Author's Response: Thanks honey!
And Chelsea needs to suck it up and realize that they're perfect for each other and she needs to tell Sophie to go the hell away and get over her crush. Seriously, Chelsea and Justin are made for each other like for serious.
Update soon, I love you...keep up the awesome work!
Author's Response: Well, you know, if it's like serious...
I love this, you should know that by now. But in case you didn't, I'm telling you I love this
Author's Response: hahahaha. No, sadly not, or I'd have done it to myself by now. If only because she's totally boinked Justin Timberlake *lol*
Yay! An official, or as official as it gets with Justin and Chelsea, first date! Now Chelsea seriously needs to get over the paranoia about Sophie and worry about her and Justin only. Please update soon.
Author's Response: Well, you know, some people are born worriers...
Yes! A date! Oooh...I think Chelsea just needs to give it a try. I mean, if the sex is good and she can actually stand to be around the man for more than five minutes, why not let things happen and see if there might be something there??
I'm probably only giving that advice because I would jump JT any chance I now I sound like a teeny-whore, lol. So you see what your stories do to me??
Author's Response: If the sex is good and I can stand being around the man for more than five minutes is my idea of a pretty decent relationship there, compared to my past disasters *lol*
Author's Response: I think everybody was about ready 10 chapters ago but am I that helpful? No *lol*
And Will needs to go die kthnxbye. Love you girl, update soon!
Author's Response: You can so tell what I've been watching on DVD lately can't you? I could just see those two having debates on which one of the women they'd do *lol*
Author's Response: Welll... is he a sleazeball or is she a drama queen?
Author's Response: Hahahahahaha she is kind of exhausting to understand. Now he know how we poor women feel 99% of the time *lol*
Author's Response: me too :)
Author's Response: Hmm... maybe. *lol*
Author's Response: Indeed, Jealous!Justin is always a riot...
Awesome! This was a good chapter. We were able to tell Justin's feelings on their "relationship". I'm really curious as to what Chelsea's feelings really are.
Author's Response: Well... you may be finding those out soon enough. If she ever works them out herself!
Hitting on your ex-girlfriend with your wife sitting back at the table? And thinking that you're hot enough sh*t that she'll come crawling back to you? What an a-hole. Please update soon.
Author's Response: ahhh but did he now? Did he now...
Author's Response: @:o)