Comments For The Pink Ribbon
brightbrowneyes83 (Signed) on Aug 09, 2011 02:58 am (002.)
such a sweet story and a different side of Chris that I really don't see in stories.

Author's Response: Really? I guess I never paid attention enough to notice. Thank you, that's such a nice compliment. :]

theusagirl (Anonymous) on Oct 19, 2010 07:48 pm (002.)
Awwwwwwww! This is making me cry! *tear what a beautiful & a heartfelt story! It was very sweet & just absolutely wonderful! Great job! :D

Author's Response: Thanks!  :D

theusagirl (Anonymous) on Oct 19, 2010 07:40 pm (001.)

Sooo far, soo good..yet very touching.. *tear, I kinda laughed at the beginning of the story when Chris was mentioning that the banshee would wake up..which was JC..lolz

Off to read the next chapter! :)

Covergirl (Signed) on Oct 17, 2010 09:31 pm (001.)
That was beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us all. =D

Author's Response: Thanks, I was glad to share. :)

azchickadee (Anonymous) on Oct 17, 2010 10:58 am (002.)
awww!!  that was super cute!  thanks for sharing it with us :)

Author's Response: Thanks, I appreciate it!

jersey_tenn (Signed) on Oct 17, 2010 07:38 am (002.)
That was by far the sweetest story ever! Thank you so much for incorporating something so important! Phenomenal job!

Author's Response: Thank you very much. :)

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