Comments For Shut Up and Drive
DiamondDoss (Signed) on Jun 24, 2013 10:04 pm (Shut Up And Drive)
Wow...I have a newfound respect for that song. And your visual writing abilities. :) And yes, he should have paid attention to her. But when he did...the devil was in the details. And the hot car seats. Very nice.

theusagirl (Signed) on Jun 24, 2013 07:52 pm (Shut Up And Drive)

Whoa..what a twist! Right on Lance! Its about time you spent time with her, that was kind of hot, on a hot day, in a car, did I mention that it was hot?? I'm talking about the weather..lolz I'm more of JC girl myself, but Lance comes a close third..Chris being my second..lolz

Nicely done.. :)

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