GREAT JOB! I know that this is like four years old, but I decided to read it, and ooh another story after, I'll read that soon.. :)
Finally Justin told Chris and Lance about everything, no more keeping secrets from eachother so thats good.
Though when JC was sick in the bathroom was sad.. :( But Chris to the rescue..yay.. :)
Chris shook his head. “No you didn’t. You can’t cut my paper. Your scissors are the wimpy ones that can’t cut anything.” Haha! I love Chris's humor..tee hee..
And wow JC had a major freakout when Justin read his notebook, he ripped it..but Lance was there to comfort him, so that was very thoughtful..
LOL! These lines here: Chris said before he took a deep breath and spoke in a bad impression of Leonardo Dicaprio. “Now…you must never forget me. "Don’t let go.”
“I won’t let go, Jack,” Joey said, in a high voice as he gripped Chris’ hand.
Chris yanked his hand back. “Dude! Don’t touch me!”
Joey smirked. “That’s what you get for making me be a chick.”
*GASP* Everything that happened was JC's fault?? OOHH! I'm glad that he got into Lance's head though, and so like Justin can predict the future or something?? *reads next chapter*
“If you say you saw dead people, I’ll punch you,” Chris said. LMAO! Leave it to Chris for comic relief..lolz
I'm glad that JC was able to open up to Joey as well, and also when Joey told him about Kelly.
Justin has SUCH a FRIGHTENING nightmare.. Oooh! I hope this gets resolved..
Author's Response: Thank you so much! My goal is to update it at least once a week. Probably every make going back to the work/school week a little more bearable, lol. Thanks again for the kind words!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review! It always makes my day. :)