musicmel (Signed) on May 12, 2010 07:28 pm (If I Knew Then...)

I'm soo glad to see Justin not so angry. (while it lasts) I think he is going to find more and more of his self as he records the album. Ahh!

Great update!

azchickadee (Signed) on May 12, 2010 07:25 pm (If I Knew Then...)

it's kind of scary how involved and emotionally invested I am in these characters, and it's all you fault! and your damn writing gets me everytime!  :) Also, I've gotten into the habit of just skimming through story updates a lot of the time, but not yours.  I read every single word and love it. Ok, enough gushing...

#1. The song you picked from BSB at the beginning of this chapter?  Love it.  It's one of my absolute favs.

#2. I am SOOOOO glad he finally talked to someone about some of what happened!  There's still a lot he needs to talk about and process but he did good!  I'm proud of him for getting out what he did. I could feel the weight being lifted from his shoulders a little.  It always hurts to talk, but it's a necessary hurt for things to heal and get back together.

#3. Okay, how stinkin cute is Justin with his mom?! Omg!  I love him!!  "Sure baby. We can talk about it later. Now, how about you go fire up the grill for this chicken?" she told me, thrusting a plate of marinated chicken breasts in my hands. "No problem, momma. Thanks for cooking." Love it!!!

#4.  He called Johnny!!  I wish he would do that in real life! lol...that stewardess isn't the only one who's waiting for more music from Mr. JT! 

#5. Once again I've written you a frickin' novel here as a review!  lol....what can I say?  *shrugs* I love this story and can't wait to see what's going to unfold...  :)

Author's Response:

YAY! You have NO idea how incredibly happy it makes me that you are attached to my characters. I'm pretty attached to them as well. I'm glad that you read all the way through, especially this one because there was SO much information in it.

#1 Fact: I didn't even have a song picked out for this chapter when I started writing it. And I usually do. So I was a little uneasy about starting to write at all. The chapter was mostly finished except for a few things I needed to tweak and I went in and added a few things, including Justin's line about 'if I knew then what I know now' and went I KNOW there's a song out there with this line in it. There were two: Lady Antebellum--which was all fluffy and lovey and wouldn't work, and BSB's--which I had heard before because I've got the album. But, I was a blonde and it was like 5am so I wasn't exactly thinking straight. So I read the lyrics and they were actually completely perfect. I love it when that happens. 

#2 He needed to talk to someone. There was no way around it. And him talking to his psych in the recording studio came at me in a dream. Weird. lol. So I just went with it. 

#3 We've talked about how I feel about his and his moms relationship in real life. I think it's fairly close to what I've written. I think he goes to her for advice all the time and that he probably listens to her 9 times out of 10 on it. 

#4 He was always going to call Johnny, I just needed him to do it at the right time. He seemed to be having A-HA moments all over the place in this chapter and felt it was finally time. Also, a little birdy MIGHT have told me that JT is supposedly going into the studio to record in September :) So, we'll keep our fingers crossed. Even though I'd love for it to be with the rest of the guys, I'll take him solo too. 

Now that I've written you a NOVEL in response, I think that I am done. haha. 

AmberW (Signed) on May 12, 2010 02:23 pm (If I Knew Then...)

I like happy Justin!!!  I'm glad that he's finally starting to be getting past it and see that he's going to be okay-with our without Madison!

Great work chica :)

MochaB (Signed) on Apr 16, 2010 12:03 am (All I Need)
good update. it was good to read a scene from how things used to be. it was a nice mini break from sadness. haha. i hope this trip does him some good and allows him to identify what he needs to do to return to the person he used to be. update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

Thank youuuu! Yeah, I like writing out how they used to be. Their relationship when they were happy was amazing. The flashbacks of them I do are for my sanity as welll as my reader's because there is only so much angst and depression that I can take in one chapter. haha. Did you get a chance to read my Madi/Justin drabble "Insomniatic"? Just some fluff and stuff about them :)

Glad you're liking this!

Lovelovelove <3LT

musicmel (Signed) on Apr 03, 2010 09:59 pm (All I Need)

Ok... My heart is officially broken. Justin makes me sad.

I'm trusting you... if you don't come through I will sick my sword man after you.

Author's Response: justin makes me sad too and he's my character. unfortunately, half the time that i'm writing this, i don't even feel like it's me writing's all him. yell at him. lol

musicmel (Signed) on Apr 03, 2010 09:42 pm (She Could Be Happy)

Ok so Justin is totally breaking my heart. Ugh I wanted to burst into tears for him. Just when he was ready and everything was falling into place the world gives him a loop. Hopefully he learns from this and doesnt slide back into depression.


Author's Response: i shed a few tears writing that chapter. i felt so bad for him. but at the same time i had to give it to Madison for not just crumbling and coming back. She's an independent and strong chick. There was a reason she left in the first place and how Justin is right now--he's not someone that's ready for a relationship. i think madi realizes that.

musicmel (Signed) on Apr 03, 2010 09:27 pm (Second Chances?)


They are both so in love with each other!

Btw I always love when a man wipes the tears away from a woman's face.... so cute!

musicmel (Signed) on Apr 03, 2010 09:16 pm (Start All Over)

I had a feeling they would run into Madison here... ahhh I cant wait to see how this meeting goes. :)

azchickadee (Signed) on Apr 01, 2010 05:22 pm (All I Need)

ok, are you ready for this? we go....

I LOVE YOU!  I know I told you earlier, but I just want to reiterate the fact that I love you and I think you are a FANTASTIC author, and it's not just because you write about the boy I love so much!  You could write a story about anything and I would read it and love it :)  It's so hard to find a well written fanfiction story that isn't just full of smut (not that there's anything wrong with smut, and when Justin finally pulls his head out of his ass and gets his shit together I expect for there to be some pretty hot and heavy scenes between him and's just sometimes, I want more than just the sex, ya know?).

Okay, now on to the actual review :) 

#1. Sad Justin makes me sad.  He's seriously breaking my heart and I think it would be a really good idea for him to go talk to someone.  Even if it's just once.  I think he needs to get a lot of stuff off his chest and gain some perspective on things.

#2. You have me curious.  "When he [JC] knocked on my door, I realized that I didn't have a choice. Besides, he'd seen me in worse shape than I was now."  My immediate thoughts was: really?  when? or was this just in reference to a few weeks ago when Justin and JC finally reconnected?

#3. "When I closed the door after he left I let out a huge sigh of relief and slumped against it. I was exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally...I just needed to shut down for a few days." My reaction: No. What he needs to do is stop being a baby. He's pouting around like a spoiled child. He needs to grow a pair, stop moping around, and be the man we all know (or wish we did) and love. He wants things to change? Then change them Justin!  Running away isn't going to help anything!1 (Okay, rant over)

#4. Part of the reason I love you is for the humor you sprinkle in among all the sadness and heartbreak.  "All I could do was stare at her in amazement. 'You're outta this world, Madi.' 'Except I'm not green, right?' She interjected."  ahahahahaha!!!

#5. That little teaser of him and Madi before was just plain mean.  lol...I know he's got a lot of growing to do and he needs to figure out a lot of stuff right now, but damnit, is there anyway we can speed this process on a little bit....or maybe, you can put in another snippet or two?? 

Uhm....I think that is all.  Yep.  That's all I wanted to say.  Love ya!  And can't wait for the next chapter :)

NSYNCilicous85 (Signed) on Mar 31, 2010 10:44 pm (All I Need)
well i'm ready for Justin to be happy too goddammit! great job my dear :-)

musicmel (Signed) on Mar 31, 2010 09:07 pm (What If...)

Hello vision of Justin in a towel! Yumm!

Justin is really a great character in this story. You are doing an amazing job with him :) He is very vulnerable but willing to take a chance.


Author's Response:

hahaha. yes. i love Justin in a towel.

This Justin breaks my heart. It's weird writing him like this since I've never written from Justins POV before so I was scared if I'd be able to write a story solely on his thoughts. And it's definitely different from my normal happy story. lol.  But I like it so far.

Thank you for reviewinggggggggggg <3 I loveeeeeeee you! 

musicmel (Signed) on Mar 31, 2010 09:06 pm (Heels Over Head)

I love the title of this chapter. It really showed what she does to him. He was all flustered and smitten!


Author's Response:

This chapter is one of my favorites mostly because I LOVE writing their relationship. The more I do, the more excited I get for the prequel :)

Thank you for the reviews, love!!! I'm so excited that you're reading this! <3

musicmel (Signed) on Mar 31, 2010 09:06 pm (Hello, Old Friend)

Aww the bromance between JT & JC is so great!

I love the voice you have given Justin. Wow… just wow!


musicmel (Signed) on Mar 31, 2010 09:05 pm (Clarity)

Wow. Very intrigue. I’m a little slow at starting stories *as you already know* but I’m in for the long haul!

AmberW (Signed) on Mar 31, 2010 06:44 pm (All I Need)
As usual, I love it.  I am soooo glad he's going home!

Author's Response: Me too. I think he really needs it. :)

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