DiamondDoss (Signed) on Dec 29, 2013 09:48 pm (Chapter 1)
Okay I find it ironic you titled the story after a BSB song and I was singing the thing every time I read it. LOL I LOVED the story. I had no idea who got me or what they might come up with. I can't believe Joey would do that but at the same time I can. Glad that he stayed for Chris and Karly's wedding and Mel didn't lock him out of the house with all his stuff piled in the yard...however with a kid she wouldn't do that. Maybe fodder for next time. Thank you for writing my story Rach!! Love ya!!!

Author's Response: Well NSYNC only has so many titles to chose from and I didn't know what to title the story! If I wanted to really draw this out, his ass would have been crawling for a long long time. But you know Mel's a sap for her bear.

Alysen Blaine (Signed) on Dec 22, 2013 05:38 pm (Chapter 1)
Really enjoyed this!! 

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