Author's Response: Thank you love! Glad you picked up on that, was hoping somebody'd connect that dot :)
Is it her brother? Or Chris? You are the goddamn devil. YOU KNOW MY ARIES BRAIN CANNOT HANDLE THIS.
Arrrrrgh you are genius and I love you but I hate you at the same time it's all very confusing
I loved it. HARUMPH.
Author's Response: Read it sober, you lush! (Spoiler: it was Rob lol)
I don't know why this is happening, but apparently I will be reviewing this whole story drunk. THAT IS FINE BY ME.
I hope that's fine by you. If not, oops. You love me anyway, damnit.
So, cigarette burns suck. They're kind of the worst. Poor Olivia. I sort of feel like I misread this challenge in that it had to do with a murder? I don't know. I could be wrong. This all seems very accidental.
They're both very broken and you know how I love very broken people and I just want to hug them so please give them hugs and penguins.
Author's Response: Fine by me too, you are very entertaining when you're hammered.
Author's Response: Thanks hon x
If you haven't seen American Horror Story this season then this reference is useless.
I do not trust the pretty boy, nor do I know that I blame him for the awful lady Vanessa was.
I'm torn. Don't you know not to do this to me when wine is involved??
But i'm not sad she's dead which possibly makes me a terrible person but OH WELL
Ok love you update lots xoxo you're the devil xoxo
Author's Response: That reference is lost on me but yes, pretty boys are not to be trusted at any point ever.
Author's Response: #drunk #nutjob #loveyou
Author's Response: She is. No lie.
Reasons I love you:
Glenfiddich references.
Also, Vanessa sounds so much like my ex. Have they met? can we hook them up? Oh balls, she's not real.
I don't like sad Justin but I love Chris always.
Author's Response: You had an ex like that? He best be thankful I don't know his name or location because otherwise I would be there and I would be throwing pies in his face and tipping beer over his head. And he'd have to be grateful that was all he was getting, but then with assault laws being what they are...
Concerned male friends are the best. Inarticulate concerned male friends are even better. I love Trace the most, as you know, but Trace and JC together is just the greatest thing ever. But mostly, aren't you so proud I spelled inarticulate correctly in my current state?
And just remember, you brought this on yourself for I did not know this existed til just now.
Author's Response: I am very proud of your astonishing coherence and ability to spell, under the circumstances.
Ok, so normally I do not condone cheating in the LEAST BIT but it seems his ex may be unhinged so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. FOR NOW. FOR NOW.
Red wine is the devil. As are you. But I love you both so much anyway.
Author's Response: So what you mean is I'm closely related to red wine? That's true.
Author's Response: ;o)
Author's Response: Exactly what I was going for!
Author's Response: *looks innocent*
Author's Response: It may get creepier lol