Author's Response: Thank you. :)
GAHHHH! *thud* OMG! Ok um..SHEESH.. The way you described that passionate kiss b/tween Zahra and JC was ..wowww.. *fans herself*.(makes me want that man even more) Ok where do I start?? Oh...I like the part where Justin made her breakfast and JC is not much of a cook.. LOLZ "he burns boiling water" Too funny..I actually love the chemistry with all three of them, but there's something there that Zahra and JC have together...and thats "Forbidden Lust" ;) love it.. what a great chapter! Great job..
Author's Response: Lol...that "Forbidden Lust" thing was so cheesy....but anything else I wanted to use was even cheesier, haha. Thanks for the review. I really do like writing this one, there's lots of humor and fun. :)
Author's Response: She does seem like the lucky girl, right? But I don't know if being caught in the middle is all that great just yet. Stick around. :) Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: Thanks so much! I appreciate it! :)
Author's Response: I don't think I've heard Jojo's song before, but now I've definitely gotta check it out. I'm glad you've been following as well, thanks for the feedback. It's greatly appreciated. :)
Heck yea! Im liking this too..first of all, a kiss with JC is..epic! *squeals* especially when that kiss is involved with JC being wet and with a towel?? *fans herself* and now Justin is gonna live with her as well?? awesomeness.. pretty good job...
Author's Response: Yeah it's starting to pick up now, thanks and I hope you stick around for more. :)
Author's Response: I know, it'd be beyond amazing if he even WALKED past my house, let alone lived Thanks for the review.
Author's Response: Thanks, I love it, too...way too much, lol. I appreciate your comment. :)
Author's Response: Well I hope I keep doing so. Thanks for your comment. :)
Author's Response: That's a good response, right? Lol