Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Apr 28, 2009 08:00 pm (Chapter 22)
Goodness, that was so painful to read. I feel so bad for Charlie :-( Justin...ehhh. LoL. I'm lovin' where this is going and I hope they work things out in LA, that would be nice ... more lovin' would be nice too :) Haha. Anyway, I loved this chapter as usual and I hope more is coming soon! TTYL -Traci

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA Yeah Charlotte wins the sympathy card for this chapter. Hands down. I dunno about more lovin in know...that's all I'm sayin' lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Marissa (Signed) on Apr 28, 2009 07:21 pm (Chapter 22)
Oh my God, that was the most heart-wrenching chapter you've ever written Heather! Poor Charlie, she's so heartbroken. And Justin is kind of a jerk for acting like that to Amelia right in front of Charlie. But, maybe their forced trip to L.A. (lol @ Amelia) will bring them back more ways than one. *wink wink*

Author's Response: YES GUH It was so hard to write I just felt so bad for both of them *pets them* I loved the idea of Amelia forcing them to go together because it's just a literal manifestation of what she's doing to them emotionally, forcing them together by being such a bitch lol. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Apr 28, 2009 01:41 am (Chapter 22)

"When he’d found out about her past infidelity he’d done both." HMMMM.....anyway.....


Gosh, I'm so into this I feel like they're real. :)

Now with that was a horrible aftermath, but amazingly written and I loved it. haha. You're awesome Heather!!!

But Justin, that punk!!!! he's a punk! A scared little chicken shit. Guh. He needs to man up. And Amelia is just....*sigh* no word can describe that woman right now. And Charlie is just....I feel for her I do, but just...*sigh* again. 

I can't say much here. I don't know where to begin or what to say or think really anymore. I'm just waiting patiently for the next update girl! 

Their LA trip should be interesting. 

And, I wouldn't count Amelia as totally clueless. That woman, she's sneaky among other things....humph. 

Love the unpredictability of this story. It keeps us guessing and on edge. Update soon!

Hope all is well with school!

Author's Response: BRAIN TRANSPLANTS!!! HAHAHAHAHA This is an EXCELLENT solution. Wouldn't it be funny if I or someone else wrote some kind of crack fic where everyone in the story had brain transplants like Justin and Charlotte switched brains and Amelia got...I dunno Felicity's or something...okay its really late here please disregard that last statement lol. I'm glad you feel like they're real!!! I swear they are so real to me its kinda sad hahaha. Glad you're enjoying the rollercoaster ride! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Apr 28, 2009 01:15 am (Chapter 22)
okay Justin is a selfish asshole again. I feel so bad for Charlie, she has all this guilt and her feelings for Justin built up and he's acting like she doesn't even exsist. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. PMS

Author's Response: Justin IS a selfish asshole! Thats one of the things I really love about writing his character in this is that he's just so damn flawed. Like it's easy to write him as perfect and I've done that before but making him such a friggin douche has been challenging and a lot of fun lol. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Jbear (Signed) on Apr 27, 2009 11:57 pm (Chapter 22)
What kind of craziness was that? Justin has lost his damn mind. Can u not see ur stupid ass Amella is a bi*** & she doesn't care about u or anyone but herself for that matter!! Oh break my heart why don't u!!! Plz Update soon!

Author's Response: I KNOW! They're all crazy I'm convinced *sigh* Can't make em act right for nothin' I'm working on the update I promise! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

jep77 (Signed) on Apr 27, 2009 10:55 pm (Chapter 22) speechless.  you wrote this so beautfiully and perfect. 

 can't wait for the next chapter to see what happens in LA.

Author's Response: Wow thank you so much! This section was particularly hard to write just because the emotions had to be JUST right so I'm glad that it turned out as well as it did and that you appreciate the writing as well as the plotline! Working on the next chapter I swear! thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

azchickadee (Signed) on Apr 27, 2009 07:51 pm (Chapter 22)

Oh. My. Heck.  My jaw is on the floor right now!  This...this is not good.  As much as I love Justin and Charlotte together, this is not a good idea. 

Yikes!  lol...I'm on the edge of my seat!  Writer faster!!

Author's Response: I'm trying to write fast I swear!!! School sucks right now *kicks it and its deadlines* LA is gonna be intense. That's all I'm sayin' lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

* (Anonymous) on Apr 27, 2009 07:37 pm (Chapter 22)

Justin is such a douche in this chapter! Like WTF!?

"...he'd gone and fucked some girl in his office..."


She is not SOME GIRL! She's Charlotte a.k.a. The Shining Light in your f/cked up life!

They better get crazy nasty in L.A. or I will take one of Amelia's Jimmy Choos and shove it in her eye, and then shove it up Justin's ass! Or vice versa! Either way, one of these bitches is getting pink eye!

 That woman makes me angry. Friggin' $^@#!

 Poor Charlie, she has to deal with two idiots.

Author's Response: HAHAHA DOUCHE-STIN!!!!! Best. Name. Ever. I'm glad that you caught the "some girl" part. He's totally trying to justify what he did and its NOT working. You think he'd take a hint *sigh* AND PINK EYE!!! Dude that was funny! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

princess (Anonymous) on Apr 27, 2009 07:35 pm (Chapter 22)
rip out his mangy heart.  Spineless cunt face.  okay sorry.  needed to say that.  More soon pwetty pwetty pwettty please

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA Yeah Justin's a pretty big douche in this section *smacks him* I'm trying to get the time to work on the next section I swear. School has been really intense but I promise that these guys are ALWAYS in my head so hopefully the next update will come soon! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

robynxnicole (Anonymous) on Apr 27, 2009 07:30 pm (Chapter 22)

They are so perfect together! It's too bad Justin doesnt understand that (yet!?) and get rid of that cold-blooded Amelia. I'd love to slap her, hahaha. More soon!! xoxox

Author's Response: They ARE perfect together! Seriously its very frustrating to me and I'm the one writing it lol I think we'd ALL love to slap Amelia lol Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Apr 27, 2009 07:13 pm (Chapter 22)

OMG - that was the best chapter yet... I can't believe that Justin just dumped that B.... Charlotte seems so much his type why can't he see that.  More Sex in LA for sure.  and more drama maybe a forever connection at least together like a baby...

Please please don't make us wait too long for the next update.

Author's Response: YAY! I'm glad you liked the chapter! It was kind of difficult to write and I'm really proud with how it turned out so I'm glad you liked it too. I'm trying to get this update out. School has kinda hijacked my life but Justin and Charlie are always on my mind. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

hp5010 (Signed) on Apr 27, 2009 07:08 pm (Chapter 22)

Ok, these two aggrivate me to no end.  Serioulsy, he probably just had the best sex of his life and he's running back to that cold hearted bitch?  If he refers to her as "his girl" one more time, I think I'm going to crawl into the story and hit him upside is no longer curly head. RIP curls.  Both he and Charlie need some sense knocked into them.  LA should be interesting, can't wait to read what happens there as well as Trace's take on the whole situation. 

BTW, this update has been the hightlight of a very dreadful Monday.  I don't think your timing could have been more perfect.  Can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: YAY I'm glad that this could brighten your day a little! *hugs* Seriously girl I know where you're coming from with the aggrivation. I wish they'd act right *smacks them* Hopefully updates soon! My schedule is pretty packed for the next week or so but Justin and Charlie are ALWAYS on my mind so hopefully I'll get some writing done soon. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Vikki (Signed) on Apr 27, 2009 06:54 pm (Chapter 22)


I dont think I was breathing properly while reading this chapter...


I can not wait to see what happens in California! eeep! :)


ooo btw... its up!

Author's Response: ZOMG YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY I'm really excited for this, as I have said in about every place that you've posted the announcement lol! I'm excited to hear what kinda questions I'm gonna be getting *bounce* California is gonna be...interesting. Thats all I'm sayin' Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MissTasha (Signed) on Apr 27, 2009 06:45 pm (Chapter 22)
What happened to having a pair, Charlie? What in the world happened to standing up to Amelia? Both of them are driving me crazy. I love them as characters. But I really don't like either one of them right now. lol. I just keep rolling my eyes constantly at them and sighing a LOT. Kudos to you for managing that. I'm all invested and stuff. You're such a great writer. Please update soon. 

Author's Response: I KNOW RIGHT!!! Guh these guys are KILLING me. Awww you're invested! Thanks for the props I love that you appreciate the writing as well as the story itself *bounce* I'm trying to work on the next update I swear. I'm hoping my schedule loosens at least a little by the end of this coming week. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Ambs07 (Signed) on Apr 27, 2009 06:25 pm (Chapter 22)

One word.... AWKWARD! lol.. wow i thought both of them were going to die! wow that was a really good chapter, i was sittingon the edge of my seat reading.. whoa. I can't wait to find out what happens in LA!!! it should be really interesting!. WEE! lol....

Hopefully "roxie" doesn't mind loosing her man... lol

Author's Response: Guh yes the tension in the chapter was killing me! Writing it was difficult but I'm really happy with how it turned out. I'm glad I had you on the edge of your seat! That's what I was going for! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

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