Comments For First Kiss
justice loves jc (Signed) on Feb 24, 2012 09:00 am (Chapter 1)
ohmyasdfghjkl! I LOVED THIS! it's so cute! I would have screamed too as well as ran around going crazy that man does weird things to me! I really liked this! :)

Author's Response: Thank you!  I mean what other response would there be to a kiss like that???  LOL!

Megan (Anonymous) on Feb 23, 2012 12:52 am (Chapter 1)
Awww *sigh* what a lucky girl! Loved this short little story...would love to maybe just mayyyybe turned into a longer story? I would like to read more about their relationship but great job :)

Author's Response: Thank you - you may be surprised, I may be inspired on day and turn it into a long story.  

theusagirl (Signed) on Feb 22, 2012 07:11 pm (Chapter 1)

AHHHHH! Can he be my first kiss too?? Man! That's like every fangirl's dream., aww I loved how they met at the airport.. *happy sigh* I LOVED this little drabble..great job, and I liked the way you described JC's kisses.. :D

Author's Response: Thanks!!!  The story just came to me - we can all dream right, he flies a lot, right?  LOL

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