Author's Response: thanks doll! :)
Author's Response: i will let the drunk yellow birdy know! haha :)
Oh my heck!! ahahahaha...dying over the whole plunger thing. I could kill you!! And, it was just a dream!?!?!?! There better be a real "best kiss ever" soon. VERY SOON! Or I may be forced to fly to Florida and do something bad. I can't think of anything right now, but don't test me. *points a stern finger of warning* can't see me but I have a huge grin on my face right now. I love this story! Please don't make me wait too long until the next chapter :) Love ya!!!
Author's Response: hahaha oh my, i know! I still make fun of her for saying "Oh my heck"...seriosuly..who says that?!?! hahaha. AND YES. double score for making you snort! haha
k, can't tag me anymore....YOUR story is done :p
#2. love, Love, LOVE "Lie"!!! One of my favorites of his :)
#3. Sexyback as her ringtone?! ahahaha!! I'm laughing because I used to have that ringtone and EVERYONE made fun of me for having it!
#4. "Maybe she is my girlfriend." LOL!!
#5. I love how concerned he is about how she's going to handle the rumors and gossip! awww....he really DOES care about me! :) Also, love the fact that so far he's keeping his promise to stay in contact but he needs to call, not just text! lol because you nailed my pessimism perfectly. Unless he actually calls (and soon) she's going to convince herself that it was just a fluke and didn't really mean anything to him.
#6. CENTER! ahahahahaha.....
Author's Response:
1) i can tag you all i want....bitch.
2) oh, i know. remember, i stalk you. hahaha.
3) can you NOT like that song?! ahhaha.
4)...oh you know it ;)
5) i just reazlied that the past couple reviews you always number them...ahahha.
eeek!! loved it!!! I frickin LOVE Justin! When he put his arms around me and was helping me hold my golf club correctly....I got butterflies and all tingly inside.'s just a story, it's just a story, it's just a story...
contrary to popular belief, I do understand how important sports are to you and I appreciate the effort it took for you to get this posted today. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you :)
omg, omg, omg, omg, omg I love you!! mini golfing with JT?! That would be like the best thing ever!!! lol...I can't wait!!
K, totally laughed at the kegs and trampoline reference you threw in there. Nicely done! Gold star for you! :)
LOVED the Boston song and you totally had me down. I sing that song at the top of my lungs and when I put my elbow up on the window I usually tilt my head and rest it in my hand like that. Stop stalking me!! lol
Also, Ben sucks. I gave him four years of my life and he just ups and leaves?! Jerkface. psh...whatever. Jokes on him now cuz I'm friends with Justin Timberlake and I've got a feeling it might possibly turn into something more than friends. I mean, come on! The guy came over and spent three hours watching TV and eating cheesecake with me! All he has to do is say the word and I'm his! lol
I love you. And I promise I'm working on an update for your story. here's my review :)
best. line. ever!! Who asks people if their eye color was real? ahahahaha! Let me tell you why this is so funny! #1. That is the exact thing I would think if someone asked me that question. #2. About 7 years ago I went on the MOST awkward blind date EVER. The guy was a total dweeb and spoke maybe all of 5 sentences the entire date. It was a very quiet and awkward evening. We went out to a movie and ice cream. As we were eating the ice cream one of the 5 sentences he said was: "You're eyes are really pretty." I blushed and fidgeted in my seat and mumbled out a soft "thank you." LOL. I would acuse you of spying on my BUT it was 7 years ago and I was living up in Utah!!
"You can't get out of this friendhship if you tried."
Uhm....Who says she's trying to get out of it?? lol....keep up the awesome work! I am loving this!!! :) You rock my socks!
Author's Response:
maybe i was stalking you than? maybe it has been for years and i just slowly came out and acting like didn't know you and that we were meeting for the first time?
you will never know ;)
Author's Response: <3
Cute story so far :)
PS: GO CHISOX!!! <3 #12
Author's Response:
hells ya! go chisox!...even though the past two games have made me want to kill 'em....oivey! i'm going to see them on may 29th when they are in tampa..hellls ya!
and thanks doll. :) update soon...ish.hahaha
Author's Response: thanks doll :)
ahhhh!!! loved it! but it was too short, damn it! :(
K, #1. My feet are always freezing! (hense my many tweets about my cold toes) so props for putting that in there.
#2. I secretly LOVE watching The Weather Channel! No seriously, I do! hahaha
#3. Smooth move! I didn't even catch the whole phone switcheroo and I'm pretty quick on picking up on things like that. Gold star for you!!!
#4. I love the easy flirting and bantering, and did I really call JT a drama queen?!!? LMAO!!!
bring on the lunch date!!! :)
Author's Response:
#1...oh...i me, i know about you and your whoel codl toes and fingers...i know TO MUCH about them, actually...thats...wrong...hahaha.
#2, i know! we had this talk, remember? hahaha. freak.
#3. mahahahha!! GOLD STAR?! YES! I WANT IT NOW PLEASE! is it sparkly!?
also, suck it up about it being short, punk. i make up for it in the next chap. hahaha. i couldn't add the lunch scene, to long znd just didnt go well with the whole chap. it starts better being in the next chap. trust me. you'll see. and i'll get another gold star! ahha