Comments For Healing Wounds.
MochaB (Signed) on Oct 08, 2014 08:34 pm (Mr. Generous )
Agsbdgsmsnsksmshrndh!!!!! Ok so I love that that just happened. Lol even though it may not have been the best timing, I can't help but love it cause I've been waiting on that first kiss. Unfortunately Jessica is still in the picture. And since Justin can't grow a pair and either cut ties or actually commit to her she is being dragged along the way, and IN the way of him developing something with Melanie. I mean he needs to make a decision. Certainly inviting her to Barbados wasn't the smartest idea. Although Melanie is still in a fragile state she, and she's having these strange feelings and relations to Justin, she definitely likes him as more than friends (or is close to that line) even though she hasn't admitted that to herself. And if anything he needs to make a decision so he won't hurt her more than she's been hurt. He obviously cares for her in just this short oeriod of time. Not saying they need to jump in a relationship together immediately, but with Jessica cut out they could definitely be on their way to one. It's great that theyhave become friends over this time, but there's still so much to learn about each other and they could do that freely in he was completely unattached. I'm so glad she confided in him with the info about her ex-husband. Huge step. Anyway I still can't stand Rachel, Justin needs to make a decision, and I'm so glad they kissed. Even if it was bad timing. Lol but I certainly hope this doesn't make Mel react crazily. Hope they can both deal with it rationally and not take steps back from the relationship they have going. Update soon!! :o)

Author's Response: I love your lengithy reviews! haha thanks 

jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Oct 08, 2014 11:38 am (Mr. Generous )
Things were getting exciting until Rachel called. She sure has lousy timing. I'm glad Melanie is so observant. She caught on to Trace and Rachel. I love how generous Justin his to his employees. 

Author's Response: Thanks!

Classicbeauty (Anonymous) on Oct 05, 2014 11:05 pm (Mr. Generous )

I'm so so so loving this story. I just started reading it. But keep up the good work,I can't wait to see what happens next. Also what happen to the other story you had with the girl in ATL, kind of a call girl I think. Either way I'm disappointed to see its gone wish you kept it up but I'm excited with this new one.


Thanks for sharing your talent ! 

Take care,


Author's Response: Thank you for taking the time to read

Nikki (Anonymous) on Oct 04, 2014 01:07 pm (Mr. Generous )
AWEEEESOME. Now things aredefinitely picking up and getting quite interesting. I'm awaiting the next chapter...soon, please:)

Author's Response: :) thanks

Nikki (Anonymous) on Oct 02, 2014 07:46 am (Prologue)

Update soon, please?


jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Aug 28, 2014 11:22 am (Again)
Melanie was really enjoying herself until she bumped into that jerk Reggie. I hate that he messed up her good mood. I wish she would stop following apart whenever she sees him. I love Justin coming to the rescue!!

jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Aug 28, 2014 11:00 am (Release)
 I know Sanaa wants to help her cousin but she needs to let Melanie find her way. I'm glad Josh talked her out of going. Rachel needs to mind her business and enjoy Trace. Justin is a grown man and knows what he is doing. He really has a sensitive side and wants to help Melanie. Melanie should let Justin help her enjoy life again. I can't wait for them to get together. 

elle-miranda (Signed) on Aug 27, 2014 02:13 pm (Prologue)
I'm adding this one to my favorites and settling myself back to read. I'm looking forward to what comes next!

Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 18, 2014 07:19 am (Prologue)
I like this story a lot, please update with  more. Thanks:)

alee_92 (Signed) on Aug 15, 2014 09:03 am (Again)
I can't wait for Mel and Justin to really connect!

Author's Response:

Me too :) 

Thanks for reading 

tiffany (Anonymous) on Jul 20, 2014 02:15 pm (Again)
Love the update. Melanie is letting her ex have too much power over her. Its time she let that go. It was painful yes but let it go. She will never be happy and have any form of life if she continue to let her failed relationship with Reggie have control over her life. Any future relationship she has will be tainted if she don't learn to take back control of her life and her mental and emotional health. She needs to see a therapist. It's time to heal Melaine and show Reggie he didn't break you.  I hope Trace don't start giving Justin  no problems. What i hope he does is reign Rachel in before she damages her relationship with her cousin. Because she really getting on my nerves. I hope you can resolve that situation with her and Justin soon because enough is enough with her medling butt. It's like she has no boundries where Justin concern. She feel she can do, act, or say whatever she want to and he should take it because they family. Justin need to tell her he loves her and appreciate her concern but that she needs to back way the hell up because he a grown a** man who can handle his own personal life. I've had to do that with a couple of family members. Believe me once you set those boundries life is so much better for everyone. Sorry for the Rachel rant but she irks me. Hope you can update soon.

Author's Response: I totally agree. Hopefully she can get it together with a little help from Justin.  Thanks for reviewing

jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Jul 19, 2014 04:30 pm (Prologue)
Melanie is letting her ex-husband have too much control over her emotions.  She needs to face her fears and let go of him. People will only have so much sympathy before they get tired. Justin is trying to help and she needs to open up and let him. I enjoyed the chapter and want to see what happens next. 

Author's Response: I know, these types of behaviors get old after awhile.

Nikki (Anonymous) on Jul 18, 2014 05:15 pm (Again)
Long awaited but awesome, none the less. Please update soon-er.

Author's Response: Willl do!

Tiffany (Anonymous) on Jul 07, 2014 02:35 pm (Coffee Run)
Loved the update. im glad she was able to stand up to Reggie although it took alot out of her. AS for Rachel she is bugging my nerve. i hope you update soon. And i hope you had a happy 4th weekend.

MochaB (Signed) on Jun 10, 2014 12:31 pm (Coffee Run)
Ok, number 1: I've said it before and I'll say it again I can't stand Rachel. Just stay out of Justin's business and don't be rude to Melanie cause of your nosiness and feelings for Jessica. She needs to chill out and not judge anybody or think rude thoughts towards anybody cause he must have forgot she's been having sex with Trace and keeping that big secret. Two, I feel for Melanie but at least she stood up to Reggie and wasn't swayed by him trying to brush things off as if what happened was a paper cut. If they have another run in I can't wait for when she's strong mentally and tells that fool OFF. Three, I love the little back touches and smiles Justin gives Melanie. He cares about her and that's nice for we to have even if they are just friends...for now. Lol anyway can't wait to read more! 

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