Comments For The Space Between
IllBeGoodForYou (Signed) on Nov 16, 2020 10:37 pm (Chapter 11)

I know I am like 10 years late to your story but I am SO in love with all these characters. I cannot stop thinking about the entire series wow!!!!!!!! So inspiring so pure so lovely. I absolutely love these characters and cannot stop thinking about them! Thank you for putting so much time, effort and thought into these beautiful stories. I am in awe. This is my favorite line that I CANNOT stop thinking about and is my favorite in the entire Crazy Love series, " I don't know how to make her understand." Justin replied. I'm the unworthy one. I'm the one who doesn't measure up." (Chapter 11 - The Space Between)

JDodd (Signed) on Jun 03, 2011 10:18 pm (Chapter 17)
This is my second time through this series.  I love the relationship Aubrey and Justin have!  I also love how you mention FictionLyn.  She was one of my favorites!  I still go back and read her stuff occasionally.  Rachel was totally right in hitting JC.  He was such a punk about that break up!

Evelina (Anonymous) on Nov 06, 2010 11:40 pm (Chapter 17)
It's been awhile since I've read something that's made me laugh.  But your fan fiction scene had me cracking up!  Great scene! :)

heartsevolve (Signed) on Jun 29, 2010 08:04 pm (Chapter 3)

"Yes you are." He interrupted.  "I can see it in your eyes.  I love you." He stated emphatically.  "And I know you love me and that's all that matters.  This is just a house."

God, he knows her so well. I love it.

Author's Response: sigh....he's pretty much perfect :)

PharmDgrl11 (Signed) on Dec 08, 2009 03:36 pm (Chapter 17)

"Ow!  What the hell?!" JC exclaimed, rubbing at his shoulder as he looked at her in question.  "What was that for?"

"You broke up with her?" Rachel replied hotly.  "I can't believe you broke up with her!"

"What?!" JC asked, completely confused.  "Broke up with who?"

"Miranda!" Rachel answered.  "You know, you can be a little thick sometimes but I didn't think you were thatno idea what she was talking about.  "How could you break up with her?"

I laughed out loud when I read this part, only because I read that exact story and the one about Justin that follows it right before I started reading your series!  I like the humor you interjected.  I love your're so descriptive:-)  

Author's Response: yea!  I new reader/reviewer!  :)  I love fictionlyn's stories and I'm glad I made you laugh, that was my intent with that whole scene!  lol...

Jaimie (Anonymous) on Nov 24, 2009 09:51 am (Epilogue)
Dang! I loved every second of each of these stories!!!! You are such a wonderful author! you capture so many little things into the story that actually end up being huge! You descrided each charactor so well and I enjoyed reading each one of them! I'm sad its over, but every story must end I suppose lol. Can't wait for another! :) P.s You should do another JC story. There aren't to many out there.  lol :)

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Nov 23, 2009 09:30 pm (Epilogue)
Ok so I am depending on you for making another one! LOL. I wanna see the years of baby making! LOL. Just kidding. What a perfect tie together this was! Like a nice little bow on top of a package! Loved it!

champ (Signed) on Nov 22, 2009 04:45 pm (Epilogue)
AWESOME!! Hope you come up with another story!!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Nov 22, 2009 02:22 am (Epilogue)
The ending was perfect! I loved it! I'm really sad to see this end but I enjoyed reading it from the beginning. Thank you for your wonderful writing!

Vikki (Signed) on Nov 21, 2009 09:45 pm (Epilogue)

He was the perfect catch and Rachel suddenly wanted to get them together--to see if there was a spark of any sort.

lmao.... same ol' Rachel!

this was absolutely adorable.... I didn't think you'd give us a flash foward but it was such an amazing surprise and absolutely perfect.

and I feel like crying now.... i dont know if I'm ready for this saga to be over lol! i love them all sooooooo much, I dont wanna say goodbye *pouts*.

I think I'm gonna end up having a Rachel/JC/Aubrey/Justin marathon one weekend and re-read all three stories lol!

Thank you... I've had such a great time reading them and seeing these wonderful characters grow, fall, and get back up again. Their love, so adorable and real that I cried when they cried and laughed when they laughed.... *sigh* good times.

So now I'll be looking foward to a new story soon. :)

Vikki (Signed) on Nov 21, 2009 09:23 pm (Chapter 19)

LOL .... I love Chris.


and ooooooooooooomg! Michael Buble! You just had to didnt you? I was sobbing! lol!

actually I started getting all watery eyed with Justin and Aubrey and the ring... and then JC's vows, and Rachel's.... and JC thanking Jackson and going all "excuse me I need to dance with my wife" eeeep! and then Michael Buble... and Justin feeding Aubrey cake and the cheesy tattoo!!!!

this chapter was full of win! :)

ok... do I need another box of tissues before I click next? lol!

SJane (Signed) on Nov 21, 2009 07:27 pm (Epilogue)
Girl I have loved this from the start and im a glutten for happy endings im glad everyone worked out great aubrey and justin got their child and rachel and megans get married aaawwww bless and nice to see that 20 odd yrs on and rachel still has her sass

shan030709 (Signed) on Nov 17, 2009 09:55 pm (Chapter 19)
You are right!!  I needed several tissues.  Perfect Perfect!! I really like that Aubrey and Justin got married on that boat.  Perfect for them.  I cannot wait to read more!!

champ (Signed) on Nov 17, 2009 09:42 pm (Chapter 19)
awesome update...keep them coming.

nessa (Signed) on Nov 16, 2009 11:56 pm (Chapter 18)
update update update

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