Roommates by ninabina - [Reviews - 6]
(Wordcount: 3591 - Reads: 4618)
Overhearing the neighbors steamy sex encounter leads to a young Kayleigh Baker to take her own pleasure into her hands while her roommates, Justin and...
Elise needs to study for her anatomy test, but her Justin isn't really helping her out, until she convinces him to play a little anatomy game.
longest. visual. ever.
This is a fic request by Mari (Timberlake)--hence why she's listed as a co-auther (is that what you're supposed...
Over the past few years, Justin Timberlake has become a nympho. No longer satisfied with the true meaning of life, he just wastes it away on each...
Trish gets stressed out when she forgets her wall street boy toy, who is super picky about appearances, is coming back from his convention tomorrow. ...