ltaylor03 (Signed) on Mar 03, 2010 03:09 pm (Chapter 21)

EEEEEEEEEEEE! HAHAAHHAAHA I was half delusional last night when I threw out Sloan's name. lol. But I always wanted to walk into a hospital and see a man like that. He could close the curtain and have his way with me...ahem. Sorry.

Great chapter! :) I'm so excited for them <3

Author's Response: Shit, if Dr Sloan look a like came into my room he could take advantage of me any day LOL

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Feb 23, 2010 02:42 am (Chapter 20)

Heh. I'm loving all the hints that you're dropping. I'm finally picking up on them! And don't forget, if you need info on planning atour and what not, just let me know!

Eeeeeeeep...I have a feeling the next chapter we're going to figure out some important information, yeah? <3

NSYNCilicous85 (Signed) on Feb 22, 2010 01:23 am (Chapter 20)
omgggg cliff hangerrrrr!!! why do you do such things to meeee?!!?? i loved ittttt....can't wait for more!!!

musicmel (Signed) on Feb 21, 2010 11:25 am (Chapter 20)

I'm not even going to say anything. I don't want to jinx it....

I like that it jumped up in time... Great update!

Author's Response: Thanks woman!  I needed to get time moving otherwise this thing was gonna be like a zillion chapters LOL 

jersey_tenn (Signed) on Feb 21, 2010 07:37 am (Chapter 20)
no! ah! cliff-hanger!

Author's Response: It's gotta be a cliffhanger!  Keeps ya comin back for more! LOL Thanks for the review!

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Feb 20, 2010 12:29 pm (Chapter 19)

do you REALLY get up at 3am to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving??? I get up and shop but not that early. hah. I do not need an extra 10% off of a t-shirt or appliance that I have to wake up before the sun rises to do so. hahahaa

LMFAO at Max walking in on them.

and woooooooooooo sex in the shower. got to love that.  Got a nice image of a dripping wet JC. yum. lol.

I, unlike everyone else, am not going to yell at you about babies. haha

and it would be amazing for JC to adopt Max. That made me 'awww' out loud. 

Author's Response: Yes, I do wake up at the butt crack of dawn to go shopping-but only if its for something truly amazing LOL  Max walking in? I know that from experience LOL  I enjoyed the shower part too :)

NSYNCilicous85 (Signed) on Feb 19, 2010 07:39 pm (Chapter 19)
i'm with mel we want a mini Chasez!! haha

NSYNCilicous85 (Signed) on Feb 19, 2010 07:38 pm (Chapter 19)
VERY nice!!! i was not expecting that *ahem* love scene >:-)@ A++++ :-D

Author's Response: Hahahaha...I never thought I'd write one, but it seemed to fit :)  I'll consider adding a mini-Chasez LOL

musicmel (Signed) on Feb 19, 2010 12:55 pm (Chapter 19)

First off, Great update!!! They seem to finally be very comfortable with each other. They seem happy :) Don't ruin that :insert angry face:

Why is she so worried about a condom, we want mini Chasez damnit!

Author's Response:

Hahahaha...had to throw in the safe sex LOL I have some younger readers LOL I know y'all want a mini-Chasez....

Oh and the angry face? Very scary!  Thanks for the review :)

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Feb 17, 2010 11:59 pm (Chapter 18)

:) Meeting the parents is always a scary experience. especially when its for a holiday. my family met my ex's family for thanksgiving the first year we were dating. it was terrifying. lol.

Max in this chapter cracked me up. He is adorable. And JC is most def. wrapped around his finger. 

loved this <3

musicmel (Signed) on Feb 15, 2010 07:48 am (Chapter 18)
I like dialogue. I personally think it makes it more personal. Makes you see the inner side of that character. Anyways. I love the interaction with Karen. The relationship that a son's mother has a huge impact on what a relationship could end up like.

Author's Response: I wasn't planning on having a Karen/Gretchen scene but when it just came out I loved it.  I had that type of relationship with an ex of mine mother.  It was so nice and I thought I'd share the happiness :)  Thanks for the review :)

NSYNCilicous85 (Signed) on Feb 15, 2010 01:10 am (Chapter 18)
girl you already know what i think!! :-D when we gonna see some babies? haha

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Feb 10, 2010 03:41 am (Chapter 17)
oooooh my! yes! move in together! DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! lol :) I love this story.  Have I said that to you lately?

Author's Response: I believe you have but I don't mind hearing it LOL

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Feb 10, 2010 03:32 am (Chapter 16)

JC's and Max' interaction is the cutest thing. I love it to death when there are little kids involved in a story and you get to see the guys parenting side come out.'re welcome for the idea. That talk about being obsessed with them and then having it come out would be a really interesting one to have with them. lol. This chapter gave me the warm fuzzies :)

Author's Response: My parents never fail to mention it to guys I bring home so...yeah.  I wouldn't have mentioned it though if it weren't for our discussion LOL

musicmel (Signed) on Feb 09, 2010 12:27 pm (Chapter 17)

Ok I have to say, I really really like the blunt side of JC. He seemed to always have people walk over him in a sence. He is finally stepping up and saying Hey I want this... and not just going along for the ride.

So yea that means an update!!! I will wait till this weekend... but no later than that missy! :)

Author's Response: Well, while waiting for class to start I did manage to get about a third of the next chapter written.  I like blunt JC too-he's always respectful and a bit of a doormat LOL  Thanks for the review woman!

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