Jbear (Signed) on Jul 06, 2009 01:04 am (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)
So I'm pretty sure everyone is all on Mads side about this whole thing which I can understand that because I mean yea Justin was a bit of an ass about things but Madison does have her faluts in this whole thing and she so need to calm down just a bit. Now is for the whole Ryan thing that is just about to make things 20 times worse and I hope she knows what she's doing! Plz update soon!!

Author's Response:

haha, right you are! they're both at fault and they're too damn proud to admit it. haha and yeah... ryan won't be helping matters what so ever.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

sexylove91 (Signed) on Jul 06, 2009 12:24 am (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)
so wait is ryan some drug dealer or something? i feel like this is gonna end up making things worse!!! man but justin did a shady thing and she has all the right to be pissed!!!

Author's Response:

not a drug dealer per say, he's just...a bad influence, we'll go with that. lol. and right you are... things are going to get far worse from here on out.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jul 05, 2009 04:22 pm (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)

Uh oh.  That does not sound good.  And I hate myself for saything this, but I think I agree with Justin a little.  Damn you for making me see both sides!! lol

Now...let's just hope these 'little white pills' don't hurt Maddison at all. *crosses fingers*

Author's Response:

lol, ah i know... i am pure evil! haha.

and as far as the pills... we shall see! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Jul 05, 2009 04:03 am (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)
I know she may trust Ryan but is she really stupid enough to just take 2 random pills? honestly...and Justin and Madison are both acting like little kids...well i guess mostly madison but i can understand where she's coming from. Fix them please!!! Loved it! Update soon!

Author's Response:

haha oh yeah... she's that stupid, apparently. lol.

and right you are... they've both got the immaturity on full display right about now.

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a bunch!

MochaB (Signed) on Jul 05, 2009 12:31 am (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)
Ohmyfreakingdgosh...you're kidding right? This girl did not just take some pills, painkillers or not. This is about to go totally bad. I just know it. All this crap is stacking, and she just took some pills. And what's up with justin shoving her and throwing a magazine at her?!? I was like this fool has most def lost what little was left of his mind! I'd been done gone off and knocked him out for doing that to me! Haha. He definitely is still feeling resentment over the jc issue and her forgiving him. They never talked that over. And I don't think he has fully grasped that he's being like jc. And I think the biggest problem is that they aren't talking things out. Just pushing them to the side or to the back, blowing over them, etc. but never fully forgetting. Like they're just waiting for the next fight to take place so they can pull a past issue to the front to make them look better or prove their point, but it only makes things worse. And of course they both have tons of pride. Lol what did I say when I first commented? Hmmmm...oh yeah! They're so f-ed. Lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

haha, you are so, so, so right! everything is kind of building up and it's just a matter of time before it blows up in their faces. so, we'll see what kind of craziness i can come up with for that! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 11:44 pm (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)
Way to go Justin. I hope he's proud of himself and I hope his new artist keeps him warm at night. I really hope that Madison doesn't start taking those on a regular basis, but I have a feeling that's not going to be the case. I love this, PMS

Author's Response:

haha hmm.. i dunno... madison isn't exactly using her brain at the moment, so we shall see!

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a bunch!

meggie (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 11:36 pm (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)
oh god no!!! kate - what the F is she doing?!? i'm freaking out because i've got a very very VERY bad feeling about this. between the fight with justin and the 'painkillers' from ryan....i'm actually feeling kinda sick to my stomach about the whole thing.  i would ask you to fix it but i really think you like to torture us so here's hoping *finges crossed*

Author's Response:

haha, i so love to torture you guys... that's just the way my twisted brain works! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing lady! i appreciate it a bunch!

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 11:00 pm (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)

D: Madison's transforming into a typical bad girl. Nuuu~

I don't exactly blame her for wanting to not feel bad and I get how you can feel overwhelmed by situation and not do anything about it but drugs = bad idea. I sense this might spiral out of control later on. *w*; And it's just sad that they're fighting again but like I said bring on the drama. I hate it when misunderstandings happen between couples but they're both equally to blame for it.  And also, I feel as though Keri's about to unleash her claws and do something Madison and/or Justin won't particularly like.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Lovely update as always :)

Author's Response:

haha, that she is!

and right you are my dear... they're both on a downward spiral for different reasons and it's not gonna be pretty, that much is for sure. and keri is definitely just kind of waiting in the wings at the moment... so we'll see! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a ton!

shan030709 (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 09:27 pm (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)
Oh no!!!  Doesn't sound too great :(  Can't wait to read more!!!

Author's Response:

haha, definitely not!

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a bunch!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 06:47 pm (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)
I actually like this potentially tragic drug abuse turn of events. Me likey. I want them to break up, too. Justin needs to learn his lesson and, clearly, the break isn't helping with that. He's just as much of a fucked-up-priority-douchebag as he was before. Tough love is in order. He must suffer! *evil laugh* Please update soon.

Author's Response:

LOL! ah... woman you are just as evil as i am! haha. but... you are correct. the shit's about to hit the fan and it won't be good for any of them. haha. and i love, love, love the evil laugh!

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 05:05 pm (Chapter 7: Old Habits Die Hard)

What. The. FUCK. 

This is going nowhere good! goddamnit woman!

ugh. now i'm all anxious.

okay, must form coherent thought: justin is a giant douche right now. awful things he said to her and he might be in managerial mode and all, and may even have a few good points, but fuck if he knows how to express them properly.

but all i keep coming back to is the fucking pills and her reasoning for taking them and holy hell is this not going to end well.

you are never allowed to yell at me for cliffhangers again, mmk?

anyway, you know i loved it, as per.  

Author's Response:

haha... i am evil, you know this!

and you just might be right... miss madison seems to have landed herself on a downward spiral and it won't be pretty.

ah, yes... justin is definitely a giant douche right about now.. but would you expect any less of him? haha.

and i still say this was not a cliffhanger! lol

champ (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 12:03 pm (Chapter 6: The Aftermath)
great update!!

Author's Response: thank ya love! i appreciate it a ton!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Jul 02, 2009 12:34 am (Chapter 6: The Aftermath)
I hate to freaking say it...but all i heard was wah wah wah wah wah...but I do get where he was coming from. But still? How can you justify that shit? There's no way. What he's doing to Madison is not fair to her or to him but especially her. He wants to point fingers and talk about her bottling up shit? I say pot meet kettle.

Author's Response:

haha yeah... i wanted it to have a bit of conflict... i wanted him to come across as the moron, but i wanted him to have a few valid points too, so i'm glad that worked!

lol, oh yes... he's becoming a hypocrite in a big way, that's for sure! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing lady! i appreciate it a bunch!

MochaB (Signed) on Jul 01, 2009 11:45 pm (Chapter 6: The Aftermath)
Heyoooooo!! Lol that's what I'm talking about! Tell it madison! When she slapped him I had to laugh. Man. What an idiot justin is. Like...huge idiot. Being just like his good old buddy jc. Haha. And as if this whole situation isn't already annoying enough, they don't even know much about fleetwood mac or their songs!! Seriously?!? And they are part of this? And last time I checked justin is the ceo of his label and her manager so he's kind of the boss, so I'd like to think that he honestly didn't have to agree to this. I know he didn't. I don't see things getting better any time soon. Justin's sudden desire to be the new jc and keri are the roots of the problems. *sigh* just...he's an idiot. Lol update soon!

Author's Response:

haha, exactly! he seems to forget he's the one in charge, and even further to that point... he didn't have to even tell keri he'd turned down the show, but... he's a boy, and by default... he's an idiot. lol. and oh yeah... there's a big blow up coming, i can promise ya that much! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a ton!

Hollie (Signed) on Jul 01, 2009 04:27 pm (Chapter 6: The Aftermath)

So... I think he's full of shit. Not even because of MAdison's connection with Fleetwood Mac and the way he totally did all this behind her back when she should have been consulted (personal and professional do not always have to be mutually exclusive, healthy people factor both in okay Justin?), but because he turned it down for a good reason but then Keri threw a bitch fit because she's impatient and Justin thinks this is reason to bow to her?He knows better than anyone that the manager's job is not just to bow to the client.

Umm, I don't like that. It's not about that throwing whatever opportunity she can get into the mix, it's about the right one. I know I sure as hell wouldn't debut a brand new artist on a show like that surrounded by big name stars, especially one she could only get onto if I as a big name agreed to be the draw for her. Doesn't bode well, does it, if she needs him to get a gig?


Also don;t think it bodes well that he's willing to so disregard Madison over it. He's supposed to love her, but he really doesn't get that what he did was a total stab in the back and would have been even if she didn't irrationally hate Keri?


More. Now. Please.

Author's Response:

LOL! this totally made my day lady!

haha... you're right on all points... get out of my head woman! lol. but... those are all the little details justin has overlooked, and they may just come back to bite him in the ass in a big way.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a bunch!

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