Comments For Some You Give Away
mollyanna5 (Signed) on Aug 31, 2012 02:32 pm (Eight)
Even though it's a sad event, your story is still well written and enjoyable to read :)

Author's Response: well thank you, i hope you keep reading :)

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Aug 31, 2012 01:12 pm (Eight)

Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 31, 2012 12:39 pm (One)
I'm effin stunned right not cool. Just, wow.

Author's Response: sorry! I have a plan! lol

mollyanna5 (Signed) on Aug 30, 2012 10:18 pm (Seven)
So happy they are rescued! And Go Justin's mom, get Fiona to that hospital!  Thanks for the update :)

Author's Response: Haha thank you! More is up now!

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Aug 30, 2012 04:45 pm (Seven)
I'm glad they are safe now. Keep the updates coming. :)

Author's Response: Thanks! More is coming!

Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 30, 2012 04:19 pm (One)
What is wrong with these guys? Justin's dad and Trace are acting a bit snoppy and selfish, not cool. Lynn is the only one with some sense, I would kissing the feet of the person who saved my child or brother's life. More soon, please.

Author's Response: I know...they are being butts.  Seriously.  More is up for you.

Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 29, 2012 04:07 pm (One)
I hope it's help, I hope they can get to it. I want to see how they cope with being home bc it appears Justin is wanting to take it further but stubborn Fiona isn't letting that happen.

Author's Response: I posted another one for you! Hope you enjoy it!

Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 29, 2012 07:48 am (Six)

Even in the middle of a hurricane, I have something to look forward to. So, Justin and Fiona are starting to hit it off huh? I like that! It'll be cool to see what that beautiful mind of yours have planned for them. I have an idea but I'll keep it to myself until you reveal more in the story.

Love it, love you!


Author's Response: Oh Ki I've heard all about the storm! Hope you are doing okay and I'm glad I can keep you entertained in the meantime. I'd love to hear this idea of yours though since you always have good ones lol. Love you too!

Tink (Signed) on Aug 29, 2012 03:46 am (Six)
Another great update, really enjoying this story and can't wait to find out what happens when they're found.

Author's Response: Thanks Tink!

mollyanna5 (Signed) on Aug 29, 2012 12:44 am (Six)
Yay! I want them to be friends! Thanks for updating so fast :)

Author's Response: No problem! there's another one for you now!

dani86 (Anonymous) on Aug 28, 2012 09:49 pm (One)
wow just wow! I know you just posted an update but amazing and I have to say that was quick for him to need her so badly. Also poor Justin I hope he'll be ok and they make it out of this soon. Anyway great updat and cant wait to read more please update this soon. 

Author's Response: Glad you are loving it! More is waiting for you!

Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 27, 2012 06:13 pm (One)

Nice start to this story, I come for these updates.

Author's Response: Thank you, glad you are giving this one a go...more soon :)

mollyanna5 (Signed) on Aug 27, 2012 04:39 pm (Four)

They are both stubborn! Do it together! Thanks for the updates!

Author's Response: I know...damn them haha. No prob..more soon!

Nsyncilicious85 (Anonymous) on Aug 27, 2012 12:38 pm (Four)
I LOVE ITTTTTTTT!!! Can't wait for the next!!

Author's Response: Thank youuuu! Lol. More soon

dani86 (Anonymous) on Aug 26, 2012 10:56 pm (Three)
Girl you have me hooked again I love it haha! How do you do it everytime? You have an amazing gift I love the whole thing and please update soon. 

Author's Response: Lol I have no sort of just comes to me.  This particular story was something I had in the back of my mind for a year or two, before I actually got some of it down on paper. THank you so much for the compliment, it means a lot, and I'm working on an update for you now ;)

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