MochaB (Signed) on Dec 30, 2009 09:22 pm (Chapter 1)
DANG heather!! Bringing out the big guns! Reverse cowgirl whaaaaa?!? BANG!POW!POW! Those are your guns going off btw. Haha. This was just...ohmyeffinggosh yes. Wonderful job ma'am. All you ladies really brought it with these secret santa submissions. Makes my dirty mind happy. Lol :o)

Author's Response: Yes! I've never written reverse cowgirl so it was something I wanted to try hahaha. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

violet (Signed) on Dec 25, 2009 08:13 am (Chapter 1)

ZOMG!!! Someone should have been standing by with a camera to take a picture of my face when I got the email that one of my favorite authors had posted a new story. Imagine my expression when I saw it was a story from you -- and that it was for me! *squee* Okay, on with the review.

Back in the day before kids I was so like that. Wasn't really into Christmas, because to me it was just a bunch of craziness. And yes, I trudged along with Mom wearing ridiculous Christmas sweaters even though I felt like shouting out 'Bah Humbug!' to everyone. And tinsel, godIfuckinghatetinsel!! To this day I refuse to buy the crap. *shudder* But Justy! He's so cute and all excited and I can totally see him being all uber-excited over the holiday.

And he's so pitiful when he comes back all shivering and pouting and covered in snow. And the sex...GUH....thesex! I am so grateful I waited till everyone else was tucked into bed before I read this, because, yeah... Wow. Sexing with only the lights from the tree? Hawt. Sexing Justin with only the lights from the tree? sofuckinghawt!!!

Thank you thank you thank you, Heather! It was gorgeous and hot and sweet and just perfect and sent me to bed on Christmas Eve with wonderful visions in my mind! I would have reviewed then, but, well, I don't think I could have said anything coherent at that point. Love you so much - Merry Christmas! :)

Author's Response: YAAAAAAAAAAY GAH I'm so glad you liked it!!!! You left it so open eneded i was scared I was gonna mess it up somehow hahaha lame I know but it's kinda nerve wracking to write something FOR someone you know! I'm really proud of how it turned out and I'm SO HAPPY you liked it too! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

brittbratt (Anonymous) on Dec 24, 2009 10:42 pm (Chapter 1)


Yes that is all my review is.  Because that's all that's needed.

Author's Response: HAHAHAHAHA You are such a dork. And I don't think you should be making orgasm noises all over NF *snigger* just sayin' Thanks for readin and reviewin bish!

Keediluv (Signed) on Dec 24, 2009 04:57 pm (Chapter 1)
Justin would have that kind of affect on a woman wouldn't he?  LOL, this was naughty and sweet all the same.  Awesomeness honey!

Author's Response: EEP thanks! Sweet and naughty was exactly what Jo asked for so I'm glad I was able to pull it off. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

a_nonymous (Signed) on Dec 24, 2009 04:26 pm (Chapter 1)
Guh! Hot as usual. Good job, Heather!

Author's Response: YAY Thanks Roz! I had a lot of fun writing this one. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

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