KrisB (Signed) on Aug 17, 2015 06:26 pm (
Road Weary Opinions and Things of That Nature)
I know Dara is just trying to help but she's a bit nosy. I'm all for more sex with JC! LOL
DiamondDoss (Signed) on Jul 31, 2015 03:11 pm (
Undercurrents and Overtones)
“We’ve got a little over three months left on this tour, and if she just needs time and space to...I don’t know, to figure shit out….that’s fine. I can give her that.” JC’s voice was so quiet it was almost a whisper. “I just don’t want to find out that at the end of it all, I was just a distraction for her.”
No truer words spoken. Get your shizzle together, Case. Even if I think he needs a cheeseburger or two, that's JC freakin' Chasez...
Author's Response: how am I just reading this?! a cheeseburger! LOL Thanks for reading, hon!
alysen blaine (Anonymous) on Jul 29, 2015 10:08 pm (
Undercurrents and Overtones)
oh sweet jesus that dialogue at the end got me..."you more than like her, don't you?" YES YES YES you do JC!! sigh...loving it.
creativechaos (Anonymous) on Jul 29, 2015 04:16 am (
Ice Bucket Conversations)
I'm finally reading this, and as usual questioning why the hell I ever waited so long. Um...that thing, at the end...I have a feeling that's set the tone for the WHOLE rest of the story and I'm in for a ride.
LadyX (Signed) on Jul 12, 2015 09:01 am (
Go Mama! Tony is still and asshole and JC is still a sex god. That is all.
Author's Response: jc. sex god. i'm sorry, i got distracted. what were you saying?
alysen blaine (Anonymous) on Jul 11, 2015 09:25 pm (
oh. my gosh.
Well, I had to read that first part more than once...b/c yeaaaahhhh.
Great job please more soon :D
Author's Response: haha! thanks girl!! more coming soooooon! :D
AceofSpades (Signed) on May 20, 2015 12:06 pm (
Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing)
Awww that ending was so sweet. I loved how they actually talked about the idea of being official without really talking about it. That's so them. hahaha. great chapter.
Author's Response: LOL they're kind of silly, no? (or rather, casey is and jc let's her be.) ;-) thanks, lady!
LadyX (Signed) on Apr 26, 2015 12:55 pm (
Big City Blues aka A Chicago Tale in Three Parts, Trois)
Simmer down Amber, you did the same exact thing with Joey.
Still find the little conversation in bed so cute!
Author's Response: you are the bestest. that is all. ;-)
LadyX (Signed) on Apr 26, 2015 12:37 pm (
Big City Blues aka A Chicago Tale in Three Parts, Deux)
Still love this monster of a three-parter.
And as a side note...I'm a speedy beta because with you I only have to read, comment and enjoy. While with my story you actually have to be constantly on the lookout for my shitty
Author's Response: haha, monster it is! it was over 10k words. for. one. chapter. gah!
and psh! your punctuation is NOT shitty.
AceofSpades (Signed) on Apr 25, 2015 12:44 pm (
Big City Blues aka A Chicago Tale in Three Parts, Trois)
Amber and Casey need to make up right now. I like their friendshi.
Author's Response: they will...eventually. i think they both need to get over themselves a little though. ;-)
AceofSpades (Signed) on Apr 25, 2015 12:37 pm (
Big City Blues aka A Chicago Tale in Three Parts, Un)
I miss Sam Goody. They don't have those stores near me anymore, but they were awesome.
Casey really needs to not hold anything back. Great chapter.
Author's Response: oh man i looooved sam goody! i remember when they stay open late so you get new music on tuesdays at midnight. soooo long ago! thanks for continuing to read and review! i appreciate it so very much! :-)
LadyX (Signed) on Apr 21, 2015 12:18 pm (
Big City Blues aka A Chicago Tale in Three Parts, Un)
So yeah, I'll read it again a hundred billions times. Me loves me some JC...action. LOL.
Can't wait to see how you broke up the two other parts!
Author's Response: JC...action is the best, isn't it?
Anonymous (Anonymous) on Apr 20, 2015 06:38 pm (
Big City Blues aka A Chicago Tale in Three Parts, Un)
Ahhh don't leave us hanging! Looking forward to the rest of the chapter.
Author's Response: next part's up! ;-) thanks for reading!!
Alysen Blaine (Signed) on Apr 16, 2015 12:01 pm (
Questions 67 & 68)
I just love this story so much!! All of it. I love your writing style, El. Well done, my friend.
Author's Response: aww, thank you so much, hon! thanks so much for your kind words...and for reading! :D
LadyX (Signed) on Apr 16, 2015 09:13 am (
Questions 67 & 68)
Love how they are slowly getting to know each other more than just in the biblical sense ;). So excited for what's to come...especially since I already know what's on the way....
Author's Response: haha! your help is invaluable to me!! thank you so much!