ahhhhh i look forward to every week to see a new update! it's soo good! one of my favorites! Keep up the good work! I'll be looking forward for next week! =] can't wait!
Author's Response:
Thanks for being so excited about the story! I love that you like reading it so much because I definitely had a ton of fun writing it. And you should make it easy on yourself and just check every Wednesday. I usually always try to post sometime on Wednesdays. Occassionally I'll post two chapters in a week, but I usually give you a heads up. I really appreciate the enthusiasm though! :)
Thanks again!
Author's Response:
I know. There's a lot going on, and it's affecting all of them. But they do manage help each other in different ways, and that's all I'm going to say on that. You'll find out very soon what's the extent of Joey's "ability." Either chapter 18 or 19. Just a head's up.
Thank you for the review! It's certainly looking like the guys are in deep, aren't they? And there's still so much left to the story, lol.
I've defintaly been enjoying myself reading this. It's so suspenseful.
Joey makes me want to smack him for being so stupid.
But i'm worried about Chris now. Your good at making your readers want more.
I can't wait for the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Well, Lance doesn't really have the capability to go into Joey's head since only he and JC are connected telepathically. So he couldn't do what JC had done in Unescapable Agony when the demon had made Lance try to commit suicide. Interesting thought though and poor Joey if it is true. ;)
Thanks for the review and being so into the story!
I'm so happy your back!
I was going crazy, not reading this.
Thank God (or i guess, thank you) Joey got to JC in time. For a second I thought he was going to go through with it.
I'm still enjoying this SO much and I can't wait for another chapter.
Unfortunatly I go to Band Camp tomorrow and won't be back till Friday.
But the first thing I do when I get home is going to be to read this, and then review it.
Keep up the amazing work!
Author's Response: Yeah, he has that affect on people sometimes, doesn't he? Lol. Thank you so much for the review! Glad to see that you're so into the story.