champ (Signed) on Sep 14, 2013 12:16 pm (Chapter 24 - What Are We Waiting For?)

Good Update... Keep them coming... :D


Author's Response: Thanks :) Greatly appreciated!

theusagirl (Signed) on Sep 13, 2013 11:38 pm (Chapter 24 - What Are We Waiting For?)

HA! The image of JC sprinting into the bathroom.. LOL At least he and Becca got lost in eachother... ;)

And these lines here: "No. But I just don’t want you to break up again,” Dylan didn’t hold back her tears and began to cry softly. “Because you and Mom always break up and I’m scared you will break up again!”

Aww! I hope JC and Becca do get married soon, Dylan would be sooo happy! :D

Cute chapter.. thanks for the update..

Author's Response:

Thanks, Steph!

Alysen B. 

Megan (Anonymous) on Sep 12, 2013 08:31 pm (Chapter 24 - What Are We Waiting For?)
Awwww :). That's unfortunate that Dylan is worried that her parents aren't going to be togther again but it was sweet how they both reassured her that they would be. Good update!

Author's Response:

Thank you!

Alysen B. 

Beccaboo89 (Signed) on Sep 11, 2013 08:05 pm (Chapter 24 - What Are We Waiting For?)
Short but sweet!!! Love it!!!

Author's Response: I wanted it to be longer...but I'm trying to hold off b/c I know the story is coming to an end soon :(
Thanks for reading, though!
Alysen B. 

Beccaboo89 (Signed) on Sep 08, 2013 07:46 pm (Chapter 23 - Til Kingdom Come)
Ahhhh I loved this chapter!!! I am not afraid to admit there were some tears! Can't wait to see what happens next!!

Author's Response: It's getting close to the end which is why I'm taking my time. I've grown to love these characters as much as the readers :)
Thanks for reading!
Alysen B. 

mollyanna5 (Anonymous) on Sep 04, 2013 11:19 pm (Chapter 23 - Til Kingdom Come)
I finally got caught up! The accident scared me there for a sec that she wouldn't make it! So glad he proposed! :)

Author's Response:

More to come soon! Thanks for reading :)

Alysen B. 

Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Sep 04, 2013 07:28 pm (Chapter 23 - Til Kingdom Come)
Loved reading this chapter, and congrats to you on your award! 

Author's Response:

Thanks, Ashley!! And congrats to you as well!!! 

Alysen B. ;) 

theusagirl (Signed) on Sep 02, 2013 10:52 pm (Chapter 23 - Til Kingdom Come)
These lines here: "Becca eyed Tricia and then raised an eyebrow, looking back at Josh. “The size of her boobs is probably a good indication of why he’s with her,”

Josh looked in the direction that Becca was. “Oh yeah. I see,” he glanced a little too long for Becca’s liking and she kicked him lightly under the table. “Hey! I’m quite satisfied with yours, babe.”

“As you should be,” Becca smirked at him, and leaned forward, letting her breasts rest on the table.

“Don’t do that!”


Now getting back to Nick and his gf Tricia, yeah she must've been having fangirl moments..tee hee, and I find it odd that Nick Carter was there, ehh he's okay, he's not HOT like JC.. :P

Earlier in this chapter, love the endless makeout sessions.. *happy sigh* How romantic.. :)

Nicely done on this chapter, thanks for the updates..

theusagirl (Signed) on Sep 02, 2013 10:03 pm (Chapter 22 - When You Wake Up)

I wanna go to Cabo with JC *looks up Cabo cause I never heard of that island* LOL

Now..okay Becca's mom needs to butt out, she reminds me of my grandma.. *shudders She gives me an earful of why am I not married or I'm dating some grandpa once told me that my prince would come at the right time.. thank you grandpa for your wise words..miss you.. :(

Anyways..I'm glad that Seth left in the picture, good, he's gone, he needs to go away...lolz

Good chapter..thanks for the update.. :)

Sarah (Anonymous) on Sep 01, 2013 01:52 pm (Chapter 1 - 2000: The First Time I Saw Your Face)
Lovely, lucky Becca : )

Author's Response:

Thanks! I hope you enjoy the story as you read it :)

Alysen B. 

Beccaboo89 (Signed) on Aug 29, 2013 09:38 am (Chapter 22 - When You Wake Up)
I love it!!!! Great update!!!

Author's Response:

THank you!

Alysen B. 

Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Aug 27, 2013 06:28 pm (Chapter 22 - When You Wake Up)
Aw, this makes me happy. Becca and Josh are great together, and Dylan is finally getting what she wanted. Thanks for the update!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading!

Alysen B. 

Becca (Anonymous) on Aug 25, 2013 12:36 am (Chapter 21-Please Don't Leave Me)
This is such an amazing story. My heart was pounding the whole time. I can't wait to read more!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks so much!!

Alysen B. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 23, 2013 09:51 pm (Chapter 21-Please Don't Leave Me)

*cries* Oh what a chapter, I'm so glad that she woke up! I did not want that to happen and I didn't want JC to be left alone with Dylan, he loves way too much..he nearly lost her too.

These lines here: “Because I don’t want her to wake up and for me not to be there,” his voice was hoarse. “I want her to know I was here the whole time and I never left her." *grabs Kleenex tissues*

Nicely done..thanks for the update..

Author's Response:

Thanks so much, girl!

Alysen B. 

Musiccrazedjazzy (Anonymous) on Aug 22, 2013 09:38 pm (Chapter 21-Please Don't Leave Me)
Oh my land I cried as I read this. Please don't end this yet. I love them.

Author's Response:

There should be at least 2 more chapters ;)

Thanks for reading!

Alysen B. 

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