorelai and rory devil-egg Jess's car, haha. love it, lady.
Author's Response:
lol! she could totally use some help in the mental health department.
haha, i never actually saw that episode but it sounds about right. lol.
thank ya my dear. i appreciate it TONS!
Author's Response: lol thank ya lady!
Author's Response:
lol! aww... thank ya hun! this idea has been bugging the crap out of me for like ever.
haven't actually thought about doing a part two, but hmmm.... wheels are turning now. lol
thanks for reading and reviewing!