justinzgirlkb (Anonymous) on Feb 12, 2010 10:13 am (Don Juan)
really cool. scary, but cool. and now i'm super intrigued...great job. :)

Kaity (Anonymous) on Dec 16, 2009 08:35 pm (Before the End)
I wish their was more!! i wanna know what happens lol !!

XxSmurfettexX (Anonymous) on Aug 04, 2009 12:28 pm (Before the End)

Oh my gosh this is written so well! I can see everything happening in my head. This is amazing. I hope you update soon! I can't wait for the next one.


P.S. Could you check out my Nsync story? I'd like more feedback

Author's Response:

Thank you dear ^^; I hope it wasn't too confusing towards the end. The first installment is 'Don Juan,' if you haven't read it yet. The third and final one will come before the month ends. I just have to finalize how it goes in my head first.

Done and done. I'm sorry for rambling ^^;;; I tend to be verbose in writing reviews.

glowbug917 (Signed) on Aug 04, 2009 09:29 am (Before the End)

I love your warped little brain. And this, of course. It's giving me my fix until Dexter starts back up again.

The only thing is the end seems a little too muddled - I'm not sure if it's the therapist's POV or Justin or Justin as a sort of out of body narrator and some specifics would help that. 

Otherwise, fantastic, as per darling!

Author's Response:

You flatter me so *u* I love that show as well~ I hope the last installment sufficiently gives him justice 8Db

And my bad. I shouldn't have uploaded this yet as I wasn't a 110% content with how it is. But fixed. Hopefully that clarifies things. Thank you for the heads up and for reading ♥

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jul 19, 2009 05:49 pm (When We Were Young)

"The demons have been subdued and have been returned to where they belong."


I love this line. I just think it's lovely.

As is the whole piece.  

Author's Response:

Thank you ♥ Was actually wondering how to end it then that popped out of nowhere. *w*;

Ps. May I be so bold as to ask for an update Quicksand and/or All in the Timing? 8Db

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jul 17, 2009 12:21 pm (Lolita)

God, you know the way to my heart. Lolita? One of my top five books of all time. I re-read it at least twice a year. And you referenced it at all the perfect moments, so this comes across as actually a really beautiful and poignant piece instead of just smut. Which makes me all kinds of happy, because personally I really just can never getting into reading sex just for sex's sake. There has to be more to it, and there is, to this, so I love it.

And now I must go re-read Lolita again, haha. 

Author's Response:

*shameface* I've only read it once so I wasn't really sure of all the reference ^^; But I'm glad it passed your scrutiny. And thanks ♥♥ I really had a hard time giving birth to this narrative. I'm glad it paid off :3

I'll probably do the same after I get my thesis to finish itself off =o=;

Tina (Anonymous) on Jul 17, 2009 05:38 am (Lolita)
Loved it, and it's interesting to read stories about much older Justin.

Author's Response: Thanks dear ♥ Same here. I've just begun my love affair with Older!Justin XD;

SJane (Signed) on Jul 16, 2009 10:35 pm (Lolita)
I enjoyed this very much well done

Author's Response: Aww~ Thank you for reading and reviewing dear ♥

SomethingBlue42 (Signed) on Jul 16, 2009 09:27 pm (Lolita)
Wow I really liked this! I love the language you use. "he beckoned to her with a gesuture" and "He places a hand on the inside of your thigh, stroking and tracing circular patterns on your skin" And I like the premise! I found it interesting that Justin was so much older than he is now. Not a lot of people write him older much less that much older. I kind of inferred that it had something to do with Lolita but alas I haven't read that yet so I could be wrong. Now I need to read the book so I can get the more subtle nuances lol. Great job!

Author's Response:

Thank you ♥ I was having a hard time writing out the narrative because I didn't want it to slip into purple prose. I'm glad it paid off in the end.

I've recently grown a fascination for a much older JT. I have to admit it was prompted by your story (Un)Tying the Knot ^^; It lead me to imagine what'd he be like in the far future. I don't know why but I sorta imagine him more to be like the next George Clooney or someone similar like him.

Hahaha ^_^ I really was trying to draw attention to the original novel. Though I must confess to not really using a lot of allusions to the story ^^;;;; I've only read through it once and I'm not well-acquainted with it enough to do that. But you should read it 8D I always find Nabakov's narratives interesting to read.

Thanks again for reading and reviewing dear ♥♥♥

wishful thinker (Signed) on Jul 07, 2009 06:32 pm (Don Juan)
Snap I've never been so confused yet excited- more please :)

Author's Response: Hey there~! I'm really sorry for not updating as soon as I should but RL stuffage happened along the way and it sort of hindered anything creative I did. I'm still coming up with what to do for the two remaing parts of the Killer!Justin arc so it might take a while for me to add to this series. But nonetheless, thank you for reading and reviewing my story ♥♥♥

SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on Jul 06, 2009 02:57 pm (Don Juan)
Damn....this is scary! But im so into it...I wanna read more of it!

Author's Response: Aww thank you dear :) Don't worry, Killer!Justin will make an appearance soon~ That's if this killer thesis doesn't get to me first @w@;

WhiteSoxLuvr9 (Signed) on Jul 05, 2009 04:14 pm (Don Juan)

holy damn that gave me goosebumps. like it.

Author's Response: Glad you liked it <3 Thanks for reading and reviewing 8D

Ram4 (Signed) on Jul 05, 2009 03:35 am (Don Juan)

I really liked this! I thought it was clever and interesting!

When you say you are posting two more, do you mean two more from this plot line? because I'd love to read more!

Author's Response:

Originally I intended to be a one-shot story. But right after posting it, I re-read it and feels like it's unfinished and I could definitely develop the plot further. We'll have to see though ^^; But thank you for reading and reviewing, I appreciate it <3

ladybugs26 (Signed) on Jul 05, 2009 01:02 am (Don Juan)
i LOVE it! wow it gave me goosebumps

Author's Response: Thank you ^_^ I'm glad you liked the story <3 Thank you for reading and reviewing :)

amk88 (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 11:12 pm (Don Juan)
  OMG, that was awesome.  I was really confuse at first, n almost stopped reading, but it was great. nice job. very original.

Author's Response: Thanks dear ^^ I was worried it might have been to confusing but you prove me wrong :) Thank you for reading and reviewing. <3

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