Comments For Said Too Much
Sox (Anonymous) on Feb 19, 2015 12:27 pm (Chapter 5)
Poor Millie! Her father is quite the piece of work! 

Sox (Anonymous) on Feb 12, 2015 08:48 am (Chapter 4)
So cute! I'm glad they're clicking! Can't wait to see where it goes :-)

Author's Response: :o)

DiamondDoss (Signed) on Feb 10, 2015 02:21 pm (Chapter 4)
Okay I had to read through all of the chapters before I said anything. I loved this...
Of course when I explained that to Trace he said and I quote: ‘cyanide is chemistry but that doesn’t make it a good idea to do shots of the fucking stuff.’ Smart ass.

And you mentioned Elvis. I heart you! Can't wait to see where this goes!! Congrats on your awards :)

Author's Response: Elvis always deserves a mention. (Also, I may have been rocking out to Devil In Disguise at the time)

Sox (Anonymous) on Feb 06, 2015 03:22 pm (Chapter 3)
Millie seems very normal, I'm interested to learn more about her... just like Justin is :)

Author's Response: So actually the comment I made to your other review was the one I meant to make here... but, you know, I feel it applies to both lol

Fionnuala (Signed) on Feb 03, 2015 12:35 pm (Chapter 2)
It's been forever since I came here, but I'm glad to find you still writing! I like this so far, looking forward to seeing where it goes!

Author's Response:

I'm going to deal with ths calmly and maturely.

*runs and jumps on you and squishes you*

 Or not.  I can't believe you're here, lady!!!

Sox (Anonymous) on Feb 02, 2015 09:27 am (Chapter 2)

I think maybe Justin should make Millie feel like more than a piece of meat :)

Great job!

Author's Response: Your wish, etc etc ;o)

Sox (Signed) on Jan 24, 2015 06:26 pm (Chapter 1)

hmmm... I'm interested to see where this goes!

 I'd like some of that magic face cream myself :) Great job, girlie! x

Author's Response: I would too, I wish it existed. lol

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