Author's Response:
Quite possibly the best thing to hear!!!! I am so thrilled that you're enjoying it! That really means a lot to me, since this story is so different for me to write. He's definitely the unknown character, not really understanding his thought process or why he acts the way he much more to be revealed.
Thank you again so much! It means everything!
Author's Response:
Hey there!!
Thank you so much! I am thrilled you're enjoying this story as it's sooo completely different from Lucky Me. Justin is definitely creepy, possessive, but there's something underneath it all that will be revealed, he has good intentions. He likes to be in control...or at least feel like he is. Things will definitely spiral a bit for him. I hope you stick around for it all. Thank you again, so much for leaving a means so much to me!
Author's Response:'re like my lifesaver!!!
Thank you so much for all your help, thoughts, questions, comments, input, concerns...just everything!!!! You rock!!!!!
I am so glad that you're enjoying a Justin that you normally wouldn't read. That's just...awesome to hear!!
Love ya tons!!!
Author's Response:
Hey girly!!
Thank you so much! There's so much more to unravel! Justin can be a super complicated, darker man in this fic...but I love a good bad boy! :)
I hope you like the new chapter, can't wait to hear what you think! Thanks for giving this story a chance, too! :)
Author's Response:
Girly, I heart ya!!!! You seriously rock my world! Thank you so much for all the encouragement, advice, and editing! You're the best!!!
I am thrilled that you liked it! I was pretty nervous! You can totally write this stuff...pffft, you rock!
Anyways, I am sending you an email very shortly with the next chapter! :) Can't wait to hear what you think!!!
Your writing style is really unique, and I really enjoy it. But I'm a little confused--I'm sure intentionally, though. It seems like this is a vampire thing, but I can't really tell. It's like you explain it, but always subtly hide what you're saying too. Or maybe this is all part of his secret.
Either way, can't wait to read more!
Author's Response:
Hey there!!!
I am so excited that you like it! My first review! eek! This one is totally different than what I usually write, and I love the challenge. The prologue is a little chaotic-just glimpses into the words that define how Justin lives his life, what is happening in the future. Chapter 1 backs things up a bit, developing what you see happening in the Prologue. Hopefully some answers will be given. It's not a vamp story, he's totally human, just with some paranormal abilities. However, it is AU, he's not the Justin from *Nsync or the celebrity...he's a normal guy, navigating the world the way he knows how. Each piece will be pulled back a layer at a time, so hopefully, I won't lose ya and things will start to make sense more and more. :) It's definitely a little darker...but I am a sucker for the bad boy. :)
Hope you enjoy, next chapter very soon!
Thank you again!!!!!!!!!!!!