Comments For Lovelight
crash coincidence (Signed) on Jun 14, 2007 05:28 pm (The Road To Mandalay)
whew. must say that i am for one glad manda was right...on the other hand holy hell i was dieng about justin junior. as usual as close to perfection as it comes hols. love love love this. AND i am hoping for more VERY soon. is that enough of a hint?

Author's Response: I'm sorry, what hint was that? I didn't get it ;o)

alimera (Signed) on Jun 14, 2007 04:58 pm (The Road To Mandalay)
haha, amanda totally predicted that! she's the psychic of this update again soon!

Author's Response: Well she best not be too psychic or she's gonna spoil my whole story! (haha, kidding!)

Fionnuala (Signed) on Jun 11, 2007 11:13 am (Better Man)
haha. Poor Justin.

Author's Response: Yep, pity party for one *lol*

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Jun 10, 2007 11:23 pm (Better Man)
Ok...I'm sick of this! I want to know who Chelsia is gonna end up with! LOL. I can wait though. I think...

Anyway awesome job! Can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Well, I don't know that Chelsea will end up with anyone. Maybe I'll just get her a cat...

nameless (Signed) on Jun 10, 2007 08:08 pm (Prologue - The Actor)
Aww, poor Justin so lonely. I'll be his friend ;)

Author's Response: Friend with benefits, i'll bet

alimera (Signed) on Jun 10, 2007 02:14 pm (Better Man)
hahahahaha...i think they like each other; they just don't know it yet. update again soon!

Author's Response: *keeps mouth zipped*

westernway (Signed) on Jun 10, 2007 01:28 pm (Better Man)
Righ so here is what's going to happen: Sophie is going to let Chelsea PA for Justin. Yeah I think that's a good plan and I think you should go through with that. 
Love the update and you need another one up 

Author's Response: I'm going to say nothing, I'm just going to glare.

Chelsia (Signed) on Jun 10, 2007 09:25 am (Better Man)
chelsea seems way too guarded around him. he wants some companionship and she should definitely jump all over that :) amazing chapter as usual. this is one of my favorite stories on this site

Author's Response: Well i would, but clearly the girl has issues *lol* And thank you, honey :o)

crash coincidence (Signed) on Jun 10, 2007 09:22 am (Better Man)
this was downright sad. made my little heart drop. why does no one like him? especially chelsia. i NEED chelsia to like him. for my own sanity to say the least. i love this, but would feel alltogether better if i knew where all this was going to end up. but i guess that's one of the joys of reading rather than writing lol this story kicks ass hols.

Author's Response: Nobody likes poor multi millionaire Justin with all the fans *lol*. He's just feeling a bit sorry for himself is all

crash coincidence (Signed) on Jun 06, 2007 01:16 pm (She's Madonna)
sad sad sad. and i feel bad for being relieved that she isn't going to hook up with trace. i love the guy and all but we all know why we're really here and thats for some, well i would continue that sentence but i don't like what a crazy it makes me sound like. regardless you are doing a fantastic job with this, wouldn't expect anything less from you :)

Author's Response: Well i don't know about you but I'm really here for the cookies. Which is a stupid reason to be here because am i getting any? *lol*

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Jun 04, 2007 10:37 pm (She's Madonna)
Thats the wonder of being a woman. I can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: It's my excuse for everything - it's a girl thing.

alimera (Signed) on Jun 04, 2007 08:27 am (She's Madonna)
lol...yeah women are not easy to understand EVER. update again soon!

Author's Response: it's what makes us special!

Chelsia (Signed) on Jun 03, 2007 06:51 pm (She's Madonna)
so will's officially a jerk. not that he wasn't before but let's just add some jerkness on top of the previous jerkness. you know what should happen? justin should hook up wiht chelsea and make evverrryyyttthhhiinnng better. don't you agree :)

Author's Response: I don;t know. I think Trace still has a shot. Or maybe i should really stir things up and she and Sophie can get it on *lol*

westernway (Signed) on Jun 03, 2007 05:21 pm (She's Madonna)
Hmm do you mind if you write me into this fiction so I can kick Will's ass? LOVE that Justin is a little eavesdropper. As always this update was fabulous, can't wait for another one :) 

Author's Response: Thank you honey - and if I ever bring Will out I will consider letting you kick his ass

alimera (Signed) on May 29, 2007 09:26 am (Random Acts of Kindness)
haha...that is pretty funny! loving it...update again soon!

Author's Response: Thank you :o)

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