Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Sep 10, 2009 01:06 am (Chapter 26) now I'm really curious as to what Charlie is going to find when she starts helping Justin with his finances. For some reason that's not hitting as someting that's going to be played on the back burner. So maybe this will be the deal breaker for Justin with Roxanne. Because I seriously can't stand the woman! LOL. Girl, I have never been more excited to see a story updated than when you update this little work of ART! LOL. I had to contain my squeal so I wouldn't wake up my whole house! LOL. Awesomeness girl!

Author's Response:

YAY squeals are awesome!!! I'm glad that it brings you some joy! We'll see how the thing with Justin's finances go and that's all I'm gonna say lol. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

ninabina (Signed) on Sep 04, 2009 06:31 pm (Chapter 25)

I really cannot wait until the next story.  To be honest, this story partly inspired my characterization of Justin in the story I just started.

I'm not sure where you're going with it--but I thought--hmm, what would Justin act like if he really did marry the wench that was the wrong person?  Thus, part of the premise in my story.  So thanks for the inspiration :)

God, I really don't want him to marry Amelia. And your characterization of Charlie is just amazing.  Seriously, you are a tremendously talented writer.

Author's Response: Glad I inspired you! I'll be interested to see where yours goes. I'm happy you appreciate not just the story but the writing itself! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Marissa (Signed) on Aug 15, 2009 12:35 am (Chapter 25)
I can agree with those that are saying this chapter had only a little "progression," or maybe read a little slower than usual. But that said, it was realistic. In a situation like Charlie and Justin's, I think there would be A LOT of back and forth in the relationship. One day, they are loving and sexing each other up, and the next, they're ignoring each other and all awkward.

The texting sequence was probably my favorite part. Charlie did a good job putting herself out there for Justin, but of course, dimwit Justin was ridiculous and scared of her. What kind of response is "haha"...the only thing that could have been worse would have been ""

And in Justin's little mental crisis moment, why is he acting like they've already said their vows?!!? Justin, until she walks down the aisle and the priest declares you husband and wife, you are still free to leave. SO DO IT! Gosh, he's driving me nuts!

Great job, as always, Heather!

Author's Response: Wow I suck for not getting back to you sooner! I know i"m in a place now where its slow but I'm glad you're seeing the merit in the section. Believe me when I say its important lol. The texting was a lot of fun to write and it was my fave part of the section as well that and him and Amelia's fight at the end. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Aug 13, 2009 12:50 pm (Chapter 25)
Go away Amelia!!! No one want's you anymore!! LoL. Gosh, reading this just makes my heart ache for Justin and Charlie. It's Justin's fault he's unhappy though, he needs to stand up for himself. Grrr. Anyway, as usual you're doing a fantastic job! I can't wait to read more :) Hope it's coming soon! -Traci

Author's Response: You're right Justin totally needs to quit with the woe is me and actually take a stand for something *smacks him* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

alimera (Signed) on Aug 13, 2009 09:26 am (Chapter 25)
"Haha"?! He and Charlotte are a banana peel away from falling over the edge together and the best he can come up with is "haha"?! I hope Charlotte doesn't talk to him after this and his stupid ass has to figure out what he did wrong. Lol. Update again soon!!!!!

Author's Response: IKR!!!! Guys are so goddamn dense. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 12, 2009 01:17 am (Chapter 25)
What a sad sad life you lead justin. The only thing I can do is shake my head. He saw a little bit more light during that dinner, which is good, but then get to the end and it still shows how he thinks it's a done deal. Thinks they are already married and he can't escape. He has got to let go of the memories and get freaking real. This is real life dude and this is your life on amelia. Just like the drug commercials. Maybe that's what he needs. This is your life on charlie. (Haha dirty thoughts) And this is your life on amelia. *show smashed egg visual here* the only reason he felt slight protectivness come over himself in regards to that waitress is because her eyes reminded him of a certain someone. No he doesn't know about these details of chalie's life, but he knows how she makes him feel. Knows she doesn't belittle him. Know she thinks highly of him no matter how much or how little money he makes; no matter what his name can do. It's just sad now to read. Definitely entertaining still of course, but I feel so sad for him. Not sad. More like pity actually. I loved the R.A.T. line! Hilarious! And so extremely fitting! She already has that down to a "T." And seriously somebody like amelia who thrives on finding out things in ppls pasts, such as why charlie quit, and trying to find something to use to bring her down, hurt her with, use against her, etc. shows that she doesn't have a good, true, honest heart. At all. Her friends don't either. Maybe she did at one time, but it does not exist anymore. Everything she does is for her own personal gain, whether it's to up her so-called friends by re-doing a room or whatever. I don't have to mention everything else she's done throughout these chapters. So her trying to sound wounded by justin's anger...puh-lease! And he was starting to feel guilty! She's a good actress...or manipulator. Whichever term you would like to choose. I'll stick with the latter. Man. I get so caught up in this. I really just want charlie to cut justin off, and when she does I want justin to wake up and see the light and kick the rat to the curb, and finally be truly happy. But I'm sure that won't be happening in the next chapter...unless you are feeling generous. Maybe? Possibly? Lol oh! And again, I think the finances have something to do with amelia cause all bad things lead or come from her. Lol update soon!! :o)

Author's Response: BAHAHAHAHA SMASHED EGG VISUAL!!! That's awesome lol The thing is for some reason Justin still loves her and he knows how it feels when she hurts him and since he IS a good person he still feels guilty for hurting her. *sigh* Stupid Stupid Boy *smacks him* I dunno about a wrap up that quick lol. I'm working diligently towards it though! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Ambs07 (Signed) on Aug 11, 2009 03:10 pm (Chapter 25)
god i hate that bitch. an her friends omg poor justin. I can't beleive how freakin snotty they were. GRR i loved the texting part with Charlie. laughed hard over the Roxie comment! This chapter was grreat i can't wait for more! please update soon! :D

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA YES! well you know birds of a feather and all The txting between Justin and Charlotte was seriously my fave part of this section so I'm glad you enjoyed that! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

imikimi (Signed) on Aug 11, 2009 03:51 am (Chapter 25)
No matter what anyone says you're the best! Everytime you post a chapter of this story you make my day lol. This is a VERY well written chapter. There was no sex but still i loved every bit of it. I love that the character of justin is so realistic and not something from a fairytale. Pls update soon!

Author's Response: HAHAHA Thank you for the encouragement! I work very hard to make these characters as real as possible and I'm glad its coming through! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Jasmine (Anonymous) on Aug 10, 2009 05:16 pm (Chapter 1)

If some of your readers are getting bored, it might be in your best interest to throw them for a loop - it's keep them guessing, wanting to come back for more.

Since the complaints seem to be based on the story becoming monotonous, perhaps if Justin or Charlotte does something slightly OOC it'll make for some drama and, in turn, pique the interest of the readers.  Maybe show a vulnerable side of Amelia so for the moment we, as readers, have a bit of sympathy for her.  It for a minute might make us doubt what Charlotte and Justin are doing but it will help to build up some tension and conflict with not only our emotions, but the storyline as well.  Or throw some new twist into the plot line.  I know I usually have the entire story(s) I am writing mapped out in my head - but there have been a few times when I have totally deviated from that and found that the new way worked even better.

I hope you know my initial review was meant as concrit.  I'm sorry you took it as anything other than that.  Essentially EVERYONE who offers up a review to you is a critic.  A critic is someone who offers up their opinions whether they be good or bad.

Author's Response: Thank you for your suggestion! I realize that it seems slow right now but I feel that I'm at a very delicate part of Justin and Charlotte's relationship as well as Justin and Amelia's. They're at tipping points where one or two events could turn their thoughts and decisions either way, staying or going, holding on or letting go. All I can offer is that I'm doing the very best I can to manuver this plot that I love and have been toiling away over for almost a year now. I realize that there is a lull here and the last few chapters have been slow as far as new developments but these things take time to build and break throughs, one way or another, are going to happen soon for the characters. I just need you guys to stick with me. If you can't do that I understand but I really hope you will. Thank you for reading and reviewing!!!

Jasmine (Anonymous) on Aug 10, 2009 04:37 pm (Chapter 1)

Oh and, it seems you DO respond to anonymous reviews - if they are positive.

I didn't have to go far back to find some...

Author's Response: I stated that I don't respond to CRITICS who don't leave their names. That being said I'm not going to argue with you (or anyone else) anymore. Any other comments on this topic that have nothing to do with my story, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism (as in a way to fix whatever issue anyone may have with what I am doing or where this is going) or positive feedback then it will be deleted.

Anon (Anonymous) on Aug 10, 2009 04:31 pm (Chapter 1)

I'm sorry you feel that way.  However, I just can't help but wonder if I had left a glowing, positive review, would you brush me off just the same?

By the way - I don't have an account on here but read and review a lot of stories.  It doesn't mean I'm cowardly - just too lazy to sign up.

Jasmine (my name, if you please)


Author's Response: Thank you for leaving your name. I'm sorry you feel that way about my story and I hope that you'll continue reading to at least see how it turns out. If you have any suggestions as to how I should fix the issue that you have I would be happy to hear it. If not then I would appreciate it if you (and everyone else) would cease the argument at hand. Thank you for your thoughts.

Ann (Anonymous) on Aug 10, 2009 04:08 pm (Chapter 1)

I don't understand why anyone would go into a fit over this review.  If you are a writer you have to expect some criticism once in awhile - constructive or not.  You are never going to please everyone and have to learn to deal with it, be mature about it. 

And if you really feel you can't take anythng away from it, ignore it.  If you're happy with your work, that's what matters.

Even some of the biggest writers/authors out there have people who dislike or "bash" their work.

Author's Response: Okay this is getting ridiculous lol. I am not going into a fit I promise. I LOVE constructive criticism. Seriously every time I send a section for edits I tell my betas to rip it to shreds. I work VERY hard to make each section the best that it can be and there has only been one time EVER that I've felt unhappy with what I've posted and I've made a promise to myself that I'd never let that happen again. I toil over this stuff for weeks and weeks and I go through several drafts and COUNTLESS edits. Maybe I take it a little to close to heart when someone comes in here and tries to tell me that I'm not trying, that I'm not working hard enough and then they don't even have the decency to leave a name. It hurts at first but you get over it and I'm over it now. Wow sorry about that little diatribe lol Thank you for taking the time to express your opinion and leave your name.

Anon (Anonymous) on Aug 10, 2009 03:46 pm (Chapter 1)

brittbratt - before you make any assumptions about me, I would like to start off by saying I myself am a writer, and no, I am not the original reviewer. I write for several different fandoms and all of my stories are well-received with hundreds of reviews, most of which are positive. I can say without a doubt that if someone left me this review, I would most definitely take their criticism as constructive. If my reader(s) are getting bored with my story, then obviously it is something I need to address. And, in my opinion, writing the same thing over and over is NOT "building the story". You cannot build up to anything if there is no progression. In other words, you can't build a house if you build and rebuild the same wall over and over again. You'll never get anywhere. I understand that we sometimes need "filler" chapters, but even those should offer something new to the storyline. Most readers have an emotional involvement with the story and if we, as writers, cannot manipulate their feelings toward our characters, then yes, they will get bored. I think that is a pretty big issue that needs to be addressed.

You might argue "who cares what one or two people think?" I can tell you - I would. What happens if I keep going down the same repetitive path? I might lose another few with the next chapter, and a few more with the one after that and so on and so on.

I understand you love this story and your need to defend the writer - that's a good loyal reader. But I also think the one who left the original review is loyal as well - hence the reason they left the review. I wouldn't want people telling me how much they loved my new chapter just because, I would rather they be honest and let me know where I am slipping and how I can improve. To me, if you are writing just to write and get a chapter posted, then you are writing for the wrong reasons. I first and foremost write for myself. That's not to say I don't love my readers and the feedback I get or that I don't want to please them. But I have made several of my readers upset with the direction I take some of my stories in; however, I still have them hooked on an emotional level. They care enough about the characters to come back and read what's going to happen. If you've lost that emotional connection, then there isn't much left. Now if someone were to leave me a review like Anonymous did, I would definitely take a closer look at my story. Plus you'd better believe I would take a look at all my other stories as well to make sure I am not making the same mistakes there; I'd want to improve as a writer as a whole. Not just do what I can to keep the readers for the one story.

And by the way, that original reviewer never said they did not like either this story or the "Skystin" ones. Nor did they expect not to receive any bashings (hence the reason they asked that it be kept to a minimum). They were merely stating their opinion and observations. They also apologized in advance to people like you who took offense to it.

All in all I think their review was polite and definitely something to think about. I also have to say I agree with Anonymous. The story has seemed to have lost a lot of the luster it once had. That's not to say most of the readers feel this way, but, as I mentioned before, if it continues down this same path, more might change their opinions down the line.

Author's Response: Again thank you for your opinion but I don't respond to critics too cowardly to leave their name. If you would like to talk with me in a less public forum then feel free to email me or if you would like to state your opinion under an SN I'd be happy to respond to any queries/concerns you may have.

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Aug 10, 2009 02:38 pm (Chapter 1)
I think that Anonymous has a point.  And just because something has a certain amount of reviews doesn't mean anything.  There are stories on here that are ten times better than this but have a quarter of the reviews.  Your point brittbratt is therefore null and void.

Author's Response: I think her pointing out the number was to show how many people review and that it was unlikely that people would not respond to her statement. By the way she was right lol. As far as better and not better and all of that I'm sorry but I don't like to comment on issues with critics who do not leave their name.

brittbratt (Signed) on Aug 10, 2009 01:55 pm (Chapter 1)

If you're going to leave criticism at least TRY and make it constructive instead of just saying you're bored with the story.  By the way, this so-called "writing the same thing over and over" is usually referred to as building the story.  But you wouldn't get that because you've probably never written anything yourself.  Also, what the hell does Skystin have to do with this?  You should probably keep your ground-breaking reviews to one story you dislike at a time.  BTW if you're going to leave a review like that anonymously on a story that has almost SIX HUNDRED reviews, don't expect to  not have someone bash you. 




I think my favorite part of this section is when Charlotte throws her phone at the couch.  I think everybody's had that feeling where you really want someone to say what you want them to say and when they don't you just get this sharp feeling of anger/disappointment/hurt.  You captured that really well because when I read that, I could instantly think of times when I'd had that feeling.

Author's Response: Thanks for your support dude! You can't please everyone I guess. *shrugs* the throwing the phone at the couch was probably my fave part of the section too because I think EVERYONE has done that before, the wanting something to turn out a certain way and then being disappointed. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

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