theusagirl (Signed) on Nov 05, 2013 08:46 pm (Chapter 6: Joey)

And there it was. I starred at it as it would be my first true love… except for the fact that I couldn’t eat the tree like a hamburger. HA! I can totally see this now, Joey looking at a tree in fascination..LOL

These lines here, I laughed so hard.. LMAO! Joey described it perfectly..yeah those two lovebirds would fuck as long as JC would whimper that his ass is hurting and we all could hear how Justin asks him if he should stop. JC would nod and Justin would say he wouldn’t care. Then we would hear how JC’s screaming (it was a mixture of moaning and screaming, depending on how hard Justin was fucking him).

theusagirl (Signed) on Nov 05, 2013 08:31 pm (Chapter 5: Lance)

As if they sensed I was there, all four of them turned their head in sync (heh, I’m so funny) and eyed the bags I carried. I grinned at them and JC tilted his head. “What are you so smiley about?” 

I can see that mental image of them turning their heads at the same time..tee hee.

I love how JC quickly lost it when Lance forgot the hats, always Lance..lolz

And Chris with fireworks?? Trouble.. :P

*reads next chapter*

daysgoby (Signed) on Nov 03, 2013 04:00 pm (Chapter 2: Justin)
OH My Gosh! I'm just sitting here laughing. I love Justin in this story. He makes me smile. Then Jc protecting his cookies.  Haha awesome. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Nov 02, 2013 11:50 pm (Chapter 3: JC)

“Wow,” I muttered, running a little surprised to see so much blue color in my house on Christmas day when I made it clear before that I wanted red. RED.

I love overly-dramatic JC, I can picture him saying things like that.

And I like the fact that he each gave them tasks to do for Christmas shopping..lolz

This is good though..

theusagirl (Signed) on Nov 02, 2013 11:40 pm (Chapter 2: Justin)
"JC...” I said in an innocent tone.

"Justin..." JC answered back in a copied tone.

"I was just wondering, whether I could have a-"

"NO, that tone won't work with me J, like I told the others; you're not having any of my cookies"

LOL! I love the fact that JC is like in protective mode about his cookies..and yeah I think he does worry alot.

Good chapter, I like how you are writing about each guys POV.

*reads next chapter*

theusagirl (Signed) on Nov 02, 2013 11:11 pm (Chapter 1: Joey)

Decided to read this nice Christmasy story..even though its not Christmas, I'm trying so hard not to listen to Christmas music.. lolz *waits patiently*

This looks like its gonna be a fun read..

*reads next chapter

fatonefan (Anonymous) on Oct 11, 2013 11:33 pm (Chapter 6: Joey)

 I stared at it as it would be my first true love… except for the fact that I couldn’t eat the tree like a hamburger.

 Aww, how cute :3 

“No seriously Joey, when I see that just a small crumb of my food is missing, I’m going to kill you!”

 Bahaha, I love how protective JC is of his precious food and how embarrassed he gets when the other guys point out how loud he gets when he's in a room alone with Justin. I'm just rubbing my hands in anticipation of what more shenanigans the guys will pull off that could potentially ruin JC's almost perfect Christmas. XD 

fatonefan (Anonymous) on Oct 06, 2013 03:22 am (Chapter 4: Chris)

Lol, Chris's stream of thoughts has been thoroughly entertaining as he went grocery shopping. Do you really need a tennis racket now, Chris? Apparently you do. And I liked the bit of jealousy he had for Joshtin's passioniate love. I wonder how JC will react when he gets a load of all those fireworks being set off in his yard. 

Makes me think of a snippet from some Joey/Brian fic where Joey is annoyed by JC's pickiness, because JC would totally disapprove of almost everything in Chris's shopping cart: 

Sometimes he drags JC with him, but not often because JC is cheap and gets really annoying when it comes to shopping. He tries to convince Joey that chocolate sandwich cookies are really the same as Oreos, and look! Thirty cents cheaper! Clearly JC doesn’t know what he’s talking about and after awhile Joey just gets sick of listening to it. After all, he can afford the extra thirty cents.

He has JC with him and he’s trying to convince Joey that Sam’s Club cola really does taste the same as Coca-Cola.

“You’re just paying for the label, Joe. It contains the same stuff. Here, look at the ingredients.” JC picks up two bottles and begins comparing.

“Same, same, same. You know, Joe, on second thought, soda contains some pretty scary stuff. Maybe you should stick to water. Or tea.”

Joey rolls his eyes, grabbing the real Coke out of JC’s hands and throwing it into his cart. He looks pointedly at JC’s empty basket.

“Are you here to buy food, Jayce, or just to annoy the hell out of me?”

JC looks down at his basket. “No, no. I’m shopping. I just haven’t found what I want yet.”

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