azchickadee (Signed) on Jul 21, 2010 10:12 pm (Gravity)
woot!!  *high five* thanks for joining the challenge with me, I was beginning to feel a little lonely!  LOL...I read it again and it still made my stomach quiver when he pushed her up against the wall and kissed her.  Damn...and this was just a dream!  I can not WAIT to read about when they are REALLY together again.  It's gonna be amazing!  I just know it!!  :) 

Author's Response:

I get the tummy quivers too. HAHAHA.

And seriously, them really together again (if it happens ;) ) going to be...awesome. That's about all I can say for it. <3 

Thank you for reading (again) and reviewing (again). Ily. haha


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