Comments For Guarded Hearts
Kimmie131 (Signed) on Sep 21, 2024 07:06 am (Chapter 13)

Please a sequal... i read the story in one go. I was hoked on it. 

Author's Response:

Oh my gosh, you're so sweet. A sequel is in the works. I have some written already. But I do work full time and I'm a full time student. So it's taking me a long time. I promise. It's coming. Xoxo

JTlover1989 (Signed) on Aug 17, 2024 07:59 pm (Chapter 10)

These two are so cute together! I'm rooting for them. Just gotta get Stella out of the way! 

Author's Response:

Oh thank you! There's only a few chapters left. I love writing about these two! 

Alyssa Rae (Signed) on Aug 15, 2024 01:17 am (Chapter 1)

AKkk!!! I hate Stella! NOOOOOOOO.

Author's Response:

I hate her too, lol. But I love writing about her! 

DayblackLB80 (Signed) on Jul 09, 2024 02:41 pm (Chapter 1)

Damn im hooked. Can't wait to see what happens. And welcome to the archive ????

Author's Response:

Oh my gosh! Thank you!!! I appreciate the kind words and I'm looking forward to posting more. I should have the next piece up in the coming days. <3 

MissM (Signed) on Jul 04, 2024 05:33 pm (Chapter 1)

*takes a seat* I am all about taking liberties! This is the most fun part of fanfiction. Looking forward to reading you! Welcome to the archive 

Author's Response:

Thank you! I look forward to more feedback as I continue to post! <3 

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