THIS: But this guy's blues are amazingly lovely. Bright. Little flecks of maybe green? I don't know. He's talking to me, asking me something, and I realize I'm grinning stupidly. Also, it's loud and I can hardly hear him.
JC's blue eyes! And everything else is just UGH! I'm SO behind on reviewing stories, I would try to catch up on reviewing some of these! :D
This story sounds good!
Author's Response: thank you so much for reading/reviewing! i hope you enjoy it (when you find time to catch up! ;D )
Author's Response: thank you, love!
Author's Response: thank you so much!! i hope it keeps you engaged!
Author's Response: LOL! I'm letting my muses lead me and they're telling me to take it slow. (Oddly, they're also telling me no smut this time so... *shrug*) Thanks, lady!
Author's Response: aaaaand...there's more! ;-)
Author's Response: thank you so much, AJ!! i so appreciate you reading and reviewing! :-D
Author's Response: :D just updated!! :D
Author's Response: haha! she's influencing me all over the place! :-) thank you!
Author's Response: thank you, honey! ;-)
I'm so excited. I'm so excited...I'm so...excited.
:) Especially since I know what comes next. LOVE THIS ALL OF EVERYTHING FOREVER.
Author's Response: hehe i love your responses, always!
Author's Response: :D thanks, aj!!
Author's Response: thank you so much! :-) i hope to have more up very, very soon!
Author's Response: thank you, friend! ;-) getting to that 'more' quickly!!