Comments For Fairytale Ending
Vikki (Signed) on Aug 15, 2009 10:48 pm (Chapter 1)

OMG! I love this! I was totally hating on Justin in the beginning, seeing it from Alice and Nora's perspective. But then... omg then Justin came up and him talking with Trace in the car...OMG! *sobs*

I would've beaten you with a mallet if this was the! I swear that bribe was the best idea ever!!!

Author's Response: Hahahah you keep your mallets to yourself woman!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Aug 15, 2009 09:51 pm (Chapter 3) we just need to know what exactly it was that she saw. Her vagueness is driving me insane! Poor Justin. I actually feel his pain.

Author's Response: Poor lamb, he is...

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 15, 2009 02:27 pm (Chapter 3)
Ok. So now when alice needs to open her mouth she won't? Freaking great. She's an instigator, which comes from her overprotective nature. She shouldn't have added fuel to the fire. Yes nora was already feeling how she was and not happy, but alice shouldn't have added to it. It seems that nora is hiding one big puzzle piece because it seems like that alone, what everybody else now knows, is not big enough to cause someone to end an engagement. That's a huge lack of trust right there on nora's part, unless he's given her a reason in the past to not trust him. Huge lack of communication on both justin and nora's part. Too much communication on alice's part, except for now when she needs to. Nora just seems unwilling to listen to anything right now, which makes me wonder if she's the one that has actually done something wrong or that is hiding something. All this just happened to come at the right time and she's using it as her out. I don't know. That may sound outlandish, but it's just ridiculous that she won't talk to him and get an explanation since she obviously loves him to where she is getting married to him. *sigh* haha. Update soon! :o)

Author's Response: It seems bad that all I can say in response to that length review is "yes," but I think you just said it all *lol*

glowbug917 (Signed) on Aug 10, 2009 09:22 pm (Chapter 2)

what is it with you hobags and the mass updates while i'm MIA? jeez, woman! 

well, as per, i love this. can't say i'm surprised. and i love that you have this solid grasp on everyone's perspective, even the more minor characters.

oh, and i love trace.

that is all. oh wait - MORE SOON. i'm a greedy little shit, it can't be helped.  

Author's Response:

Who you calling a hobag, skank? *lol*

And thank you my dear - I find it helps to know what shit people are thinking. Otherwise it makes writing down what they're thinking kinda difficult.

katethegreat (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 09:47 pm (Chapter 2)

is it weird that i like alice a billion times more than i like nora?

i don't know why, but something about nora is just... off.

and oh how i love trace. that little man never disappoints. lol.

loved it lady!

Author's Response:

Considering that Nora's dumped Justin and has yet to explain herself? No, that's not weird!


And yes, Trace wins at life. Entirely by accident and not design, I go by results

MissTasha (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 07:00 pm (Chapter 2)
Wow, he's dense. lol. He had no idea why she left, had no idea that he never explained anything to her, and now he hasn't even thought to explain himself in the voicemails? And she's just as bad. She's listening to her sister instead of talking to her boyfriend when her sister doesn't know jack shit about anything concerning their relationship. WHYYYYY would she do that? Well, at least they deserve each other. lol. Please update soon.

Author's Response: I can say nothing but yes to all of that!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 01:47 pm (Chapter 2)
I could totally see Justin pulling a Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything move if he wasn't so GD famous. God, I feel so bad for him. It was awesome as usual You Greatness.

Author's Response: I am so digging this new title of mine. I need minions to go with it

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 07:59 am (Chapter 2)

I just had to ask for further explanation on the sister's part. XD

I think it's rather effective to have Justin's and Alice's perspective for this chapter. It adds to the tension and confusion and allows the reader to be sucked into the consciousness of the these two. I guess this is just my long-winded way to say that I want to know what happened for her opinion to change so dramatically.

I forgot to compliment you on my review for the last chapter on the formalistic aspect of this story. I've read your other stories and I know you're used to the first-person perspective. I was surprised to see this written in the third person POV, and well done if I may add.

Good chapter. I patiently await the next one. 

Author's Response: Thank you, it always means a lot to hear that the structural stuff's working well since those are the parts I stress over :o)

meggie (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 07:56 am (Chapter 2)
*tear* i feel so bad for both of them. i'm so happy you did another posting cause i know i said i liked the short (i did btw, dont get me wrong) but i need an actual ending! cant wait for more

Author's Response: Sometimes you just need closure, right? *lol*

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 07, 2009 01:33 am (Chapter 1)
:o( well that was...sad. Haha. But of course awesomely written, which is not surprising since you are an awesome writer. I hope there will at least be a part 2 to this that will give them both a chance to talk about this big misunderstanding. From how she rushed out of there I though she had already tried talking to justin and found out terrible news. I understand her hurt from what she assumed, but she reacted too quickly and irrationally. she didn't even talk to him about her assumptions! Sounds like a trust issue if you ask me, which you didn't. Lol anyway, if you don't add more this was really great, but I do hope there is a possibility of a part 2. You should bug vikki more often. Lol ;o)

Author's Response: I didn't ask you, but I wouldn't say you were wrong either!! lol Thanks hon :o)

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 07, 2009 01:16 am (Chapter 1)
I like it! I was angry at Justin at first but then I felt bad for him. You've got me hooked already. Update again soon!

Author's Response: Excellent, I'm glad he's been redeemed!

champ (Signed) on Aug 06, 2009 11:19 pm (Chapter 1)
keep the chapters coming.

Author's Response: :o)

meggie (Signed) on Aug 06, 2009 04:33 am (Chapter 1)
Ok so now I'm thanking V for interviewing Glow cause that was awesome!! I don't usually like shorts cause they leave me hanging & begging for more but... If this stays a short I LOVE it! But another update would be nice too :)

Author's Response: Well, you know, V is awesome. I just need to watch my mouth *lol*

Tink (Anonymous) on Aug 06, 2009 02:44 am (Chapter 1)

You can't leave it like that!  Hope you post another part, really enjoyed it

Author's Response: I could, but I won't :o)

Tanya (Anonymous) on Aug 06, 2009 01:14 am (Chapter 1)
GASP!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!aahahahha update fast!!! like now!!! i love it!!!

Author's Response: I'm on it, I promise

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