The emotions are really there! great you write something more =)
Author's Response: Thank you - I'm glad you liked it!
WHAT?! Completed?? :( Why?? But anywho..lolz These pack of lines here "He could never know how she felt. He was the man of her dreams, but so far out of reach. She tried to list off the reasons she knew it would never work – they lived so far apart; he was a well known public figure, she was a nobody; he was wealthy, she was barely making ends meet; he had thousands of women after him, she wanted just one man - him.
I feel the same way for him.. *SIGH* He's the guy I only see.. :P Ok, this was a great read, not bad, I actually liked this.. :D
Author's Response: Haha - I know how you feel! Now everyone has me thinking of a longer story!
Author's Response: Thank you - I love Wicked too, it has such great music!
Author's Response: LOL! Thank you - I hadn't thought about turning it into a longer story. Hmmmmm......