Comments For The Beautiful Ones
jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Jul 20, 2012 12:06 am (trust issues)
Oh*hit! Talking about awkward. On top of that Nadia lies to Justin. So not good. Also Nadia was also under no obligation to tell Rachel about her and Justin. So I though Rachel was being unfair. Really liked this chapter.

Author's Response: Yeeeah, Nadia is just losing grip, it would appear. No clue what to do with Alex, lying to Justin, lashing out at Rachel (though it might have been a little deserved lol)... she's turning into a big ball of mess, isn't she?

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jul 19, 2012 09:12 pm (trust issues)
Oh the tangled webs we weave...!  I love the raw and real qualities of this story.  Bravo to you, lady, for being such an exceptional writer :)

Author's Response: Aww, thank you so much. It is definitely a tangled web, but we are all ducking and weaving through this world, aren't we! So that's what I try to express. I appreciate you so much for saying that! <3

JoJo (Signed) on Jul 18, 2012 10:55 pm (happy birthday, milena)
I had to review because this is getting good! And Mila asking Justin NOT to date Nadia kinda made me angry. She has know say in who he dates. They're divorced and she's engaged to someone else. I guess you can say I'm Team Nadia and Justin.

Author's Response: Well thank you very much! Quite honestly, this is one of my favorite chapters I've written so far. And even though I'm kind of Team Everybody right now, I totally get you. Mila just went off the deep end, didn't she? Granted, it's probably rough to see your ex-husband finally move on, but she did it first. He shouldn't have to be single forever! I think Team Nadia is completely justified in their anger on this one! LOL. Thanks a bunch for the review. <3

bogglethemind (Anonymous) on Jul 18, 2012 06:36 pm (happy birthday, milena)
Ugh, I hate you. Which of course means I love you. I still don't know where this story is going or what I want to happen with it, but it seems like you don't know either. Tease! lol I'm sorry I've been remiss in reviewing this or sending you notes, but I wanted you to know I'm still reading and enjoying every word.

Author's Response: LOL, I love you too, Lisa! I will admit, I don't know exactly how this is going to end, but I have a general direction I'm taking it and hopefully, you are happy with the end result. (I MAKE NO PROMISES!) So yeah. I'm glad you're still here, because I lovelovelove hearing from you! <3

the fresh princess (Signed) on Jul 17, 2012 03:58 pm (happy birthday, milena)
Yes yes yesah! Things are happening, Mila and JT are feeling the love and I am lovin it right along with them. I couldn't be happier with this story, wham bam more please ma'am! Oh and 2 snaps for that Beyonce song - so perfect there

Author's Response: Lmao yes, things are getting kinda hectic. I don't know how much love the two of them are feeling, but definitely some kind of emotions getting into the mix. Which is only normal, considering all they've been through. But I am so glad you're enjoying it, and I will get you more asap. Also, I'm glad you dug the song choice, it's one of my favorites by her, and just so freakin' relatable! Muchas gracias, mama!

jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Jul 17, 2012 03:17 pm (happy birthday, milena)
Mila is now having regrets about Justin. He is also has some about her. That is natural. I just hope Nadia and James don't get hurt because of this. I have a feeling hurt is coming though. I like that Nadia and Justin are getting along so well and taking it slow. Very nice chapter!

Author's Response: Yep, regrets all around. Throw in some envy, some love, hate, and a big heap of fame and you've got yourself some drama! LOL. You're probbbbably right about some hurt coming, though I won't say who, where, when, or how, but yes. I'd take that bet. And thank you so much, as always, for your great reviews. Love hearing from you! <3

Lizz (Anonymous) on Jul 17, 2012 08:07 am (happy birthday, milena)
Am I the only one who doesn't like Nadia? haha I do want him and Mila to get back together :) great story..

Author's Response: Lol no, I don't think you're the only one! I tried to make them a bit polarizing, so as time goes on, you might like her even less! But Team Mila is a-okay with me, I'll be keeping you in mind. And thanks so much for the review! <3

toesinthesand (Anonymous) on Jul 17, 2012 06:00 am (happy birthday, milena)
Ok I really get where mila is coming from and i even felt bad for her till I remembered she is friggin Engaged!! what the heck is she doing she can't just swoop in and put her claims on Justin after she left him. She sees he is moving on and sudenly wants him back..... not cool. I am hooked please pms!!!!!

Author's Response: Lol yes, she is indeed engaged. But that doesn't mean she can cut off all ties to her emotions! I agree, though, she shouldn't be telling the man what to do with his single-and-ready-to-mingledom. As someone else mentioned, it's quite audacious of her. But hey, she's human and will do things that we all shake our head at. I'll see if I can fix her for you! And in the meantime, thank you so very much!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jul 16, 2012 09:46 pm (happy birthday, milena)

All of this nostalgic crap has gotten me all shook up, girlfriend.  Mila can't have her cake and eat it, too.  She needs to let Justin move on because she's cramping his style in a big way.  

But I do adore this story :) and I am on the edge of my seat for what's going to happen! 

Author's Response: Lmao I know what you mean, it makes you rethink everything you think you have already resolved in your head. But memories are tricky that way. So Mila is likely confusing a lot of things at once, and may very well confuse Justin as well, but either way, she probably won't enjoy that cake too much with Nadia in the picture lol. And hey, I adore you for being such an awesome reader. As always, I thank you!

Tiffany (Anonymous) on Jul 16, 2012 09:26 pm (happy birthday, milena)
I realy hope that justin doesn't get back with mila. I feel like he is finally accepting that him and mila are over and I want him to be with nadia.

Author's Response: At this point, I think that Justin would agree with you. He's finding his way in the world without Mila and he's managing to like someone else. Buttttt Mila has been the love of his life for so long, it will be hard for him to let that go if she's still holding on. Goodness, the drama... You'll just have to stay tuned! lol (And also, thanks so much for the review!)

mollyanna5 (Signed) on Jul 16, 2012 07:48 pm (happy birthday, milena)
Great Chapter! She's gonna want him back! Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Yeah, I think it's becoming clear where her heart is headed. But we'll seeeee!

Tink (Signed) on Jul 16, 2012 05:45 pm (happy birthday, milena)
Loved it. Hope there is more soon! Don't think he and Mila should get back though

Author's Response: Muchas gracias! There will be more for sure, as soon as I can get it to ya. And we'll see what route Justin and Mila decide to take, if any lol.

Emmie (Signed) on Jul 16, 2012 05:37 pm (happy birthday, milena)
I love this story! I like how Nadia is jealous of Mila. She should just give Justin a chance!

Author's Response: Well thank you so much! I think it seems that everyone is jealous of everybody lol. But Nadia does make it amusing, doesn't she? I will see what I can do about her and Justin, but in the meantime, again, thank you!

Nikki (Anonymous) on Jul 16, 2012 05:04 pm (pressing engagements)
I'm team Mila in real life; however, I can't say the same for her in this story. How audacious of her to tell him not to date Nadia? You're ENGAGED, you have no right to dictate his life. I know they have history and I can respect that, but she's still showing that she hasn't matured much. She gets engaged literally after her divorce is final and then when she sees that he's starting to move on, you won't allow him that. That's not love to me. I feel that Nadia and Justin are actually better people, together, like they help each other to be better and that if there was rain and thunder, they would always fight for the 'US' at the end of the day. Sorry, had to get it off my chest but your stories always get me riled up.

Author's Response: Audacious is an awesome word. And that is the perfect descriptor for Miss Mila. Because yeah, she got a little bold for someone that's marrying someone else lol. And you're right, maturity has a lot to do with that. I think I said this to someone else, but at this point, Mila is very much trying to prove that she can find her happy elsewhere and outside of Justin, though she may be failing. There a lot of emotions mixed in there -- love, hate, pride, jealousy. It's a mess. But I like your assessment of Nadia and Justin. I like it a lot, actually! So please don't ever apologize, because I absolutely LOVE hearing from you! <3

B-Twice (Signed) on Jul 15, 2012 06:23 pm (memphis & mila)
Mila isn't slick..hmmm the saying goes you always want what you can't have... Nadia needs to get it together honey!!!

Author's Response: LOL why can't she just care about the man she was married to for ten years! Or maybe she is trying to be slick, you miiiight be right. Either way, I'm not gonna say, but I like your assessment. And Nadia will get it together one of these days, I promise!

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