Comments For Careless Whispers
Becca Lynn (Signed) on Jun 16, 2010 08:42 am (Chapter 7)
Oh my gosh! Please update this! I just spent most of my night reading it and it ends so suddenly. It's a great story! :)
lilcentralbobcat (Anonymous) on Apr 04, 2010 01:17 pm (Chapter 7)
Keep up the good work. Love this story its amazing and i also love amber cause i can totally relate to her shes an amzing charather keep the updates coming !!!!!
DesperateThoughts (Signed) on Feb 27, 2010 08:30 pm (Chapter 7)
Dang it! Totally blew me into left field! And you left me hanging? I love it so far! Can't wait for more!
JoJo (Anonymous) on Feb 27, 2010 02:17 am (Chapter 7)
Ok wait let me get this straight. In order for Kylie to donate to Justin's brother he has to marry her. If Kylie came up with that catch then I hate her even more!!! OMG what a bitch! No wonder making out with someone else isn't a big deal to her. Justin has to stay anyway! Great update!! Can't wait for more!
kahnechick85 (Signed) on Feb 25, 2010 11:45 pm (Chapter 7)
If he has to marry her then why is he messing with Amber's feelings? Why is he playing with her if he has no intention at all of ever being with her? I love this, PMS.
JoJo (Anonymous) on Feb 15, 2010 12:57 am (Chapter 6)
I don't understand why Justin just won't end it with Kylie. He says he can't do it yet but why? It's unfair to everyone involved. Now Kylie is coming to be with Amber...oh I mean leaving wherever she's at to get away from the temptation of cheating on Justin! And who in their right mind would cheat on Justin anyway?!?!?
JoJo (Anonymous) on Jan 25, 2010 07:14 pm (Chapter 4)
I could not believe Kylie's reaction to the sweater Justin bought her. How ungrateful can you be? I love how cute Justin and Amber are with each other. Great update!
TrousersnakeLove (Signed) on Jan 24, 2010 09:08 am (Chapter 3)
Love this story ;) Cant wait for chapter 4!
kacavendam (Anonymous) on Jan 23, 2010 06:55 am (Chapter 3)
I just read all 3 chapters and I wreally like it. And I am not even a fan of Justin so that proves to you how good the story is. I hope you update soon
Author's Response: Awww thank you so much! I'm glad to hear that! Lol
Author's Response: Awww thank you so much! I'm glad to hear that! Lol
kahnechick85 (Signed) on Jan 20, 2010 05:43 pm (Chapter 2)
I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. I love this so far. I think Kylie is to involved with herself to care about anyone else. PMS
Author's Response: She is. She's more focused on work and often leaves Justin on his own. Guess she needs a wake-up call!
Author's Response: She is. She's more focused on work and often leaves Justin on his own. Guess she needs a wake-up call!
MiaMia (Anonymous) on Jan 20, 2010 01:34 pm (Chapter 2)
Author's Response: Thank you! And yes it is, I prefer to give my readers a little backstory plus some anticipation. That's always fun :]
I clicked because "Careless Whispers" is one of my favorite songs!! Its good so far, its always refreshing when the girls dont through themselves at him the first chance they get. Looking forward to the next chapter!! =)
Author's Response: Thank you! And yes it is, I prefer to give my readers a little backstory plus some anticipation. That's always fun :]
JoJo (Anonymous) on Jan 20, 2010 01:30 am (Chapter 2)
I like it! PMS!