Comments For Broken
megzor (Signed) on Nov 06, 2010 09:39 pm (Chapter 31)

oh man i loved all the chapters at once. it was nice to be able to read all that and not have to keep going back because i forgot what happened.

i loved sheridan at first but now i don't know how i feel about her. she seemed so strong in the beginning and now she seems so phsyco possesive.

and juan.. has trace been playing this juan guy all along.. my theory is that the real juan doesn't even know her and that is why its going to be so convient that the trace juan said to act like they don't know eachother at the party... i'm loving that little twist..

and i can't wait to see how justin is when he gets out of the chair. . . i'm sure elisha is using justin and trying to get to him. she was probably using trace all along to get to justin. i will be suprised if she is even pregnant.. 

anyway.. keep the chapters coming. i love this.

Author's Response: Yeah, this is actually a story I started years ago and stopped beause I got a horrible case of writers block and never went back to it. I'm glad you've taken an interest to it, and I love how into the plot you are, it's really great and makes me want to write more :) I have a bunch of ideas for Juan/Trace so keep reading!

DlynnTim (Signed) on Nov 06, 2010 08:56 pm (Chapter 31)
This chapter was great, just as I knew that it would be. Thank you so much for continuing this story.

DlynnTim (Signed) on Nov 06, 2010 06:53 pm (Chapter 1)
I haven't read the new chapters yet but I just want to thank you for taking an interest in this story again. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the title while checking for the updates on Scars and Stockholm Legend. I know that the update will prove worth the wait.

Author's Response: Hey, I'm really glad you're excited about the update. It just hit me one night and I started writing a new chapter.  It's only the end of chapter 30 and the full chapter of 31 that are new...hope you enjoy it :)

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