Pumples (Signed) on Dec 22, 2014 04:13 pm (Chapter 1: One Last Show)

“You’re gross, Timberlake. I don’t appreciate your sweat.” I DO! (Okay, even reading that back I realise it sounds weird!)


Dear lord, she was turning into Chris.

Ha ha! I really liked this. I hope your secret santa does too!

Author's Response: Hahaha! Thanks for the review! I really appreciate it:)

AceofSpades (Signed) on Dec 22, 2014 04:00 pm (Chapter 3: Opposites Don't Always Attract)
Don't worry about the length, trust me, I get the school thing. This was perfect and put a huge smile on my face!

Merry Christmas and thanks again.

Author's Response: Aww thank you! So glad you liked it! It was so hard not telling you lol:)

AceofSpades (Signed) on Dec 22, 2014 03:45 pm (Chapter 2: I Give Up)
Wade, Wade, Wade. That was a bad move, pissing Annaleigh off like that. haha. I feel bad for Lance, but that's exactly how she'd act.

You've got Annaleigh down perfectly.

AceofSpades (Signed) on Dec 22, 2014 03:41 pm (Chapter 1: One Last Show)

Haha, you've got their banter down and everything. I was so excited to see that you got me. I loved ho you wrote Annaleigh. It was perfect. I really loved this, especialy this part:


Justin looked appalled. "I do not buy Britney lingerie. For your information, I'm a classy gentleman."

Joey stifled a laugh. "Yup. And JC has great red carpet fashion."


For sure the boys didn't have the most fattering red carpet fashion. Thank you so much! I loved it!

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