Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Aug 22, 2013 07:33 pm (Chapter 21-Please Don't Leave Me)
Okay, WOW! Thank God that Becca made it! The back and forth with Becca's life hanging in the balance had my heart racing more than it would if I were doing Zumba! Great chapter, once again I love your writing! 

Author's Response:

Thanks, Ashley!

PS my email is :) 

spoon (Signed) on Aug 19, 2013 05:45 pm (Chapter 20 - Letters to You)
WOAH! wasn't expecting that to happen. Fingers crossed for Becca, yet again just as things start to go right something messes it all up. Also I love Finch, letters to you and what it is to burn are two of my fav songs : )

Author's Response: Finch is one of my favorites, too! Thanks for reading :)
Alysen B. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 18, 2013 11:00 pm (Chapter 20 - Letters to You)

*cries* Oh man.. I hope Becca wakes up from her coma..who was the sleaze that caused this accident! And why does Seth look so freakin calm?! HMPH! I may have a hunch about that accident..

They were so happy in the morning, they were going to pick up Dylan..and now she's in the ER... :( I hope she wakes up soon..hang in there Becca, and don't worry JC, everything would be okay.... *hugs*

Good chapter..thanks for the update..

Author's Response:


Alysen B. 

musiccrazedjazzy (Signed) on Aug 18, 2013 10:45 pm (Chapter 20 - Letters to You)
What?! I knew something was going to happen, but not this. Becca don't you dare die on JC he needs you Dylan needs you. I can't stand to see JC hurt even If its a fiction I'm like that even with a complete fictional character. Can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading!!

Alysen B. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 18, 2013 10:44 pm (Chapter 19 - Just Give Me a Reason)

YAY! :D They are back together! *dances* And yes Dylan is gonna be so excited when she hears the news..

These lines: "He was kissing her just like she liked. He was touching her in all the right places. It was perfect. Only, it wasn’t perfect. Because Josh knew how to do all of it better. Every single movement. Every single touch. Every single kiss. Becca closed her eyes and tried to be in the moment with Seth, but her mind was wandering back to that dream. Back to Josh inside of her.

Oh but of course.. ;)

*reads next chapter

Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Aug 18, 2013 05:03 pm (Chapter 20 - Letters to You)

Wow, thanks for making me cry. 

Becca please wake up. Dylan and Josh need you.

Please don't kill Becca, Alysen! I'm begging you!  

Author's Response:

This was a hard chapter to write. You know as well as I do how easy it is to get attached to your own characters. All I can say right now is stay tuned...and thanks for reading and your feedback as always, Ashley!

Alysen B. 

musiccrazedjazzy (Signed) on Aug 14, 2013 11:58 pm (Chapter 19 - Just Give Me a Reason)
I have a bad feeling about this. cant wait for the update.

Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Aug 14, 2013 07:17 pm (Chapter 19 - Just Give Me a Reason)
Oh my gosh, this chapter made me so happy! That's all I have to say! 

Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Aug 13, 2013 05:55 pm (Chapter 18 - 2010: At This Moment)
Oh my gosh, Becca's finally seeing the light! Please Becca, follow your heart, and your gut, and do not marry this jerk. I mean c'mon, boarding school? Like, really? That's the classic "I hate your kid" move! 

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 10, 2013 11:14 pm (Chapter 17-Tell Me Lies)

AWW! So CUTE! :D JC would make a great daddy... :) Or maybe he would look adorable playing with cute little children..lolz and puppies! Yes puppies! Ok let me stop..

Now, SETH! You need to stop talking to JC like that saying what he needs to do and not do with Dylan, what is your problem? You big moose! I picture him bald and mean, is he bald and mean?? LOL

These lines here: Well, honey,” his voice became terse. “You’re going to have to get used to me because in a few months I’ll be your stepfather and you and I are going to have to get along. And you will listen to what I tell you to do. Do I make myself clear?”

*Release the hounds

I hope Becca realizes that Seth is a jerk, sure JC made a mistake, but still.

Oh and the title of this chapter, "Tell Me Lies" is that from Fleetwood Mac: Tell Me Lies(Tell Me Sweet Little Lies) love that song.

Above all, great job and thanks for the update...

Author's Response:

Yep! That's where the title came from! I know, JC as a dad is PRECIOUS. I love the idea...and I'd volunteer to help him make that happen..hehe ;)

Thanks for reading!

Alysen B. 

spoon (Signed) on Aug 09, 2013 03:04 pm (Chapter 17-Tell Me Lies)
Seth is an arse. Come on JC pull out the the big guns and win Becca back. I think I may have said this before butI'm going to say it again, I adore daddy JC : )

Author's Response:

JC would be a great daddy for sure!

Thanks for reading!

Alysen B. 

Musiccrazedjazzy (Anonymous) on Aug 09, 2013 02:10 am (Chapter 17-Tell Me Lies)
Seth is a piece of work. Becca open your eyes to who this control freak.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading!

Alysen B. 

Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Aug 08, 2013 05:40 pm (Chapter 17-Tell Me Lies)
God I hate guys like Seth! And Becca is totally frustrating me, I mean I know that she just wants to move on with her life, but she's being so delusional. I know that she and JC have had their problems, but there is no reason why she shouldn't believe him when it comes to the well-being of their child. And it should've been a red flag for Becca when Dylan said that she didn't like Seth. Kids are the most honest people after all. 

Author's Response:

Keep reading...I know Becca is super frustrating right now!

Alysen B. 

mollyanna5 (Anonymous) on Aug 02, 2013 06:25 pm (Chapter 16: 2009 - Parent Trapped)
grrr, they are so frustrating together and apart!!! Joey is the sensible one!! Thanks for the updates :)

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 01, 2013 09:42 pm (Chapter 16: 2009 - Parent Trapped)

*tear :( *grabs Kleenex tissues* Poor Dylan, she wants her parents back together again, I honestly would feel awful if I had to move away from my best friend and go to a different school with different people, *shudders* that happened to me before.. *sigh

But anyway, at least JC is coming back to Orlando to be with Dylan though, but still..

Maybe Dylan could do a "Parent Trap" sorta thing or "It Takes Two." ;)

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