Comments For Passion
alimera (Signed) on Oct 18, 2007 12:59 pm (Chapter 46)
she better save him! update again soon, this is one hell of a cliffhanger!!

Author's Response: I def am. I usually wait a few days before writing again but I can't just leave it hanging for so long. Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked it!

sandy (Signed) on Oct 10, 2007 08:00 pm (Prologue and Chapter 1)
NOOO. They gotta end up together!!! PLEASE!!! That strong of love is hard to find!!! If they would both just get over their egos and realize they both made mistakes. sigh...hope it ends well!!

Author's Response:

thank you for the review sweetie! natalia and justin are so similar they just don't realize it. they're both too stubborn to admit they are wrong. thanks again! ill try to update soon.

alimera (Signed) on Oct 09, 2007 12:47 pm (Chapter 45)
oh no this is almost over?! i'm gonna cry! i hope it ends well...update again soon!

Author's Response: thank you. i think its all going to be really unexpected, a big twist.

goodies54 (Anonymous) on Oct 09, 2007 02:15 am (Chapter 45)

ahh what the heck is trace doing. talkin bout 'its ok man just get some fat lines' he is not helping!! ohh and i wonder if a-rod gonna come back or how things are gonna end.

 *sniffles* its gonna end soon :(

<3 ya girl lol

Author's Response: trace is a typical enabler. not cool not cool at alll. a-rod ohh mann hot as hell. lol i had to add him in. as for the ending, well it's twisted... lol im dying to tell someone about it but i cant :( lol. i just have to get the chapters our fast. lol thank you for the review katiee!! i started reading yours but ive been wrapped up in this chapter. i promise tommorow im reading it and your getting a huuuuge review. lol

SexualCoco (Signed) on Oct 09, 2007 12:50 am (Chapter 45)
Yes, I'm so glad you updated! I love this story with all it twists and turns and I'm sad to hear you say that it's almost over. I can't wait to read more, so update soon!

Author's Response: i know! i'm getting really sad that it's almost over too. i've been writing about these characters for about 4 years so its sooo hard to let go of them. thank you so much for your review! i'll try to update again soon.

nsyncgurl07 (Signed) on Oct 08, 2007 10:51 pm (Chapter 45)
i am so happy that you updated.... i am sad that it is gonna end soon, i love this story.... of all the crap that justin put natalia through i still want them to be together... i cant wait till you update soon...

Author's Response:

im so glad you like the story. justin and natalia have gone through a lot of tough times... still more ahead. I'm thinking about making a third story... i have a lot of ideas for it but i'm not 100% sure yet. I love the characters and it makes me sad to let go of them.  thank you for the review though!!

rev0586 (Signed) on Oct 08, 2007 09:20 pm (Chapter 45)
OMG its almost over NOOOOOOO i noe yv warned me be4 but i just cant contain myself... pssst vas hacer la tercera parte plzzzzz

Author's Response: i think i might actually do one lol. i have ideas for it.

JustinsAngel (Signed) on Oct 08, 2007 05:22 am (Chapter 44)

Author's Response: lol i def will sometime today or tommorow.. i promise!! i have 2 pages done of the new chapter. :D

Mariah (Signed) on Aug 30, 2007 12:48 pm (Chapter 44)
Nice on the Nick Lachey song. I love those words. I was actually playing it while I read this which is of course superb mk? Don't worry, I was paying attention, my ADD works wonders sometimes. I'm thinking that Natalia's having a really hard time letting go but it sounds like she needs to for the sake of saving her sanity. I don't know, I just came from english class and we were writing some deep topic. Sahwee if I overanalyze everything to the hilt. Anyways, Can't wait for mo, keep it up jay jay!

Author's Response: thank you for the review!! i totally know what it feels like to be bored in english... lol i was there times two today... and another times two tommorow... DAMN ENGLISH MAJOR! lol but i loves it. I'll def update soon.. Thank you Auddie!

rev0586 (Signed) on Aug 29, 2007 09:21 pm (Chapter 44)
mal de ojo no u did not just go there lol,

but yay their gonna go out at least its gonna be some sort of distraction but why do i have a feeling something might happen or mabe not??

Author's Response: lmao my family's answer to everything is mal de ojo lol idk i found it funny. lol. things are gonna happen... just not what anyone expects. :D natalia and justin have a lot more stuff to get out in the open until they can finally be ok...

MissKittyFantastico (Signed) on Aug 29, 2007 04:40 pm (Chapter 44)

been meaning to review this story! its realy really good!! i love natalia and justin together... they are the complete opposute of any couple ive ever read. dark so much deception and lies! i love it. update again soon!

Author's Response: thank you so much. im glad you like my work. ^_^ i definitely tried to stray away from describing justin as the perfect guy... idk. it gets boring when its too predictable. but again thank you. ill try to update as soon as i can

alimera (Signed) on Aug 15, 2007 10:48 am (Chapter 43)
what a cold bastard. she didn't deserve that. he's so messed up! update again soon!

Author's Response: he really is an asshole. jt started out such a nice guy too (well for a hitman lolz) thanks for the review!

rev0586 (Signed) on Aug 12, 2007 10:45 pm (Chapter 43)
jt is such an ass how could he do that to her.. but then he thinks that she was cheating on him... girl i hope he finds out soon that he made a mistake and that she never cheated on him before its to late... i feel so bad for Nat

Author's Response: ahh thank youu girl. you're just gonna have to wait and see. :D. I feel bad for Nat too... i was writing this and thinking damn... how am I gonna fix this one? lol

Mariah (Signed) on Jul 29, 2007 01:45 am (Chapter 42)
I'm loving crazy JT. We all know he isn't perfect and there's a lot to him than just being in the mob. Now he has layers to his character but like usual, he wants Nat back. DAMN HIM! Love it girl. Keep going!

rev0586 (Signed) on Jul 24, 2007 11:20 pm (Chapter 41)
i cant wait for the new ch. 2 be coming in soon!!!

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