Comments For Careful
Hollie (Signed) on Jan 16, 2010 03:36 pm (Chapter 16: Awkward, Sort-Of Bonding)
Once again I really wish I was in this story so I could repeatedly remind Justin that unless he dumps the bitch whore rightthisveryminuteyoufuckingidiotkthanx, this all means nothing

Author's Response:

haha exactly! the boy is so very pretty, just not too bright. but... he just might be getting it, finally.... maybe. lol.

thank ya lady! i appreciate it a ton!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jan 16, 2010 11:56 am (Chapter 16: Awkward, Sort-Of Bonding)

god i don't know what it says about me that i love their dysfunctional asses as much as i do haha

though it was brief, i like that they managed to be civil. and justin...though it only took two years...finally realized what a fucking idiot he was being. get that boy on the short bus asap

now bring on the fuckery, cause i know you, and i know it's coming!

Author's Response:

haha umm... i think it means you're insane as they are, but who am i to judge? lol.

LMFAO oh jesus... i so just had the mental image of justin on the short bus, helmet and all. i'm blaming the pills.

haha well... yes.

thank ya my dear! much appreciated!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Jan 16, 2010 02:47 am (Chapter 16: Awkward, Sort-Of Bonding)
There was showing some progress there and Madison's wall went right back up. And Justin, how long have I been saying to get rid of Keri...why don't you listen to me??? LOL...Great update!

Author's Response:

haha they are both entirely too special for their own good. lol.

thank ya hun! mucho appreciated!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Jan 01, 2010 04:28 am (Chapter 15: Give It Up)
No Madison, don't start using your head now! Lucas doesn't know what he's talking about. Ok so maybe Madison and Justin won't have the healthiest relationship but when did they ever. It worked so well for them! Great update! Can we get Lucas out of the picture now? HAHA update again soon!

Author's Response:

haha she always picks the worst times to be rational, doesn't she?

ah, so true! they've both been whack jobs from day one. lol.

haha, but lucas is so pretty! why do we wanna get rid of the pretty boy?

thank ya love! i appreciate it!

MochaB (Signed) on Dec 31, 2009 01:22 pm (Chapter 15: Give It Up)
The annoyance I feel from reading this story is agonizing at time. Madison is COMPLETELY ridiculous. She says she doesn't want something and doesn't like how a person acts but then she's like but I understand and makes logic of it then it suddenly becomes okay when really it's not. She's a hypocrite just like justin too. And justin make be an idiot, but he says a lot of smart stuff to her that she needs to listen to. Stuff he's been saying to her for the longest that she still has not grasped. She likes anybody that is rude, arrogant, and good looking cause justin is like that and so is justin. She gets pleasure out of rudeness and idiotness...or whatever. Lol but she does. She may have taken a break, but really nothing has changed about her except the drugs. She likes to think she's open minded and thinks clearly now, but she doesn't. She will have a moment, but then like I said she just rationalizes it and goes back to being an idiot. You don't need time to get over justin cause it's not going to happen so just give lucas up. She knows she wants to, and forcing herself to care for him is going to backfire. She's so stupid. If you couldn't get over justin being away from him you sure not going to with him in your face all the time. And why is she worried about what's going on with stella? She's having sex with her dang bandmate and having some practically verbal abusive open relationship with him and she's worried about the probs stella and liam will cause?!? Wake the hell up! Gosh! She's so blind and a hypocrite! She's all things she says justin is! And lucas I don't like him at all. He is more than arrogant. There's some crap he's not telling anybody. Plus pushing on his boss? Are you effing serious right now? That fool...boy boy boy. *rolls eyes* i don't trust him at all. He's going to cause all the physical problems while madison and justin provide the emotional/mental ones. Ugh. I'm sorry. It's just the amount of intense blindness and dumbness flowing between everybody is abso-freaking-lutely huge and drives me bonkers. Obviously. I'm done. Lol Happy New Year! :o)

Author's Response:

lmao all excellent points my dear! haha.

and... that right there, is kind of the bottom line... madison and justin have it so set in their heads that they're complete opposites, but when you get right down to it... they're so insanely alike, it's almost scary.

and lucas... he's... well... lol. i don't know. he's kind of developed into something i hadn't totally planned on, but i like the kind of back and forth with him. one minute, he's a total douche, and the next he's trying so hard to be the good guy. and maybe i'm a little biased, just because he's pretty. lol.

lmao yes... blind and dumb all around with these two, so basically... nothing's changed.... yet! haha.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate ALL the comments more than you know!

beanjean (Signed) on Dec 31, 2009 01:03 am (Chapter 15: Give It Up)

So I've spend the past few nights reading this little saga and I adore it.

I love that you've giving this story, what appears to me, a lighter air coming from Madison.  She has a sense of calm to her with the beginning of this part of her life and the story itself feels lighter.  There's the same dark, heavy context with what we know is going on, but it's not overshadowing the hope.

Author's Response:

haha oh jeez... you so deserve a big basket of cookies for getthing through all this insanity in a few nights! and believe me... i appreciate it a ton!

awww... i am so, so, so glad to hear that! the second story was such a total depress-fest, so it's awesome to hear that this one seems to be going in the opposite direction.

thank ya hun! i appreciate it more than you know!

jbear (Anonymous) on Dec 31, 2009 12:47 am (Chapter 15: Give It Up)
Mads u r totally getting on my fucking nervous. U need 2 give up the fact that u act like u dont know Justin as much as he knows u. Stop bein a bitch woman up & talk to the man. Jezz!! & IM done. lol

Author's Response:

lmao... oh she totally needs to woman up. unfortunately, she's about as stubborn as humanly possible. haha.

thank ya love! i appreciate it a ton!

Tanya (Anonymous) on Dec 30, 2009 09:29 pm (Chapter 15: Give It Up)

GRRRR NOOO!!!! u make me wait all this time and this is what u pull!!!! NOOOOO. this next chapter so better have something juicy and good, lucas is good and all but no.

Author's Response:

haha i am evil, it can't be helped!

aww... lucas is just so very pretty. lol.

thank ya hun! i appreciate it!

Hollie (Signed) on Dec 30, 2009 01:58 pm (Chapter 15: Give It Up)

If treating Madison like shit is a sign of not wanting her then Lucas hasn't exactly put his best foot forward either, has he? *snort* One thing you can defend Justin with, his shitty attitude is down him coping badly with the fact that Madison broke his heart. Lucas's is down to being jealous and possessive. They're both dumbasses but from where I'm sitting Lucas is still 1-nil down.


Oh, as for this, I love you chick:

 I'm starting to think the only sane people around here are Benny and Trace, and that's just fucking scary.        

Author's Response:

haha are you sure you're not biased? poor pretty lucas. boy gets no love. lol.

haha yes... trace and benny being the smart ones is utterly terrifying. lmao.

thank ya lady! i appreciate it!

AmberW (Signed) on Dec 30, 2009 12:49 pm (Chapter 15: Give It Up)

These two just need to stop being so stubborn.  They need to have a major bitch fest and move on and stop holding grudges toward each other!

Love the need to update ASAP :)

Author's Response:

haha indeed. they're entirely too stubborn for their own good, that much is for sure.

tis on the way soon, i swear! haha.

thank ya love! i appreciate it a whole bunch!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Dec 30, 2009 12:10 pm (Chapter 15: Give It Up)

I'm starting to think the only sane people around here are Benny and Trace, and that's just fucking scary.       

That is a horrifying thought. 

Lucas's comment about jungle chant music for 13 year old girls had me DYING, for the record. 

Good for Madison for holding her ground and not enabling Justin to cheat. Atta girl. Bad for Madison for thinking that what's best for her is what's gonna make her happy. 

And my respect for Lucas just went down several notches. Really dude, you're gonna wait around for a chick that's in love with someone else? Silly boy. 

yay! you are so productive on vacation, I like this roll you're on woman!

Author's Response:

lmao yes. you know it's bad when benny and trace are the smart ones.

haha yay! it made me giggle, so i'm glad i wasn't the only one.

lol i have NOTHING else to do, so... yeah. haha.

thank ya my dear! now let's see some productiveness outta you! haha

ninabina (Signed) on Dec 30, 2009 10:15 am (Chapter 15: Give It Up)


these two make my effing head hurt.  Lucas is sucha  massive jerkface.  Justin is obviously an asshole, and Madison, well...she's stubborn as ever.  I just get so mad sometimes at them--it's like...they try to change, and they fucking don't.

However.... I'm glad that Justin kissed her.  Kudos to him for growing a pair and going for it.  And I'm glad that Madison finally stood up and said Justin was it for her.  It's both obvious they love each other, so they should both just get on with it.  Before I smack the shit outta both of 'em. :)


The next update will be interesting for sure. 


Author's Response:

lmao oh they soooo need the sense smacked into them. they're not so much with the smart. haha.

but... they're extra special retarded, that is why i love them. lol.

thank ya lady! mucho appreciated!

meggie (Signed) on Dec 30, 2009 06:06 am (Chapter 15: Give It Up)

you win. that is all.

well, ok, a little more. great song choice! that was oddly enough the last song i listened to before i went to bed last night. weird and creep. so stop stalking me! :)

and duh she still loves him. i mean, only these two nutjobs could ever be together. they're so stupidly perfect for each other and they're STILL fighting it. i feel like i'm back to page one with them. 

but i love it and i love you. 

Author's Response:

haha yay! i like winning!

lmao... ok yes... i am stalking you... and now i'm ashamed that i've been called out. damn you.

haha, they're just special, aren't they?

aww thank ya lady! you know i love your crazy ass too!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Dec 26, 2009 02:12 pm (Chapter 14: The Big Question)

That is all.

Author's Response:

lmao look at you all speechless! i must have done something right! haha

thank ya my dear! much appreciated!

MissTasha (Signed) on Dec 23, 2009 11:06 pm (Chapter 14: The Big Question)
WOOT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!! *happy dance* Finally! But somehow I don't think that Madison will be down with the whole cheating thing and she won't be very receptive to his outburst. (Justin's a bit more loose with the morals, isn't he?) So, the kiss is not exactly progress. But it stirs the pot, so it counts for something. Yay!!! Please update soon.

Author's Response:

lmao oh yes, justin is much, much looser with the morals. especially this time around.

lol definitely stirs the pot, so we shall see!

thank ya lady! i appreciate it a ton!

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