I feel really generic about those two. I don't know how else to describe it. Maybe I'm not allowing myself to feel the love because I must don't want them together, if that's the case, ignore me completely. If nothing else, I'd like him to not be such a sourpuss to the one person who sacrificed everything so he could have the life he has now. It's simply not fair.
Love you loads,
Ki :D
Author's Response: Lol Ki when i wrote her charcter I knew you would feel this way. Nobody can top Justin and Betsy but...things don't always work out the way you plan. I agree, he needs to stop being so damn stubborn. I hope you like the next chapter! Love you!
I absolutely love these two together. I can't help it! You've written them into such a beautiful relationship and Justin seems so happy...I love it! And I'm happy for them, too.
But I sense that there's more to come, and that Betsy isn't done with Justin yet...so...
Love it! Can't wait for another update!
Author's Response: Aw I'm so glad that you do. I think a lot of people have mixed feelings about her. there is another update for you now!
Author's Response: Thank you! More soon!
I've been reading this story since the beginning and I've never seen so many twists in a story. You have thrown me for a loop from start to finish. Even with Justin and Val, you might throw something else at me. However, it kinda bothers me when Justin says he doesn't have the time/risk helping Betsy. I understand to a degree, but then agree, she risked a lot for him and in some twisted way, he might be considered a possible cause. She pretty much gave up everything for him and look at her now, look at him. I understand why he can't risk helping, but it still bothers me, after all that she's done and gone through to help him succeed.
Good story, though.
Author's Response: I'm really glad you've been reading and sticking with the story. Justin is a stubborn butt, he's always been one, and right now I think he's just so high on life that he can't take a minute and to understand what's really happened to her. I don't think he wants to...almost like, he doesn't want anybody to take him off of his high, and letting her push him away is easier for him. I have a plan though, I swear there is a method to my madness! Don't give up on me yet!
Well...I have no idea when all of these chapters got posted, but sheesh! What a whirlwind!
I love Justin and Val, and I don't know how I feel about this new Betsy. I truly hope that she can find herself again, and that everyone can learn to understand her.
So intense!
Author's Response: Lol I sort of posted like 5 chapters in one day haha. I was on a role! Thanks for reading and yes...it's getting to be very intense. THe story kind of just took over and I've been following the muse and doing what it tells me!
Author's Response: I know :( It's sad...sorry! Lol. Hope you like the new update :)
Author's Response: Thanks Tink!
Author's Response: Ohhh I don't know about all that lol. Yes I've been updating like a fiend, and I know...more drama, but all my stories are like this lol. Thanks for reading.
Author's Response: thank you! more soon.
Author's Response: thank you so much! Im working on the next chapter for you now! So glad you like it!
Author's Response: Aw you just made my week with your awesome comments! Thank you so much! I'm glad you love it! I've been pouring my heart into it lately :) The sequel to BF is just on a temporary hold, because I have a lot of research to do and I want a firm plan before I go ahead with the rest of that, but it's something I really want to write...the muse just has to be there :) I'm working on the next update now, so more soon!
Author's Response: More is waiting for you! enoy and thank you!
Author's Response: Thanks there's another one for you!
Good, good, good shit mama!
Now, just help her get her shit together and and no one can do it better than Justin!
I'm happy now:D
Author's Response: Yay so glad you're happy!
Author's Response: Lol you know it.