Comments For Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
lykeoilnwater (Signed) on Apr 29, 2011 10:33 pm (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
LOVED IT SO MUCH! I always do; you're a literary genius :)
Author's Response: AGH thanks! I tried to let the dialogue do most of the explaining of the backstory which is a little different for me. I'm glad you liked it! NowupdateCat,MouseI'mdyingoverhere haha Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: AGH thanks! I tried to let the dialogue do most of the explaining of the backstory which is a little different for me. I'm glad you liked it! NowupdateCat,MouseI'mdyingoverhere haha Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
jsprncss8 (Signed) on Jan 05, 2011 12:08 am (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
I love this! Especially the trash talk after sex that's still sweet. Awesome.
Author's Response: Yeah I really love the idea of romance shifting into sparring and playfulness. Its one of my favorite things to write. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: Yeah I really love the idea of romance shifting into sparring and playfulness. Its one of my favorite things to write. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
MochaB (Signed) on Jan 02, 2011 10:42 pm (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
awwww...he was a real jerk at first, but he brought me back to his side. this was great and the mr. magoo line was quite funny. lol :o)
Author's Response: I LOVE when Justin is an asshole and then redeems himself haha. It makes him so much more lovable IMO. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: I LOVE when Justin is an asshole and then redeems himself haha. It makes him so much more lovable IMO. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Keediluv (Signed) on Jan 01, 2011 08:19 am (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
You are every bit the naughty one I thought you were. LOL! As usual, this is hotness and I know Lauren had to have enjoyed this little diddy. I'd say good job, but you already know :)
Author's Response: Pft naughty doesn't even begin to cover it HA! Glad you liked it and of course I was ecstatic that Lauren enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: Pft naughty doesn't even begin to cover it HA! Glad you liked it and of course I was ecstatic that Lauren enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
musicmel (Signed) on Dec 27, 2010 03:27 pm (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
Not sure why I thought it was a good idea to save this story to read while at work… I know how great you write, so there was a difanent fanning my face moment while sitting at my desk! Lol Great job ;-)
Author's Response: Yeeeah ze pr0n at work isn't always the best idea. Who am I kidding I've done it too lol. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!
Author's Response: Yeeeah ze pr0n at work isn't always the best idea. Who am I kidding I've done it too lol. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!
Mel514 (Signed) on Dec 26, 2010 11:49 pm (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
LOVED this! I really like the way you write Justin, even when he's an ass! lol
Author's Response: Thanks! This is one of my favorite ways to write him, kinda cocky and assholish but ultimately sweet and caring underneath. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: Thanks! This is one of my favorite ways to write him, kinda cocky and assholish but ultimately sweet and caring underneath. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
theusagirl (Anonymous) on Dec 23, 2010 08:21 pm (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
Oh wow! That was pretty good, totally love the naughtiness in this story.. ;) Nice job..
Author's Response: YAY thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: YAY thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
azchickadee (Anonymous) on Dec 23, 2010 07:24 pm (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
hot, hot, hot. Loved it! *fans self* damn Justin for being so irrisitable! lol...awesome job :)
Author's Response: Guh he's pretty sexy even when he's obnoxious. Its infuriating...butreallyhotomg lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: Guh he's pretty sexy even when he's obnoxious. Its infuriating...butreallyhotomg lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
XxSmurfettexX (Anonymous) on Dec 23, 2010 06:42 pm (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
I LOVED it. The chracters were great and I loved their insults based soley on what they were wearing. I love banter and their banter was amazing. Great job
Author's Response: YES!!! i'd been looking for somewhere to stick that Mr. Magoo line for awhile and FINALLY got the opportunity in this story lol Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: YES!!! i'd been looking for somewhere to stick that Mr. Magoo line for awhile and FINALLY got the opportunity in this story lol Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
rosaleighwrites (Signed) on Dec 23, 2010 07:19 am (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
Brilliant. You are literary genius. This story made my day. Loooove it :)
Author's Response: Wow thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: Wow thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
MissM (Signed) on Dec 23, 2010 06:13 am (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
Author's Response: YES ME TOO!!! I was trying something different with this in trying to move the plot forward with dialogue instead of just prose and luckily the banter was kind of a biproduct of that. Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
o/ I'm a huge fan of banter. GREAT BANTER. Loved it, awesome job!
Author's Response: YES ME TOO!!! I was trying something different with this in trying to move the plot forward with dialogue instead of just prose and luckily the banter was kind of a biproduct of that. Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
ltaylor03 (Signed) on Dec 22, 2010 11:37 pm (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
Author's Response: YAAAAAAY I'm glad you liked it!!! I was really excited when i got your other reviews this past week because I was like "oh crap I hope she doesn't hate my writing style" so it was kind of a relief haha. This was seriously fun to write and I was glad that I got such a good prompt! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
well...i am ECSTATIC that you had me! Obvs I would be after plowing through a ton of your stuff. ;)
You did me proud, love. Best Christmas Secret Santa gift. EVER!. Like...EVER.
Author's Response: YAAAAAAY I'm glad you liked it!!! I was really excited when i got your other reviews this past week because I was like "oh crap I hope she doesn't hate my writing style" so it was kind of a relief haha. This was seriously fun to write and I was glad that I got such a good prompt! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
SexualCoco (Signed) on Dec 22, 2010 11:34 pm (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner)
Sweet, sexy, and simple. I loved it girlie, great job!
Author's Response: YAY that's exactly what I was going for! Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!
Author's Response: YAY that's exactly what I was going for! Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!