Comments For Film
Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Aug 05, 2009 09:57 pm (Chapter 3: Coincidence?)
*sniff* *sniff, sniff, sniff* I don't like what I smell. Must you? I mean really? THIS *flails arms around insanely* whatever it is that you're cooking up between Abby and Timbs is going to ensue more drama than Mad and Justin EVER thought about having.

And you wanna know the sad thing?

I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEE IT! You and your dramatic writing ways always suck me in and leave me for more....damn subliminal messages.

Author's Response:

haha... i'm pure evil, you oughta know that by now!

haha oh yes... me and my subliminal messages... you caught me. lol.

thank ys my dear! i appreciate it a bunch!

ps- beauty in the breakdown update soon, pretty please? lol.

d_simplicity (Signed) on Aug 05, 2009 04:54 pm (Chapter 3: Coincidence?)
OHHH MANNN!!!! This is going to be all types of drama! haha this story can't end well, I just can't see how. Because if Justin finds out the truth, I'm not sure how forgiving he'll be. Eric is a piece of work and Abby is just clumsy. But, I like her 'tude. She'll cool for now. This should be interesting. Loved it. :)

Author's Response:

haha eh.. ya never know. they could both surprise ya, but we shall see. lol.

eric is indeed a piece of work, that much is for sure.

thank ya lady! i appreciate it a ton!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Aug 05, 2009 01:20 pm (Chapter 3: Coincidence?)

I love Megan already. She reminds me of me, in that "will find a dirty joke in any comment" kind of way. what can i say, it's the 12 year old boys in us.

and seriously, abby's awkwardness is hysterical/endearing. 

justin - stalker much? haha good lord the boy's already obsessed.

anyways, love love love. and more now, mmk?  

Author's Response:

haha oh yes... megan has the mental capacity of a 12 year old boy, that much is for sure. but i love her for it all the same.

and yes! i was super worried that wouldn't work, so i'm glad it is!

lol, he's not obsessed quite yet... but it's coming...maybe.

thank ya my dear! more shall be on the way soon.

shan030709 (Signed) on Aug 05, 2009 11:36 am (Chapter 3: Coincidence?)
I love it!!  Looks like there is some massive trouble and issues lying in the future of this story!!  Cannot wait to read more!!

Author's Response:

troubles indeed! lol.

thank ya hun! i appreciate it!

meggie (Signed) on Aug 05, 2009 11:01 am (Chapter 3: Coincidence?)
So...Eric, that's a guy you probably don't wanna piss off. Seems like he knows everything & can turn on youin a second...or maybe reading into it too much! But that's neither here nor there. I'm loving this but that's no suprise since you're all kinds of awesome! Can't wait for more! PS- I bought Kelli pickler tickets the other day & thought of you...since we share the idol obsession & all

Author's Response:

haha you're right. crossing eric would be all kinds of stupid.

haha... thank ya my dear! you're pretty awesome yourself!

and eep! i'm totally jealous!! i love, love, love kellie!

Hollie (Signed) on Aug 05, 2009 10:03 am (Chapter 3: Coincidence?)

Molly sounds far too near to Hollie for my comfort. So I'm just going to call her Bitchy McBitch from now on, 'k?

More soon please

Author's Response:

lol, bitchy mcbitch fits quite well!

it's coming, i swears it!

thank ya lady! i appreciate it!

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Aug 05, 2009 01:55 am (Chapter 3: Coincidence?)

Oh LOL Abby. She is too awkward. I can really see K.Stew playing her XD And I see that Justin's taking to stalking her 8Db Definitely interested to see him give chase this time around. She reminds me of a bunny and he's the predator looming over her awkward cuteness *u* This will be all sorts of messy but I don't think anyone's complaining.

As usual, lovely update, can't wait until the next one.

PS. Good point, is he or isn't he supposedly dating J.Biel in  his story?

Author's Response:

haha yes! i'm glad the awkward/cute thing is working, i was just a tad worried about that. lol.

and as for ms. biel... all shall be answered in good time! haha.

thank ya my dear!

-stevonnaj (Signed) on Aug 05, 2009 01:43 am (Chapter 3: Coincidence?)
lol hehe. :) LOVE IT!! add soonn!!

Author's Response: thank ya love! i appreciate it a bunch!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 05, 2009 01:38 am (Chapter 3: Coincidence?)
:o/ this can only end bad. I can't see it ending any other way, but you may surprise me, but I'm just going to stick with it ending badly for now. Haha. I enjoy abby's clumsiness. It's very amusing. I can't wait to see how this all plays out. Update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

haha ah... ya never know! lol.

and i'm glad abby's awkwardness is coming across right!

thanks for reading and reviewing lady! i appreciate it!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Aug 03, 2009 12:06 am (Chapter 2: A Warped, Sort-Of Fairytale)

okay, good, he's not a complete idiot and did realize that she wasn't just chillin' out in a tree. 

oh except wait, no, he's still an idiot because he fancies himself a prince charming of sorts and thinks this is all some fated bullshit. 

he's such a girl. an adorable one, but yeah.  

Author's Response:

lmao... he's stupid... not blind. and indeed... he's a total girl. i've kinda, sorta got a role reversal type deal going with this one, so we shall see what happens. haha.

thank ya lady! i appreciate it bunches!

Jbear (Signed) on Aug 01, 2009 03:58 pm (Chapter 2: A Warped, Sort-Of Fairytale)
So I get the feeling that Trace is gonna end up wit a new job some how involing where Abby works but I could be wrong. LOL I love when u get all these cool ideas and put them in to a story can't wait 4 an update.

Author's Response:

haha not saying you're wrong... but i'm not saying you're right either. lol. i'm just evil like that!

well thank ya my dear! lord knows i've got plenty of insanity built up to keep this stuff going for awhile, glad to hear you're enjoying it!

-stevonnaj (Signed) on Aug 01, 2009 12:36 pm (Chapter 2: A Warped, Sort-Of Fairytale)
love. love. love. :)

Author's Response: thank ya love! i appreciate it a bunch!

band nerd (Signed) on Aug 01, 2009 12:27 pm (Chapter 2: A Warped, Sort-Of Fairytale)
this is gonna be a fun one!

Author's Response:

ah, i hope so! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Aug 01, 2009 11:52 am (Chapter 2: A Warped, Sort-Of Fairytale)
I love the Cinderella reference. It's just too cute. Also may I add that your versions of Trace are just entertaining. It would seem that his snarky attitude balances out that of Justin's. Well the search is on. I hope he's not disappointed when he finds her. And I also hope she properly freaks out when she finds out that he's been stalking her XD

Author's Response:

haha well thank ya my dear! and yes... the snark seems to really fit trace for some unknown reason. lol. and yeah... i'd say there's a bit of a freak out coming in the near future. lol.

thanks hun! i appreciate it a ton!

meggie (Signed) on Aug 01, 2009 10:46 am (Chapter 2: A Warped, Sort-Of Fairytale)
I always love your versions of Trace-he makes me giggle! I'm so excited to see where this goes! PS- maybe some Mia & Justin soon?

Author's Response:

haha... i don't know why, but i see trace as great comic relief. it just seems to fit, so i'm glad to hear i'm not the only one who thinks so! haha.

and yes... tis on the way soon, i promise! i just need to get through this next week of school craziness first.

thank ya my dear, i appreciate it!

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