Comments For Rock Your Body
WhiteSoxLuvr9 (Signed) on Feb 18, 2011 07:28 pm (Chapter 1)

i may or may  not have sqealed when i saw you posted a story. ahhaha.

also...why do i feel like this whole convo would so be ac onvo you and i would have? hahahahahaha. 

Author's Response: hahaha...probably because it IS a convo we would have!  LOL. 

Mel514 (Signed) on Feb 14, 2011 08:00 pm (Chapter 1)
One of my favorite fictional couples. Loved it :)

Author's Response: thank you!! JC and Rachel are my favorite couple (partly because they were the first, but mostly because they're just so darn cute and perfect for each other). 

jersey_tenn (Signed) on Feb 14, 2011 11:37 am (Chapter 1)

I love it! Rachel/JC r just awesome! She's such a loony [like me!] My biggest fear is tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. Anything aquatic, forget about it! I have some wild theories so this was just *sigh* perfect!

And, he is just so charismatic. Flirty & funny...*click* *click* RAWR

Author's Response: thanks, luv!!  These two come back periodically and inspire me to write little snippets.  They're just so darn cute and perfect together.  I'm kind of a little jealous of them!  lol

Megan (Anonymous) on Feb 14, 2011 02:04 am (Chapter 1)
Gahhh I just love these 2 together!! He growled his approval and she grinned, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.  He liked it. I totally loved that part...I hope you continue these little stories featuring these 2, they are hilarious.

Author's Response: that was a good line :D  He's too dangerous sometimes for his own good.  LOL.  I will continue to post little one-shots as these two inspire me.  They always seem to pop up at random times so I never know when or what they'll be about.  It's always fun! 

Real Life Rachel! (Anonymous) on Feb 14, 2011 12:26 am (Chapter 1)

Yay!!! I get to be the first review!!!

 Okay I LOVE this for so many reasons, but mostly for the beginning when Jace walks in the door and says, "Damn".

HA! LOVE IT. Love HIM!! 

 Also, I love how crazy paranoid Rachel is about earthquakes. You decribed me perfectly my dear. And it is WAY more rational than his stupid fear of needles... but please don't tell him I told you that. 

I love being the Story Fairy, but you truly are the BEST best friend. :)  Sigh. I love love. Hahaha... Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Author's Response: yea!!  I'm glad you were the first review :)  thanks for the inspiration!!! 

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