Comments For Sin City
Vanessa (Signed) on Oct 27, 2007 02:33 pm ("I'm Justin Timberlake. I should never be horny." Part 2)
Oh my God, I waited so long for this update and I have to say it was soooooo worth it. Just.. amazing! LOVE IT!
Madcrazychick (Signed) on Oct 27, 2007 02:31 pm ("I'm Justin Timberlake. I should never be horny." Part 2)
And at first I had gotten so wrapped up in the heat of the chapter that I thought maybe I was just being too cynical last time when I was worried that something was going to happen and ruin everything. And then came the su madre dropkick happened! :| Things were going so well! She was having freudian slips and calling him her boyfriend and then physical crash, emotional crash. But it's good it happened, because it gave us the key to understanding Trevion: The pride in his eyes almost killed me. He was so, so proud of me. In a way that I’d never understand.
I don't know how Louise doesn't know she has a daughter, when she obviously does, because it seems like she genuinely believes that she doesn't have one. So maybe she isn't a bad mother, maybe she's a crazy one? lol I dunno, I feel like I should re-read a chapter with Burns it in for a clue. I just hope that Trev doesn't seriously hurt someone before she can get the explanation.
In response to the Author's Note: never apologize for long chapters! I love them. :)
And back to the chapter, loved it, loved it, loved it! Can't wait for the next update! Which I'm sure you're going to be posting in....5...4...3...2...
I don't know how Louise doesn't know she has a daughter, when she obviously does, because it seems like she genuinely believes that she doesn't have one. So maybe she isn't a bad mother, maybe she's a crazy one? lol I dunno, I feel like I should re-read a chapter with Burns it in for a clue. I just hope that Trev doesn't seriously hurt someone before she can get the explanation.
In response to the Author's Note: never apologize for long chapters! I love them. :)
And back to the chapter, loved it, loved it, loved it! Can't wait for the next update! Which I'm sure you're going to be posting in....5...4...3...2...
Madcrazychick (Signed) on Oct 27, 2007 01:42 pm ("I'm Justin Timberlake. I should never be horny.")
I loved the cereal drama. lol Justin's got issues. And loved Jennifer's crazy ass rants. And how it brought out Justin's protective side. A man who will stab someone for you is a keeper. lol And loved that Justin wants the relationship defined first before he gets the booty. I need this Justin in my life! lol And loved this line: “Oh my god, I’m trapped in a Meg Ryan movie.” And it's funny that the whole label of girlfriend thing was brought up in this chapter, I was just talking about that over breakfast why ppl do everything the girlfriend/boyfriend would do and don't want the label attached, when really what would the label change? You're still going to be doing what you were already doing. Why not be official while you're doing it? lol Okay, before I get too sidetracked... I loved it all and now onto the second half...
Blondie85 (Signed) on Oct 27, 2007 12:53 pm ("Are you some kind of witch or something?")
GRR NO you dont need shorter chapters hun! ive just seen this so im off to read! YAY!
alimera (Signed) on Oct 27, 2007 11:47 am ("I'm Justin Timberlake. I should never be horny." Part 2)
lol, it's "bear" but omg, things were about to get good with the two of them! please don't take forever to update again, you'll kill me!
Kahlymilla (Signed) on Oct 27, 2007 11:21 am ("I'm Justin Timberlake. I should never be horny." Part 2)
Oh damn what the hell is wrong with Louise? Why does it take Justin to remind her that Trevion is her daughter? I can definitely tell this is about to get crazy. Oh by the way this whole chapter was the business from start to finish. But Trevion know she was wrong for what she was doing in that car. There was no way he was going to be able to concentrate! Lol. -Milla
FHJL88 (Signed) on Oct 25, 2007 09:36 am ("I want to be the only man who knows what you taste like.")
I just read this entire story in two days,and it is awesome!
Justin and Trevion are great together, please update soon! Pretty please with a cherry on top.
cinnabon83 (Signed) on Sep 16, 2007 10:59 pm ("Are you some kind of witch or something?")
I love this story!!! Justin and Trevion own my soul, seriously. Can't waiting till they seal the deal, lol. Looking forward to your next update. :)
Vanessa (Signed) on Sep 03, 2007 01:28 pm ("I want to be the only man who knows what you taste like.")
updateeeeeeeeee :)
Madcrazychick (Signed) on Aug 30, 2007 09:14 pm ("I want to be the only man who knows what you taste like.")
Okay, so I'm a bad person for not reviewing sooner, lol, but I thought if I waited some clever review would come to me, but alas it hasn't. All I can say is, I love it. Love that they're back together, or together for the first time, can't remember if they were official. lol But in the midst of all this love, I'm worried. Worried that something (methinks perhaps someone *coughssumadre*) is going to come along and somehow, some way drop-kick the happiness. On that glass half full, lol, note... update soon!
lyss2118 (Signed) on Aug 26, 2007 03:57 am ( “I want you.”)
update!!!!!!!!!!! oooo sooooooooo goooooooooooood!!!!!!! :)
JuJuB (Signed) on Aug 22, 2007 02:29 pm ("I want to be the only man who knows what you taste like.")
You are my personal saviour. mother of somebody that was the hottest thing ever. Peple should lick chocolate sauce off your incomparable instep. Justin's speech...Steven's stroke....*dies* This is the best story i've read in a while. update sooooooooooon! so i can get my crack fix, yo.
LuLu (Signed) on Aug 20, 2007 12:12 am ("I want to be the only man who knows what you taste like.")
Everytime I read this story I laugh out loud. I love Trevion, she's too damn funny. Her and Stephen's relationship is so cute. And I am so happy she and Justin are back on track, but I get the feeling the sexual fustration's just started. I predict some interruptions and road blocks b4 they reach the finish line. Can't wait for more!
jc4127 (Signed) on Aug 18, 2007 11:34 pm ("I want to be the only man who knows what you taste like.")
Wow. I am so glad you are updating this story. I LOVE it and now I must go cool down after this last chapter.
Vanessa (Signed) on Aug 18, 2007 11:06 pm ("I want to be the only man who knows what you taste like.")
Well, damn. *fans self* hahaha
So glad you updated!!! Don't leave us hanging for too long.
So glad you updated!!! Don't leave us hanging for too long.