Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Feb 10, 2013 01:17 pm (
Chapter 5- 2001-2002: Making Plans)
Wow! Becca and Josh have been through a lot. I hope that they can work things out and get back together.
Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback!
spoon (Signed) on Feb 10, 2013 01:11 pm (
Chapter 1 - 2000: The First Time I Saw Your Face)
Really enjoying this story. Can't wait to see where this goes : )
Author's Response: Thanks for your feedback!
musiccrazedjazzy (Signed) on Feb 09, 2013 11:37 pm (
Chapter 5- 2001-2002: Making Plans)
I think becca is gonna do something that will cause JC to explode and get angry with her. Evan making out with her or something. eep cant wait for the next update.
Author's Response: ;)
theusagirl (Signed) on Feb 08, 2013 08:15 pm (
Chapter 4 - 2000-2001: That's Just the Way It Is)
*gasp* So this is how it is! Oooh! thats right Becca you miss him, you miss JC er Josh I mean..lolz Maybe they coud've worked this out?? But then again, he was jealous and she was independent..that can be tough.
And Bobbi is the picture now?? *scoff
This is good though! :D I'm glad you updated!
Author's Response: Thanks! It's been a busy month but I had some free time to update this weekend ;)
mollyanna5 (Anonymous) on Feb 08, 2013 03:45 pm (
Chapter 4 - 2000-2001: That's Just the Way It Is)
oh boy! Tough relationship! thanks for updating :)
Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback
Anonymous (Anonymous) on Feb 08, 2013 01:25 pm (
Chapter 4 - 2000-2001: That's Just the Way It Is)
Oh my land those two were made for each other. They need to get over their insecurities and move on together.
Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback ;)
theusagirl (Signed) on Jan 12, 2013 10:00 pm (
Chapter 3 - You're Having My Baby)
YOU DID NOT END IT THERE! AHHH! JC! You need to stop being all jealous all the time with her, she's not interested in Nick, she loves you, which is why she told him she was pregnant..and even though thats not exactly how she planned on telling him..
This is good! :D
Oh wait..I remember that Brian McKnight song! Now whenever they play it on the radio I'm gonna think of this chapter..lolz
mollyanna5 (Anonymous) on Jan 12, 2013 01:12 am (
Chapter 3 - You're Having My Baby)
OMG! I can't believe you left it there, you are pure evil, evil I say!
Thanks for the update, I loved it!
Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Jan 11, 2013 09:21 pm (
Chapter 3 - You're Having My Baby)
Ahhh! What? Noooo!!!! I can't believe you just left it like that! Now I'm so anxious for the next chapter.
musiccrazedjazzy (Signed) on Jan 11, 2013 08:26 pm (
Chapter 3 - You're Having My Baby)
ohh this is getting good. Ehh who cares about ben affleck I'd get Christian Bale. :D cant wait for the next update.
theusagirl (Signed) on Jan 08, 2013 08:39 pm (
Chapter 2 - Hey Jealousy)
*dun dun dun
Well this is starting to sound good, JC is having a jealous issue?? Hmm..yes Becca and Nick are just friends, sure they are sure..OOH!
Nicely done though.. :)
theusagirl (Signed) on Jan 08, 2013 08:21 pm (
Chapter 1 - 2000: The First Time I Saw Your Face)
Oooooh I'm liking this, would like to know what happens next.. :)
*reads next chapter*
AmberW (Signed) on Jan 07, 2013 04:37 am (
Chapter 2 - Hey Jealousy)
Oh girl...I love where this is going!
Author's Response: Sweet! And thanks. Hope you're well, Amber!
JSC_OutOfSync (Signed) on Jan 07, 2013 01:02 am (
Chapter 2 - Hey Jealousy)
I like this story :) Update soon.
Author's Response: Hoping to hash out another chapter soon :) Glad you like it.
musiccrazedjazzy (Anonymous) on Jan 06, 2013 05:28 pm (
Chapter 2 - Hey Jealousy)
oh my land. JC needs to calm down and trust her, that's the biggest thing in a relationship, TRUST get it through your head JC sheesh. Cant wait for the next update. :D
Author's Response: ;)