Comments For Spoiled
danie (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 07:45 am (Changes)
after i read that thing about justing being in the gym, i was like picturing it and was like that sounds so hot. if she dating somebody she ain't gotta lie. its like everytime i read this story, justin is always the jealous one but it does make the story better. i just got the urge to read this after i saw this thing about nsync on the biography channel, i'm feeling kind of sentimental or something about how much i miss listening to them i guess.

Author's Response: Kiki's secrecy has to do with her own residual feelings for Justin that she's in denial about - she kind of feels guilty for moving on.

Justin's about to be hit with the fact that he threw away the best thing he had and now she's a free agent. Its going to turn those blue eyes of his green very quickly and its going to force his hand. Juki are apporoaching a crossroad in their relationship - its going to be decision time for them.

Thanx for your review!

lostinadreamx (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 06:38 pm (Changes)

Lol I love Juki. That has to be the cutest name for them. I'm all for Juki. Cameron has got to go! Now, does Kiki have another man? I assume that she was on a date when Cheyenne was at Justin's. Hmm... that is definitely going to contemplate things. Justin's already not very happy that someone else is going to come in and disturb their happy little family.

I think (hopefully) this will be the wake up call for Justin. All he has to do is see Kiki with someone else and I think that will set him off. It will finally make him do what's right. It's obvious those two still want eachother and it seems like their flirting is getting more and more intense. BTW, that description of Justin working out at the gym... yeah SO HOT! lol

That whole Justin/Cheyenne day was adorable. He's such a good dad, its really cute. Loved the update!

Author's Response: 3 to 0 for Juki - I'd say that's a sweep. Juki it is! I'm team Juki too! LoL.

Justin's family isn't the only thing his worried about someone butting in on, but its his woman that he's most worried about competing for. The only problem is he has yet to admit - right now its really just generic male territorialism (is that a real word lol), but when he has a name and face to go with the person that's poaching on what he considers his, he's going to be pretty ticked off. Its definitely going to put a fire under his ass.

Oh yes a hot sweat Justin is very drool worthy. Daddy Justin is pretty hot too. He and Cheyenne are quite the father/daughter duo.

Thanx for another fantablous review!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 03:02 pm (Changes)

I wonder what Kiki is up to. Something tells me whatever it is Justin's not gonna like. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. PMS

Author's Response: No Justin is not going to like what Kiki was doing. Even she knew that, that's why she wouldn't tell him. The truth is going to come out soon and it going to seriously stir the pot. Thanx 4 R&R!!

LaLa (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 11:42 am (Changes)
Aww, i love this story. I hope you update aoon.

Author's Response: Thanx 4 the review!!

PS. I just noticed our pennames are like faternal twins LoL

DaniD (Signed) on Aug 03, 2008 09:18 pm (Changes)

Juki or Kistin? I think Juki has a good ring to it..It's more quirky.

So..I love the interaction between the three (Justin, Kiki, and Cheyenne)..and Justin seems to do great with Chey all on his own. Hated the "date" with Cameron. But...what are ya going to do..she's his girlfriend. *sigh*

Kiki's mystery night out. PLEASE tell me that she's met somebody! It's about time...and boy would Justin be jealous..heheheh His noseyness is hilarious. I want him to really MISS what he had with her...and I want him to really feel REGRET for throwing away his chance to be with this amazing woman! I know he regrets hurting her..but I want him to want her..ya know? I'm sorry, but he deserves to pine for her! Sorry...I have a bit of a mean streak. lol

Great update!

Author's Response: Ok 2 to 0 - its's looking good for Juki LoL. Good - I perfer Juki too, its different, catchy, quirky like you said.

I must admit that writing the Cameron/Justin scene wasn't fun for me. Yes she is his girlfriend, but its really a meaningless title. That's going to start becoming rather obvious.

Ah yes Kiki's secret - Justin is NOT going to like it when he finds out. Jealousy is going to run amok within Mr. Timberlake and the longing, regret and desire is all going to bust out. And don't feel bad about wanting him to pine - I wanna see that too.

Thanx for reviewing Dani!

MissM69 (Signed) on Aug 03, 2008 04:12 pm (Changes)

adorably funny chapter :)

p.s. JUKI for the win :D 

Author's Response: YaY! One for Juki - I like Juki the best too. Thanx 4 your review!

alimera (Signed) on Aug 03, 2008 01:52 pm (Changes)
Um. Yeah. Justin and Kiki need to get together again, they're flirting so much now! Lol, update again soon.

Author's Response: Exactly! That flirtiness and attraction between them has returned and its just going to keep building till they can't deny it anymore. But that drawn out denial might cause some problems..... Thanx for reviewing!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jul 27, 2008 07:59 pm (A Family Reunion - Yeahs! & Uh Ohs)
It's really cute to see Justin being a good dad to Cheyenne...and you've done a wonderful job with this story :)

Author's Response: Justin had made some solid strides in going from deadbeat dad to best daddy in the world to Cheyenne. She adores him and he adores her. I think their relationship is too cute. Thank you so much, I'm glad your enjoying my story! And thanx for the review. I think you were one of my first reviewers and I'm so happy to see your still a fan.

lostinadreamx (Signed) on Jul 26, 2008 09:36 am (A Family Reunion - Yeahs! & Uh Ohs)

Alright, let me start by saying that all of these Cheyenne, Justin, Kiki moments make me want this family reunited properly. It's just funny how everyone else, including both their families, see that Kiki and Justin still have feelings for eachother, (Justin is the obvious one) yet neither will act on these feelings. Ugh! Justin needs to dump Cameron and go for the girl he really cares about. I thought it was funny too how Cameron was brought up and he seemed unhappy about the question. I don't think it was only because of the person asking it, but because he forgets she exists when he';s with Kiki and Chey.

Now, Rachel was EXTREMELY out of line, but I'm happy that Justin stood up for the mother of his child. Lynn and Sadie standing up for her in front of the whole family was nice too. They truly accept Kiki into the family... and I think Cameron or any girl thereafter will have tough shoes to fill.

THe flashback was cute too. About them singing as they got off the plane. They both have ssuch vivid memories about how they dated, yet they joke about it b/c it's so awkward to bring up. They need to talk it through soon. OH! and Justin and that chick that was all over him. I was like WTF. lol. I think Kiki saying she can have you really did bother him a little. But of course, he won't say anything.

I'm thinking Lynn and Sadie need to intervien to get these two back together. lol Anyway, i loved this update. Very cute!

Author's Response: It is very obvious that Justin and Kiki should be together especially with deep feelings still exist between them. It is definitely more apparent with Justin, but Kiki - she's almost in denial about how she feels in regard to him. That's one of the bumps that they have to get past first before the runite. Their "friendship" facade is going to start sporting some cracks ;)

You're absolutely right. Cameron in no way compares to Kiki. I mean Lynn and Paul are the only people in Justin's family that have met her - what does that tell you?

Thanx for reviewing and about the Photoshop offer - I accept! I don't have Photoshop right now so I would definitely appreciate a Justin/Kiki picture. Thanx a bunch!

alimera (Signed) on Jul 26, 2008 09:24 am (A Family Reunion - Yeahs! & Uh Ohs)
Aww, that was cute. I'm happy Justin finally talked to his dad. I want Kiki and Justin to realize they should be together soon on that! Lol, kidding, it's your story. Update again soon!

Author's Response: That reconciliation was way over due and Kiki had the magic touch to make it happen. Oh I'm definitely working on the reunion, but Justin and Kiki are a stubborn bunch. Especially that Kiki hint, hint ;). Thanx for your review!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Jul 25, 2008 10:13 am (A Family Reunion - Yeahs! & Uh Ohs)
I'm glad things went so well with his family. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. I love this, PMS.

Author's Response: Yeah that family reunion could have gone really bad LoL. Thanx 4 reading and reviewing!

DaniD (Signed) on Jul 25, 2008 10:10 am (A Family Reunion - Yeahs! & Uh Ohs)

Both chapters are just wow worthy hon! 

Reading...all I could think was that Justin, Kiki and Cheyenne just FELT like a little core family. I know they are family connected by Cheyenne..but it's obvious the couple connection that they always had is still alive and well. It's like what Sadie noticed...Justin well and truly responds to Kiki...he gives her the kind of respect and pull that only his Mother and his wife/significant other should have. Cameron would have never reached him in that situation.

I was amused last chapter when Kiki was complaining about Justin coming over to her house. He just can't stay away from his baby...or Kiks really. I said it before...where they are is where home is, and he knows it.

I loved Lynn so much when she stood up and made her little speech at the cookout. Justin is the Timberlake/Bomar goldenchild...and so many people were willing to turn a blind eye to anything negative and place the blame on Kiki. Case in point Rachel. I was proud of Justin for admitting how horribly he screwed up to her..and I'm not surprised that once things were settled Kiki and Rachel hit it off.

OK...There is so much more thoughts and impressions..but I'm going to stop here. Thank you for the wonderful double post! I had a blast reading them :D

Author's Response: You are so right about the family that Justin, Kiki and Cheyenne have naturally formed - it just feels right for them to be together like that. And it definitely is not all about Cheyenne. On Justin's end in particular, he has grown very attached to his new family, reattached to Kiki. Its only going to get stronger as those old feelings between him and Kiki become more apparent.

Thanx for the review!

lostinadreamx (Signed) on Jul 11, 2008 10:36 pm (Going Public)
Thanks for getting me excited. lol ;)

Author's Response: Oh you are welcomed babe ;) LoL. You are trip girl.

Hopefully I'm be able to stir up some real excitment soon with an actual update.

alimera (Signed) on Jul 05, 2008 09:57 pm (Going Public)
Hmm, I think I would be one of the fans that roots for Justin and his family, definitely. Update again soon!

Author's Response: Oh yeah I'd be team Justin and Kiki too, but then again I'm kind of bias aren't I? ;) LoL. Thanx 4 reviewing!!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Jul 05, 2008 04:09 pm (Going Public)
I'm glad that Justin owned up to his mistakes and didn't try to pretend he didn't screw up. I think Justin and Cheyenne are so cute together. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. PMS

Author's Response: Justin has really changed as a person now that he's a father, an active father. He's finally become a real man and that's something worth giving him his props.

I adore the relationship that Justin and Cheyenne have. The two of them have formed such a strong connection already and its only getting stronger. Cheyenne is turning into a little Daddy's girl with Justin wrapped tight around her little finger and he loves it.

Thanks again for your support through all your reviews!

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